
Your Sexy Roommate.

you are surprised when a beautiful woman came to your door and asks to be your roommate, and she now acts odd when she is around you. you wonder what you got yourself into.

MrN0B0dy00 · สมจริง
1 Chs

Chapter 1: an unexpecting visitor

You stare at your door when you heard a knock moments. you were curious being that you don't expect anyone today, so who can it be? You got up from your sickly green couch and slowly walked to the front door. you look through the peephole to see a beautiful woman with big boobs wearing a crop top that showcase her cleavage more than it hides it. her long black hair falling into soft waves as she smiles her pearly white teeth. her emerald green eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky. she looked absolutely gorgeous.

You slowly open the door and smile, "Hi... c... can I h... help you?" you ask shyly as a blush creeps on your cheeks. The girl just gives you a big smile. "mmm, my friend Sheree said you have a room to rent," she said, "Is that true?" she asked as she stepped closer to you. 'oh, of course, Sheree did,' you thought, "um, well... yeah, kinda," you mumble as you try not to stare directly into her eyes, feeling embarrassed,

"Oh, cool, how much would rent be?" she asks. now you can see her short jeans shorts that showcase her butt too.

'Oh no, this is bad. how much should I charge?' you think to yourself.

Before you could even open your mouth to say anything, she begins to walk around your small apartment which was messy and dirty as hell. "So um, is... four, no... two hundred a mouth okay?" you ask.

The girl looks at you surprised, "really?! That's way lower than I expected, but yes, I take it, which one room is it, anyway?" She asks.

"that one over there," you point over to a bedroom next to your bedroom. she wastes no time walking over to the room and looking inside. the room was small, it had a small Twin size bed sitting against a wall with a window behind it and a dresser in the corner on the opposite side of the bed. there was no more room to puts anything else.

She nods as she stands in front of the window. you look at the girl with awe at how sexy she was, "you're really pretty," you mumble not loud enough for her to hear. "the room is nice, you got yourself a roommate," she said, her smile big and wide.

"o... okay, mmm... yeah," you said, slightly surprised because she actually agreed to live with you. you were a fat fuck with nothing to offer, and all the other people who came to look at the room said no, and left immediately, so you kinda just give up on the whole roommate thing.

She walks past you back to your door, "anyway, I'll see you later! bye!" she says before closing your door. you stand there in shock for a second, still trying to process what happened.

'wow, she actually wants to live with you,' you thought.

you just go back to the sickly green couch and sit. "god, she was beautiful, she never told me her name or anything about herself though,' you thought while laying back on the couch.