The Young Justice storyline with an Addison character, Violet Lantern/Star Sapphire, a being of love and affection, she is earthly who was raised on Zamaron since her birth with her mother.
The two Lanterns were in space shooting away asteroids off course from the earth. "Luckily the astrophysicists called us before alerting the world," said Green Lantern (Hal Jorden) making a wormhole. "Yes, we do not need the world going into a panic just yet," said Star Sapphire. "I have a feeling we're going to be late for something," Sapphire said (Violet Lantern) stopping what she's doing to think.
"Oh right, the sidekick thing is today, " Green Lantern said. "And we will be late" Sapphire panicked. She used her ring to make a net and scooped up all the meteors and trough it into the portal. "Wow, why didn't we do that in the first place?" Hal asked. "No one knows, now we need to go," Sapphire said. "Ok, ok don't worry," Green Lantern said. He pointed his ring in the direction then made another wormhole, then they flow through.
*at the hall of Justice*
The two flow out of the wormhole to see the other heroes (even the flashes) were there waiting. "Apologies for our arrival" Sapphire apologized landing on the ground. "It's cool, it's not like we had a certain amount of time we have to do this," said Kid Flash. "Yeah plus you guys were in space so delayed you," said Robin. The heroes and sidekicks walked down the ail waving at the people.
"Look at Violet Lantern, she's so radiant," someone in the crowd said. Sapphire blushes at the comment. "And it's Flash and Flash Junior," another person said. "No it's Speedy," A male voice said. "No that's Green Arrow's sidekick," another male voice argued. "Well that makes no sense," The other male voice said.
Sapphire tried her best not to laugh. "I'm glad we're all here," Aqualad said. "Yes, it is rare for us five sidekicks-" "Don't call us sidekicks, not after today," Speedy said harshly. Sapphire's smile dropped. "It's fine, first time at the Hall we're all a little overwhelmed," Kid Flash said. "You overwhelmed Freeze was underwhelmed, why isn't anymore just whelmed?" Robin said as he walked faster. The sidekicks and their mentors walked into the Hall.
"Oh, maybe that's why," Robin said with wide eyes. The door slid open to reveal Red Tornado and Martian Man Hunter. They both walked forward. "Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Violet Lantern, Welcome," Martian Man Hunter said, then walked back through the doors. Sapphire could barely keep her excitement as she followed him into the hall of justice then into the library.
Sapphire used her ring to float when the boys took all the seats, Aqualad offered his seat but she kindly declined. "Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking the same day," said Batman. "We should belong," Batman added, turning around. "Recognized Batman 02, Aquaman 06, Flash 04, Green Arrow 08, Martian Manhunter 06, Red Tornado 16, Green Lantern 05," said the computer.
"That's it?" Speedy asked angrily, making everyone look at him. "You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass," Speedy added. "It's the first step, you've been granted access few others get," Aquaman said. "Oh, really?" Speedy said stretching his hand out to the people in the window. Sapphire waved at people while smiling and they cheered as they saw him. "Who cares which side of the glass we're on?" Speedy added.
"Roy, you just need to be patient" Green Arrow reasoned. "What I need is respect" Speedy spat back, turning around. "They're treating us like kids. Worse, like sidekicks. We deserve better than this," Speedy said to the four sidekicks. The four didn't dare say a word, they just looked at each other. "Your kidding right? You're playing their game? Why?" Speedy asked. "Today was supposed to be the day. Step one in becoming full-fledged members of the League" Speedy said.
"Well, sure. But I thought step one was a tour of the H.Q." Kid Flash said. "Except the Hall isn't the League's real H.Q," Speedy said bluntly. All of the League members were shocked at what he said, and the four sidekicks were surprised. "I bet they never told you. It's a false front for tourists, and a pit stop for catching Zeta beam teleporter tubes to the real thing, an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower," Speedy spoiled.
Sapphire's eyes widened, she and the lantern flowed past it many times, but she didn't know that it was the H.Q. Batman and Flash looked at Green Arrow, "I know, I know. But I thought maybe we could make an exception" Green Arrow explained. Batman glared at him, and Arrows' smile dropped. "Or not," Arrow said. "You are not helping your cause here, son. Stand down, or-" Aquaman was interrupted.
"Or what? You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son. I'm not even his. I thought I was his partner. But… not anymore" Speedy took off his hat and threw it on the ground shocking the sidekicks, Sapphire but her hands over her mouth. "Guess they were right about you four… you not ready," Speedy said walking away. Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash stood up. Once he left the computer started beeping, then Superman popped up on the screen.
