
Yu-gi-oh Entities from Beyond

Right this is a Yugioh fanfiction taking place in the Arc-V world the main character of the story uses a Entity archetype deck (For more information on this archetype search Entity archetype on YouTube TGS anime has a great video on it.) There will be some original creations of mine (Entity archetype cards) later on in the story since a archetype with 6 extra deck 2 spells and 1 trap is hard to work with. Hope you like the story. "means Speaking out load" 'means thinking in Mc's head' Please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I can do better in the comments.

AquaticChaos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Shake hands NOW

'God I'm not one of those psychopaths who thinks fictional characters are fake and worthless.' Max thought. 'If I remember correctly the two pairs of quadruplets go through dimensions with their dragons or bracelets but I can't get my hands on any of those right now. I have a stupid idea, I could just ask Nyarla or Azathot but I don't feel like being turned in a squirming pile of organs, I'm pretty sure the elder gods and old gods also have duel spirits so I could ask them, especially the elder gods they are way more even-tempered and some even still have a bit of their humanity intact,'

Max pulled out the cards, [Elder Entity Norden] and [Elder Entity N'tss], he knows very well he would look like an idiot, and he talked to his card anyways, "Hey could one of you maybe pull me into the spirit world tonight? I have some questions about how I should travel inter-dimensionally."

The invasion of the fusion dimension ended as quickly as it started after only one day there were no longer any XYZ dimension people or even any obelisk soldiers on the street, most xyz citizens who could defend themselves were in heartland academy, A once thriving city was now a ghost town or a ghost city. "I could go walk around for a bit who knows what I might find, like some really rare cards that were dropped or maybe some survivors," Max muttered to himself as he picked a direction and walked straight, after a while he heard the sound of an automobile engine. 'Alright at this point in time which XYZ dimension civilian would have the courage to come out on such a loud vehicle? Answer none. So who could it possibly be a duel runner? those are the most prominent loud vehicles in Yu-Gi-Oh but I don't remember any synchro-dimension duelists coming to the XYZ dimension this early.'

Max ran towards the direction the sound came from, Max's stamina was horrible, to say the least when he made it to the place the sound was coming from whoever was there was long gone. 'Right, brain, think, at this point in the timeline are there any other important characters who come to the XYZ dimension, is it any of the eight?' Max thought while catching his breath. 'Shift! it's Yugo isn't it, so that means the psychopath is here too. Now all we're missing is the MC and an "I will be revived" event will occur and non of the girls are in this dimension to stop it, could I bring Yuya here right now and just summon Zarc to just end it early? Nah I don't want to die quite yet. Even though it seems everyone is transmigrating these days dying isn't fun. what am I thinking I'm not sure if I'll transmigrate again, I should really keep my stupid thoughts a bay.'

Max follows the extremally obvious duel runner tracks not to do something stupid just to ask a simple question that he thinks everybody that watched the arc-v anime had at some point. How the flip does everybody mix up the yu boys when they all have such distinct hairstyles and hair colors, you can make a point that Yuto and Yuri have similar hair colors but one has a resting edge lord face and one has a resting psychopath face. Max walks down the destroyed road, the smell of burning Asphalt ravaging his nose, 'god having a sensitive nose is not fun... sometimes... other times it's extremely useful.' Max thought holding his nose.

By the time Ma got to the scene of the duel it was ending, and Yuto had the upper hand, "Hey guys what are you doing?" Max said as loudly as he can, then he did something risky he walked straight off the freeway and fell towards the streets below, 'fingers crossed anime fall damage logic is on.' He thought as he physically crossed his fingers behind his back. And he was correct he landed without even spraining an ankle. "So why are people from the XYZ and Synchro dimension people fighting? I thought everyone is pissed at the fusion dimension." Maxx says waving and smiling. The air fell silent Yugo and Yuto froze, Yuto's arms were raised ready to declare the final attack and Yugo was bracing for impact, "Hey Yuto you should put your arm down, your arm is going to hurt a lot tomorrow if you stay like that for an extended period of time."

"This guy attacked me yesterday," "This guy took my best friend." They said at the same time pointing at each other.

"Well I think you guys should calm down and talk, Synchro person it's ok if you get mixed up since you probably don't even know about the different dimensions and summoning methods but Yuto you should know better this person uses Synchro summoning but everyone that attacked this dimension used fusion summoning," Max says to the two of them.

"What are you two talking about, what with all this dimension crap," Yugo says obviously angry.

"Well I would explain it to you but I think introducing yourself would be a good start," Max says

"I'm Yugo and I'm looking for my best friend, my Clearwings took me so that means she must be somewhere around here," Yugo says confidently.

"Well this is the XYZ dimension a dimension that was just invaded and destroyed, do you think someone whose entire world was just destroyed would go out of their way to kidnap a person from a dimension that is not from the dimension that invaded them, crap that was a mouthful, the word dimension is starting to lose all meaning," Max says muttering the last part under his breath.

"Now that I think about it yah, your right, sorry dude I got a bit heated after losing my best friend," Yugo says taking off his helmet and scratching the back of his head.

"Next time think before you act," Yuto says staring coldly at Yugo.

"Alright now that that's sorted out shake hands," Max says with squinted eyes and a smile. seeing that Yuto and Yugo were still a bit adamant about shaking hands Max's smile turned more creepy for lack of a better word, "Shake hands NOW."

Sorry for the slow update but I had finals but now that that's over I can update a bit quicker.

AquaticChaoscreators' thoughts