
Yu-gi-oh Entities from Beyond

Right this is a Yugioh fanfiction taking place in the Arc-V world the main character of the story uses a Entity archetype deck (For more information on this archetype search Entity archetype on YouTube TGS anime has a great video on it.) There will be some original creations of mine (Entity archetype cards) later on in the story since a archetype with 6 extra deck 2 spells and 1 trap is hard to work with. Hope you like the story. "means Speaking out load" 'means thinking in Mc's head' Please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I can do better in the comments.

AquaticChaos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Dimension travel secured

Yugo and Yuto reluctantly shook hands after that the ominous aura around Max disappeared, "We're all friends here alright?" Mas asked

"Yes," Yugo and Yuto said in unison using a very down tone.

"Right I'm famished let's go get something to eat while we talk, and you two end the duel," Max says walking away. 'I got to get out of here just in case the psychopath wants to intervene.' Luckily Yuri didn't come out from where ever he was hiding. Max breathed a sigh of relief. 'Ok, I guess he didn't want to keep the professor waiting.' Yuto and Yugo ended their duel, then Max noticed something awkward, "Can you two maybe... walk your motorcycle and duel runners? Because I... walked here..."

"Do you not have any sort of vehicle?" Yugo asked surprised.

"Look I got here from the standard dimension like 5 minutes before the fusion dimension invaded so yah," Max says with the intent of building up a backstory for himself.

"Standard dimension? What's that," Yugo asked, both he and Yuto seemed more cautious after hearing what I said.

"The standard dimension is kind of neutral in all this, our dimension uses all three summoning methods. Oh, and when I say neutral I mean that except maybe one or two people no one else knows of the existence of another dimension, Max says with a shrug.

"Then why are you here?" Yuto asked.

"Have you not talked to Kite yet? I'm pretty sure I told him why I was here, well I'll just tell you again I am here as a missionary on behalf of the duel spirits of my archetype, I wanted to open a duel school here and spread cards of this archetype and that's it. By the way now that I think about it Yuto can I just sit on the back of your motorcycle. "Max says as he walks towards Yuto's motorcycle.

"Why would you need to spread your archetype?" Yugo asked.

"Well I don't know if it's just my archetype but I'm pretty sure my deck gets stronger when more people use my archetype, which kind of makes sense since they are kind of like gods of some kind," Max says as he gets closer now that Yuto and Yugo guard has lowered a little.

Yuto and Max get on Yuto's motorcycle while Yugo gets on his duel runner. "Hey do either of you know how to cook? because I dought any restaurants are open right now," There was a silence after Max said this, "I'll take that as a no, so I guess I'll be cooking."

No one talked during the trip, since motorcycle engines are pretty loud, and no one wants to yell over an engine. After the three of them arrived at Shay's house, Shay was not home yet so it was just the three of them, "Alright I'll go make something to eat and you two can talk out your differences and experiences."

Max started cooking, stir-frying, steaming, and stewing. He was used to cooking like this, 'I don't hear any loud crashes or loud bickering so, I guess they're getting along just fine,' As some foreshadowing Max was so used to cooking like this he seemed to have ignored how loud his way of cooking was. When Max returned to the living room with the freshly made food, he saw Yuto and Yugo in the middle of a duel with very aggressive expressions on their face, and as if things couldn't get any more weird Shay walked in.

"What is happening? Who are you" Shay said pointing at Yugo "And why are you in my house?" He continued pointing at Max.

Alright one question at a time, first I was cooking and had no idea what was going on, secondly that is Yugo, he's Yuto counterpart from the synchro dimension or something like that, lastly since neither of them know how to cook I came here as a chef." Max says answering Shay's questions one by one. "And can you two stop dueling! I leave you for five minutes to make us some lunch and I come back to this, I was trying to give you guys time to talk, not start another fight, or duel, or whatever you call it. Now end the duel sit down and eat." Max slammed the plates in his hands on the table between them as he finished his sentence.

Yuto and Yugo ended their duel without much need for convincing this time, then a growling sound rung in the room everyone looked over at Shay, Max smiled seeing the usually edgy and serious Shay do something embarrassing, "Don't worry I made them in my portions, where I'm from everyone eats three times as much as you Japanese people."

Yugo and Shay were too distracted by the food but Yuto noticed something, "What are Japanese people is that like another dimension?"

Hearing this something clicked in Max's head, 'O right, Yu-Gi-Oh has minimal world-building outside of their perspective cities, so there isn't any concept of different countries in this world.' After figuring out what happened Max said, "No, I said nothing, you must have misheard."

After a mostly calm meal and explaining the current situation to Shay, Shay summarized what he got from fragmented information Max and Yugo gave, "So the two of you are from different universes but not the same different universe, one uses a summoning method called synchro and one uses four different summoning methods. Both your universes are neutral in the fusion invading XYZ situation, And Yugo came looking for a person that looks very similar to Lulu. Did I get all that correct?"

"Yes" Max agreed, "Just one small technical thing, the standard dimension is only using three summoning methods right now, but someone will be using the fourth in a major dueling event soon and showing it to the people of my dimension. Other than that everything else is correct."

"Right now that that's all sorted out how do we travel between the dimensions?" Yugo asked," I was brought here by my [clearwing synchro dragon] but I can't really control when and where it sends me.

"About that I could ask [Elder entity N'tss] or [Elder entity Norden] if they can transport multiple people," Max said, "I have to go to the spirit world in my dreams so I'll tell you tomorrow." The rest of the day passed quickly as the four talked and pieced available information together.

Max went to bed, and sure enough, when he opened his eyes again he was in the spirit world, more specifically the Dreamlands part of the spirit world.

"Greetings child, I heard you pleading for help, what do you need," Said N'tss looming over him.

"It is my honor to meet you, mistress of the elder signs, I would like help traveling between the different dimensions," Max says kneeling down on one knee.

"Very well these should do, I already know that you want to bring others with you, but dealing with the dragons would be an annoyance so I can only help you and the one who doesn't have a dragon," N'tss replied as four cards floated into Max's hands.

[Elder Sign]

[Continuous Spell card]

Out-of-duel effect: Allows the user to travel between dimensions without consequence.

In duel effect: Negates all negative card effect dealt to the user by any card with mentioning Elder, Old, or Outer Entity