"Superman to Justice League, there's been an explosion at Project Campus. It's on fire," Superman informed. "I've had my suspicions about Cadmus. This may present the perfect opportunity to-" Batman was interrupted by the computer beeping again. "Zatara to Justice League, the sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Aten to blot out of the sun," Zatara informed. "Requesting Full League response," Zatara requested.
"Superman?" Batman asked. "It's a small fire, local authorities have it under control," Superman said. "Then Cadmus can wait," Batman said. "All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates, Batman out," Batman said. "Stay put," Batman said as the sidekicks walked up to them (well for Sapphire fly). "What? why?" Robin asked in surprise. "This is a League mission," Aquaman said. "You're not trained," Flash said.
"Since when?" Kid Flash asked. "I meant you're not trained to work as part of this team," Flash said, gesturing towards the other two. "There will be other missions when you're ready," said Aquaman. "But for now, stay put," Green Lantern said putting his hand on Sapphire's shoulder pushing her down to the ground. The four left leaving the four sidekicks. "Glad you didn't bring you-know-who?" Green Arrow asked. "Indeed" Martian Manhunter answered.
Then they walked through the Zeta beams, Red Tornado stayed back for a second then went through. "Ugh, when we're ready? How are we ever supposed to be ready when they treat us like… like sidekicks" Kid Flash Vented. "I have helped with missions all over the galaxy, but this I'm not ready for?" Sapphire said as her violet aura disappearing. "My mentor, my king, I thought he trusted me," Aqualad said.
"Trust? They don't even trust us with the basics, they've got a secret H.Q. in space," Kid Flash said. "Violet Lantern, did you know about it?" Robin asked. "I've seen it, but I never knew it was the H.Q," Sapphire said looking over. There was a short silence. "What else aren't they telling us?" Aqualad asked. "(sigh) I have a better question, why didn't we leave with Speedy?" Robin asked.
The Three looked down. Then Aqualad asked, "What is Project Cadmus?". "Don't know, but I can find out" Robin said with a smirk and walked towards the computer the others were flowing. Robin started typing on the keyboard. "Access denied" the computer denied. "Heh, wanna bet" Robin snarled typing again. "Whoa, How are you doing that?" Kid Flash asked. "The same system as the Batcave," Robin said finishing his hacking.
"Access granted," said the computer. "All right, Project Cadmus, Genetics lab here in D.C. That's all there is," Robin read. "But if Batman's suspicious, maybe we should investigate," Robin suggested. "So solve their case before they do, it would be poetic justice," Aqualad said with a slight smile. "Hey, heh, they're all about justice," Robin said. "But they said to stay put," Sapphire said.
"For the blotting-out-the-sun mission, not this," Robin said. "A little tip about earth teen things is taking what people say and twisting it so it benefits yourself," Kid Flash said. Sapphire, nodded in understanding. "Wait are…? Are we going to campus? Because if you're going, I'm going" Kid Flash said turning Robin to him. Kid Flash and Robin turned to Aqualad and Sapphire. "Just like that? We're a team on a mission?" Aqualad asked.
"We didn't come for a play date," Robin said. Aqualad smirked and Sapphires aura came back.
*at Cadmus*
There were fire trucks and ambulances in front of the building. "Help!" "Get us down!" the scientists yelled. "Stay put, we will get you out," the firemen said to throw the megaphone. Then there was an explosion and the scientist was blown out. Kid Flash ran up the building and caught the two scientists and put them on the roof, but slipped and caught a windowsill. "It's what's-his-name, Flash Boy," One of the firemen said.
"It's Kid Flash, why is that so hard?" Kid Flash asked. The other three came running (and flying). "So smooth," Robin said. "Does he always run ahead? We need a plan, We-" Aqualad stopped when he saw robin was gone. "Robin?" Aqualad said looking around, then Robin's laugh was heard. Then they saw Robin jump on the firetruck then use his grappling hook to swing to the window and helped Kid Flash in.
"Violet Lantern saves the scientist, I'll handle the fire," Aqualad commanded. Sapphire nodded and flew to the roof. "Please step on," Sapphire said. She made a platform in front of the two scientists. One of the scientists tapped his foot. "Don't worry it is safe," Sapphire said. The two jumped on then Sapphire generally let them down. "That you," the scientists called. Sapphire flew to the window then made another platform for Aqualad then jumped on the windowsill and brought the scientist to safety.
