
First mission

(Ok, people are getting bored, and I can feel it, it's time for some action! I am changing the story, remember, this is a fanfiction so why should it follow the story? I am making things more logical and making it make sense, giving the people a boost in brain power.)

"This is a high-priority secure the payload mission," Batman's voice boomed, devoid of warmth. "There are several key components scattered across different transport vehicles. Your objective is to secure them while fending off potential hostiles." He tapped the holographic display, splitting it into multiple screens, each showcasing a designated transport route and potential enemy strongholds. A low hum emanated from the display as the holographic details flickered to life. "how you split the group is up to you." looking directly at kaldur.

Batman's gaze swept across the young heroes, lingering for a moment on Asher. A flicker of something unreadable passed through the Dark Knight's eyes before he moved on. With a curt nod, Batman vanished in a blinding flash of light, the Zata tube booming shut behind him.

Kaldur, the stoic Atlantean, stepped forward, his blue eyes scanning the team with quiet intensity. Some sort of emotion crossed his face as he met Asher's gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the recent tension between them. But professionalism quickly replaced hesitation.

"Alright, listen up," Kaldur announced, his voice firm. "Team assignments. Robin and Superboy." A familiar grin split Robin's face as he bumped fists with his impulsive teammate, their easy camaraderie was a stark contrast to the seriousness of the mission.

"Wonder Girl," Kaldur continued, his gaze landing on the Amazonian princess. "You'll be paired with Beast Boy." A playful nudge from Beast Boy earned a chuckle from Wonder Girl, a hint of excitement sparkling in her eyes.

"Artemis," Kaldur's voice held a hint of amusement, "I trust you can keep Kid Flash in line." A sly grin spread across Artemis's face as Kid Flash shot her a playful glare. "It looks like we're a team," she said, her voice laced with mock resignation.

"Raven," Kaldur turned to the brooding empath, "your telepathic abilities will be invaluable. You'll be paired with Supergirl." A flicker of understanding passed between them, a silent acknowledgement of their unique skills.

"Zatanna and Blue Beetle," Kaldur concluded, "your combined technological and magical expertise will be crucial for any unexpected situations."

"Miss Martian," he finally addressed the telepathic Martian, "you'll be our eyes in the sky. Stay with the Bio-Ship, monitor our minds, and coordinate attacks as needed."

"Me and Asher." he spoke, with clear confidence in his voice, clearly not taking no for an answer.

Kaldur addressed Miss Martian. "You'll be our eyes in the sky, coordinating attacks while monitoring our minds." Finally, he turned to Asher. Robin and Kid Flash blurted out, "Why not Powergirl?" Kid Flash regretted it instantly when the beauty in question withering glared at him with laser-focused eyes and said, "Point taken."

Kaldur's voice held a hint of steel. "Asher is part of the team. We don't have time for conflicts." He paused, his gaze locking with Asher's. A faint smile softened Kaldur's features, offering a silent bridge. "Asher," he continued, sincerity laced in his voice, "I trust you to have my back." He extended a hand, a gesture of understanding, and a chance to move forward.

Asher, his past respect for Kaldur evident, returned the gesture with a genuine smile. "Good to know," he responded.

"Powergirl," Kaldur continued, "you'll be flying support alongside Miss Martian. But this time, you can lend a hand wherever needed." Powergirl's fist met her palm in a silent show of approval.

Robin, seeing everyone pair up, says, "There will be several trucks, and we will not know which trucks are real or decoy, this will fool the enemy." Everyone hearing him nodded their heads.

A sudden shift in the atmosphere drew everyone's attention as Asher stepped forward. All eyes turned to him, a mix of anticipation and curiosity etched on their faces. Although his voice betrayed a hint of inexperience, a nascent confidence flickered beneath the surface.

"Before any dismissals," he began, holding up a hand to pre-empt potential interruptions, "hear me out. While my tenure with this team may be brief, I've dedicated a significant amount of time to delving into the technical specifications and operational protocols of the targeted android. Based on this in-depth analysis, it appears the cranial unit is the critical lynchpin. The remaining components, while not entirely negligible, are expendable in the grand scheme of things.

The head houses the core programming, the very essence of its ability to replicate. Securing it here for later, clandestine retrieval seems to be the most prudent course of action. This approach mitigates the risk of losing this vital component in the chaos of a direct confrontation."

No one could refute a single word he said, it all made sense, and it is perfect and safer that way.

