
Your life system

Note: This will be a linear novel. The MC will be calculative( over time) as he will learn what he wants in life and must make the necessary decisions to achieve it. It is a set in a Modern world with limited fantasies (system & few supernatural or beyond human comprehension abilities). It will mimic real world powers but names of places will change seemingly feeling like an alternate world however real life persons may be incorporated to get a point across, understanding of characters or just world build in general. Synopsis: Zhang Nan Ke an above average (genius) orphan who is trying to live his life in this world to best he can, struggles with the day to day life like any other. Only after coming into contact with local powers within his city he starts to realize that to live the life where he is not at the mercy of others he needs absolute power. Ding. [Host detected.. binding system to the host] [System bonding complete] [Welcome to Your Life System] Join Nan Ke as he strives to builds his foundation so he can live freely. P.S. There is heavy influence from Chinese novels such as the “xiaobaiwen, shenhao and martial arts” with less face slapping. This is my first time writing a novel Slow updates. (1500-2000 words/chapter) 1-2/chapters per week no specific time Extra tags #martialarts (they will a whole realm system but nothing to drastic like shooting fire out of your hands) #multipleloveinterest (Harem? up in the air, depends on if I like the progress of the character relations however if any as a disclaimer they will be only 3-4 waifus)

Mind_Medicine · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Chapter 24: Questioning Zhang Nan'Ke

After Nan'Ke finish signing the documents for the building deeds he transferred over a sum of money totaling around $1.2 million dollars which was not only for the ruin like facilitates and buildings but the land they were placed on just like his current warehouse. Now he owned the land form his warehouse to 10km around it in all direction as the building were in different location but the land was the same plot or acre including the area where his 'Relays' were located. He didn't need the permits he had gain using the 'Reaper' organization anymore. However he didn't gain any land between the power grid and his 'Relay' station but hopefully maybe another opportunity may present itself.

Just as he was thinking that a knock was heard at the door. Upon opening his front door he was met with a few familiar faces, they were the officers he had work with before in his intern days at the police station. Before he could greet them Detective Yuan spoke "Mr. Zhang Nan'Ke we would like you to come with us for questioning?" Seeing the Officers at his door Nan'Ke didn't expect this as he was sure that his tracks were covered, especially the way they spoke to him as these were his former colleagues and they usually called him 'little Zhang'.

In the meantime he chose to feign ignorance for now as he wanted to know what they had on him to come to his front door with back-up. "Can you tell me what is this about?" he asked. "I'm afraid you are a suspect in the murder and disappearance of the Mu family hierarchy" the female Officer Wang answered his inquiry. Just then Bai Xiu Xiu came from the living to see what is taking Nan'Ke so long only to be shock by the sight of him being taken away in hand cuffs as Officer Wang proceeded with the process of placing him under arrest after reading him his rights.

"What is going on?" Nan'er?" She called out endearingly asking him with a scared look on her face, he replied, "looks like our date would have to be delayed. I'm sorry Xiu Xiu I promise I will make it up to soon." Seeing him being taken away some tears welled up in her eyes but she steal herself once again and jumped in her car to follow the convoy to the station to actual get a sense of what is currently happening. On the way there she called Nan'ke's lawyer to tell him about the arrest, seeing she was the one who introduce them she already knew who he was.

At the station Nan'Ke walked in with a normal look on his face as he wasn't to worried. He believed that they had no evidence that linked him to the crime. He felt the gazes of his former work colleagues but that didn't faze him at all and he slightly nodded in the direction of the police chief. Chief Wei didn't actual think Nan'Ke was the perpetrator behind the massacre, but the evidence presented by his subordinates earlier at least proves that he had some connection with the relatives of the family, his last name was plastered on the wall and the fact that the Mu brothers identify him as the killer. Thinking as a cop Chief Wei himself couldn't not bring him in for questioning at the minimum.

Nan'Ke was seated in the interrogation room with his hands bound to the table via handcuffs while his feet was cuffed to the ground, restraining him from making any sudden movements. *Clears Throat* "Lets begin shall we" Detective Yuan said. "Congratulations on your promotion Officer Yuan, no I should say Detective now, right? Nice to see you again Officer Wang Yin Xi, still looking beautiful as ever and getting even more so by the day" Nan'Ke said. Both of them was shock at Nan'Ke speech as he wasn't one to speak unless spoken to, at least that is how he behave while interning here at the station.