"Appreciate the help," Aqualad said sarcastically. "You two handled it, besides, we have to investigate," Robin said typing on the computer. Kid Flash was looking through the filing cabinets, and Sapphire used her flashlight to look around. "Poetic justice, remember?" Robin said. Aqualad walked out to the hall and saw something in the elevator. The others heard the doors and ran (and flow) towards it. "There was something in the…" Aqualad didn't finish his sentence.
"Elevators should be locked down," Kid Flash said. Robin ran forward. "This is wrong," Robin said, pulling up his virtual computer. "Thought so," Robin said. "This is a high-speed express elevator, it doesn't belong in a two-story building" Robin added. "Neither does what I saw," Aqualad said. Aqualad walked up to the elevator door and prided it open. Aqualad looked down in shock to see the alone elevator shaft. "This does not look like a two-story elevator," Sapphire said, flying into the shaft.
"It's not," Kid Flash said. "And that's why they need an express elevator," Robin said. He shot his grappling hook to the top of the shaft dropped down while holding on. Then Aqualad grabbed onto the rope, then Kid Flash, Sapphire just flow down. They dropped down a few floors until Robin runs out of rope. "I'm at the end of my rope," Robin said then he swung forward and landed on the edge of the shaft door, so did Aqualad and Kid Flash.
Sapphire just floated in mid-air. "Bypassing security," Robin said hacking into the lock. "There, GO," Robin said, giving Aqualad the go to open the doors. The four walked on to the floor. "Welcome to Project Cadmus," Robin said. Then Kid Flash ran off, "Kid, wait" Aqualad whisper yelled. Then he slipped and almost got crushed, but moved in time. The sidekicks looked surprised at the giant, monkey mammoths.
"No, nothing odd going on here," Aqualad said in a gentle sarcastic tone. Then Robin hacked into a door so they knew what was in there. When it opened they all looked shocked at what was inside. "Okay, I'm officially whelmed," Robin said. "This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world" Kid Flash said as they walked in. "The real Cadmus isn't on the grid, they generate its own power with these things" Kid Flash added.
Sapphire flew up to get a look. "Even name is a clue, the Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragon's teeth into the earth," Aqualad said. "And this Cadmus creates new life too," Robin added then walked over and plugged his forearm computer into another computer. "Let's find out why," Robin said. He pulled up his virtual computer.
"They call them Genomorphs, look at the stats on these things, super-strength, telepathy, razor claws" Robin listed. "These are living weapons," Robin said. "They're engineering an army, but for who?" Kid Flash asked. "Wait, there's something else, Project Kr" Robin said. "Ugh, the file's triple-encrypted, I can't-" Robin was interrupted. "Don't move!" someone shouted.
Then five Genomorphs and a man ran in. "Wait, Robin? Aqualad? Kid Flash? Violet Lantern?" the man named. "Well, at least he knew your name KF," Robin said. "I know you, Guardian, a hero," Aqualad said. "I do my best," Guardian said. "Then, what are you doing here?" Kid Flash said.
"I'm chief of security, you're trespassing, but we can call the Justice League, figure this out," Guardian said. "You think the League's gonna approve of you breeding weapons?" Kid Flash asked. "Weapons? What do you-?" Guardian cut off his sentence. "What have I-?" Guardian asked. Then he groaned and put his hand on his head when the Xenomorphs horns glowed red. "I see," Sapphire said watching closely at what was happening. "My head" Guardian groaned.
Then when he opened his eyes and he said, "Take then down hard, no mercy" Guardian commanded the Xenomorphs. Then they charged at the sidekicks. The four ready themselves. Then Robin throws a smoke bomb to the ground. Then shot grappling hook and swung off, while the other three dealt with the xenomorphs. Sapphire used her ring to make a whip, then wrapped it around one of the Genomorphys and slam it into another. Sapphire saw the others retreating and followed.
They turned a corner to see Robin hacking into an elevator. "Way to be a team player Rob," Kid Flash said. "Weren't you right behind me?" Robin asked. When he was done hacking the elevator open and the two ran in, once the other two joined the elevator doors closed. "We're headed down?" Aqualad asked. "Dude out is up," Kid Flash said pointing up. "Excuse me? Project K-r? It's down on sub-Level 52" Robin said.