"Thank you, Asher," Kaldur acknowledged, a hint of pride in his voice. "That's a sound plan. Alright, everyone, gear up and meet at the Bio-Ship!"


Inside the Bio-Ship, a low hum filled the air as the young heroes prepped for their mission. While others double-checked their gear, Asher found himself drawn to the ship itself. He'd read about the Bio-Ship, an organic life form capable of morphing its shape. But experiencing it firsthand was something else entirely.

The crimson red interior, accented by streaks of blue, felt strangely warm despite its metallic texture. It pulsed with a faint bioluminescence, an undeniable sign of life. Asher reached out, his fingers tracing the smooth curves of the ship's shell, a sense of awe washing over him.

Lost in his fascination, he didn't notice Kaldur's approach. "It's beautiful," Asher murmured, his voice barely a whisper.

Kaldur chuckled softly, the sound barely audible over the ship's hum. "Indeed, she is," he agreed, using the feminine pronoun reserved for sentient vessels. "The Bio-Ship is a marvel of Martian technology. Capable of incredible feats, but with a surprising gentleness to her nature."

Asher turned, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. It's just... I've never seen anything like it."

Kaldur's smile was understanding. "It's a wonder that inspires awe in everyone who steps aboard. Perhaps," he added, a hint of amusement in his voice, "later, when things are less hectic, I can give you a more detailed tour."

Asher's grin widened. "That would be amazing, thanks, Kaldur." The elation in his voice couldn't be contained. A moment of comfortable silence followed, and then, a question bubbled up from a place of unexpected vulnerability.

"Why?" Asher blurted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kaldur's smile held a hint of sadness, a stark contrast to the playful banter earlier. "As the team leader," he began, his voice heavy, "I should have been more prepared, taken control instead of letting the mission dictate my actions. What happened in that cave..." he trailed off, his gaze distant. "It's a harsh reminder of the importance of a strong leader, one who can make the tough calls."

Kaldur turned, his eyes holding a depth of emotion Asher couldn't decipher. He placed a reassuring hand on Asher's shoulder. "But you," he said, his voice softening, "you bear no blame. Back home, in Atlantis, we train warriors who struggle with the immense power of mystic energy, just like you did. I understand, perhaps more than anyone..."

Their conversation was abruptly cut short by Kid Flash's energetic voice booming through the Bio-Ship. "We're approaching the drop-off point, dudes!"

"Link us up, Miss Martian," Kaldur instructed, his voice regaining its usual command.

Moments later, Miss Martian confirmed, 'Link Established.'

A somber tone filled Kaldur's voice as he addressed the team in their mind. 'The moment we land, we split into our teams and secure a truck. The android's head is already in the Justice League's hands. Don't hesitate to retreat if things get out of control. Is that understood?'

His words hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to his previous confidence. The cave incident had undeniably changed him, but whether it was for the better or worse remained an unsettling mystery.

'Asher,' Kaldur's voice echoed in Asher's mind, 'you are with me. Only communicate through the telepathic link. Everyone is connected, so be careful not to let your inner thoughts surface.' Kaldur's suit glowed faintly as he switched to stealth mode.

Without hesitation, they all leaped out of the bio-ship, descending two by two. Each landed in a different location, their sleek bikes waiting for them.

Asher touched down, feeling somewhat disoriented. He hadn't realized they'd be riding bikes. He'd never been on one before. 'Don't worry about driving,' Kaldur reassured him. 'The bike has an automatic assist system AI that'll help you get the hang of it quickly. Hop on; we need to hurry and get into position.'

Asher wasted no time and swiftly mounted the bike. Its cool surface greeted his touch, and the dark, smooth handle felt almost like a sports bike—wait, it was a sports bike (A/N: BMW HP2 inspired).

The back wheel was larger for speed, while the front was slightly smaller for better airflow and handling. The bike appeared armored at every vulnerable point, with subtle red lines tracing its body, including the wheel rims. Compared to Kaldur's blue-and-black model, Asher's was red and black, their designs subtly distinct.

Reving the bike, a quiet electric hum resounded, As the bike's electric hum reverberated, a mini-map hologram materialized in the center of the bike's console. It displayed the precise route to their designated van. Kaldur took the lead, and occasionally, they'd receive mental updates—confirmations that other team members had reached their respective positions. The mission was underway, and Asher gripped the cool handlebars, ready for whatever awaited them.