"You have really change since the last time I saw you." Detective Yuan said. "That's life for you, some people need to adapt else they will falter along the way" Nan'Ke replied to his former co-worker. Yuan was surprise at Nan'Ke new found confidence but this made him a little more incline to believe that there is certainly a connection between Nan'Ke and the events that happened last night at the Mu family courtyard. Stopping the conjectures for now he began questioning him, "where were you last night", "I was at home and before you ask there is no one to verify this as I live alone." He was not surprise at Nan'Ke voluntary answer to a question he hadn't asked yet as he knew Nan'Ke would of know some formality questions of police officers seeing he had worked here.

"Moving on, do you know a young man by the name Mu Yen" Officer Wang was getting a little impatient so she asked Nan'Ke straight up. "Mu Yen....Mu Yen...sounds familiar should I know this person" he continued feigning ignorance. Then Yin Xi show him the still video footage of him and Mu Yen in the mall alongside Xiang Hua. "Do you recognize him now?" "Ohhhh him....yeah I remember now he was the boy with the special status...what was it again...ah yes she called him young master Mu." "You mean the girl in the footage?"

"Who else is there.....I mean you came to me but didn't look for her? That is awfully peculiar" Trying to steer the conversation on Xiang Hua to redirect the attention that was on him to her. He wasn't worried about her as her status was even more special than Mu Yen he just didn't know by how far the chasm was just yet. However the Officers didn't bite, "We send our comrades to question her now we are questioning you so please tell us what occurred between the three of you." Detective Yuan caught on Nan'Ke plan to steer them to the girl but he put a stop to it. "Fine...well not much happen as I don't know the boy personally, he just got rejected by the girl. Simple as that, poor bastard; Can I go now?" He asked as he was getting bored from the questioning as he realize they really didn't have any on him until they showed him the 'Zhang' name that was marked in blood.

Seeing the symbol he remained calm and said, "Cool, its my name and countless others name in Long Country and who would be so stupid to write there actual name in a crime scene unless they were powerful enough to strike fear in those who read it." They actually dumbstruck by Nan'Ke reasoning as what he was saying could be true, furthermore they weren't aware of any powerful 'Zhang' Clan in the area. Before they could continued with their line of questioning, the door was open and Nan'Ke's lawyer appeared which created even more shock face as where would he get the money for one as they knew his financial status.

It didn't take long for Nan'Ke to be release as they would not be charging him with a crime and the evidence they had were purely circumstantial, they see no benefit in holding him. As Nan'Ke walked out the station he saw Bai Xiu Xiu waiting for him, she immediately approach him and gave him a hug that was filled with all sort of emotion but the main ones were fear and joy. This surprised him but he return the hug before looking at her with gaze of deep affection before kissing her on her forehead. They both entered the car to head back to the house, Bai Xiu Xiu didn't question him and he didn't speak as they just enjoyed each others company back to Jade community.


Imperial Capital, Shangdi

In a tall, inconspicuous building located at the center square of the business street, on the seven floor was seemingly normal company office. In reality this was a front for the Long Country National Intelligence Bureau (NIB). This was a branch office that specializes in operations. The NIB mainly focus on domestic threats that can harm the country on a great scale. In an office with a door title that said Branch Manager, was a man and a woman. The man named Song Yan was sitting at his desk reading out a report he had receive earlier on in the day, while the woman named Yang Yu was listening attentively. After reading the report Song Yan who is the branch manager which corresponds to a level 6 NIB special agent said, "Take this and head over to Shan Prefecture, specifically Mu City but your scope is the entire Province. Work with the local branch and police force to determine who is this 'Zhang'. If it is a person or a reclusive clan or even a hoax planted by others you must find out." Yang Yu who is a a department head within the company which correlates to her being a level 4 special agent, which showed her being a season agent answered, "Yes Sir."

Chapter 24: Another one. So do we enjoy this novel? Although I am only writing when inspiration hits I do have an overarching idea I would take this novel in. Thanks for the support.

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