"This is out of control," Aqualad said. "Perhaps, we should contact the League" Sapphire suggested floating to the ground. The three thought for a moment then the doors opened revealing a weird looking cave. "We are already here," Kid Flash said when Robin ran out then ran out himself. Aqualad sighed and followed and so did Sapphire. Soon they came to a fork in the path. "Which way?" Aqualad asked. "Yeah, Bizarre-looking hallway one or two?" Robin asked. "Hold," something said.
Then something walked out of the shadows. Its horns glowed red then levitated two cans and flung them towards the four. Sapphire made a dome over the four to shield them from the explosion. "Thanks, VL," Kid Flash said. "Who?" Sapphire asked. "No time let up the dome," Robin said. Sapphire dismissed the dome so Robin could throw his bordering at the thing. But it used its telekinesis to stop it then throw to more cans.
Sapphire made a wall to block the cans, then flow with the others. There was a door that said Project K-r. But the door was closing so Kid Flash put a metal can in the door to keep it from closing. "Hurry!" Kid Flash shouted Sapphire flow faster than made it into the room. Once the others got into the room Aqualad kicked the metal can out of the door so it could close. Then Robin locked the door with his virtual computer. "I disabled the door, we're safe," said Robin. "We're trapped," Aqualad said.
"Uh, guys? You'll wanna see this" Kid Flash said pressing a button turning on the light. "Whoa," Robin said, looking shocked at what was in front of him. It was a boy that looked like superman. "Big K, little R, the atomic symbol for Krypton," Kid Flash said. "A clone?" Sapphire asked. "Robin, hack" Aqualad commanded. "Right, right," Robin said and started hacking. "Weapon designation Superboy, a clone force-grown in 16 weeks!? From DNA acquired from Superman," Robin read.
"Stolen from Superman," Aqualad said. "No way the big guy knows about this" Kid Flash said. "Solar suit allows him to absorb yellow sun radiation 24/7," Robin said. "And the creatures?" Sapphire asked. "Xenomorph-Gnomes, telepathic, Force-feeding him an education," Robin said. "And we can guess what else, they're making a slave out of well, Superman's son"
"Now we contact the League," Aqualad said. Aqualad pressed the A on his belt, Kid Flash pressed on his finger, Robin typed on his screen, and Sapphire tried to contact one of the Lanterns with her ring. "No signal," Robin said. "We must be in too deep," Sapphire said. "Heh, literally" Kid Flash said. Sapphire looked back at the Superman clone. "This is wrong," Sapphire said. "We can not leave him as this" Sapphire said. She looked at them with a pleading face. "Set him free," Aqualad said. Aqualad nodded. "Do it" Aqualad commanded. Robin started tapping on the screen then the latch opened.
The G-gnomes horns glowed red, which gave Sapphire a weird feeling. Then Superboy opened his eyes then pounced at Aqualad tackling him. Superboy started punching him. Sapphire was shocked at first but then made a hand with her ring to make a hand and used it to grab Superboy, then it turned into chains. "Whoa! hang on, Supey" Kid Flash said running up to Superboy. "We're on your side," Robin said.
Superboy got one arm free, then grabbed onto the hand and using his super strength To swing Sapphire into the wall. "Violet lantern!" Kid Flash yelled. Sapphire was unconscious so the hand that was holding him disappeared. When it did Superboy punched Kid Flash and he went flying through the glass and also went unconscious. "I don't wanna do this," Robin said, then put a gas bomb on Superboy's neck.
Superboy stumbles back at the smoke in his eyes, then Aqualad kicks him back. Then Robin took out his taser and pointed it and shot it at Superboy but sadly it didn't work. Superboy grabbed the cords and pulled Robin towards him. Superboy slammed him to the ground and stepped on his chest. Aqualad took one of his duel wields, turned it into a slug hammer, and hit him with it.
Superboy went flying into the war. Aqualad tried to help Robin but he passed out. "We are trying to help you," Aqualad said, trying to get through to him. But Superboy darted towards him, Aqualad dodged and tacked into the wall then tried to punch him, but Superboy fought his fist and kicked him away. After some punches and kick, Aqualad got behind Superboy and shocked him with his electricity.
Superboy let out a yell, then jumped and smashed Aqualad into their stealing. After the second time, Aqualad was unconscious. When Superboy saw they were all down he used his super strength to open the door. "Attaboy," Desmond said.