
You Started It First

People would say mermaids are myths. Some would say, they don’t exist, some would say they’re just one’s imagination that was put to paper for money and fame, some would rather say they do exist like the dragons, dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus and triceratops but can not be seen with the ordinary eyes. Some would say they’re rumors and fairytales because they can not be snapped by phones or mobile devices, rather. But none of these they said matched with what the world’s wealthiest eligible bachelor, Justin Chadwick knew. Though, he must have seen them couple of times in the movies, heard about them in books, folktales and all of that. But it became a reality to him since he was eighteen and ever since then, he got struck with the trauma. He’d think that it was as a result of his excess overthinking or too many hallucinations that led to his first revelation of half human and fish creature. But what happens when he met the aqua feminine creature that he usually sees in his dreams now in reality?

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · สมัยใหม่
48 Chs

23| Baby factory

Since she arrived, Francesca has been acting weirdly. She hates the sight of her around her brother, she doesn't like her hairdo, she doesn't like the yellow spaghetti dress she was putting on, she doesn't like her perfume, infact, she doesn't like her at all because she detest her with incredible passion.

To her, Priyanka is just a gold digger seeking for shelter and daily bread from her brothers wealth. She's not a fan of Bollywood and she don't care about her culture either. She hates it when her brother keeps kissing her little plumpy lips in front of everyone in the dinning table. Romancing her back and helping her fill her glass with wine.

He even fed her few forks of lasagna and she asked him to come get it in her mouth which he gladly did. Like seriously, what has she done to her brother? What sort of black magic and spell has she cast on him? Her brother who doesn't have time for women now have time for this slut in front of her. Infact, he's into her.

She wonders if her parents are blind or something. These two just sat next to her, smiling and grinning at the two lovers do their thing. Ugh, she doesn't like the room temperature. It's getting hotter for her the more. And her accent? She talks like shit. Her English is not straight because of her accent and she hates her for that one too.

How did her brother even met her? How was their starting conversation? It just like she saying 'Thanky you' as 'Thank you.' So awkward. She can't have her as her sister in-law.

"Hmm, your father must have a lot of connections for a daughter soon to be a geospatial analyst." Ben complimented.

"Yeah," She giggled when Justin peck her nape. "I don't have to worry when I leave college. He got everything settled for me already."

Ben shook his head, liking the sound of that. "Nice. It's very fair to see we'll be having a geospatial analyst in the family. That's huge."

"Oh." Francesca purposely splashed wine on Priyanka's dress but she's pretending to be sorry.

The dining turned silent for a while as they all looked at the beautiful yellow dress get ruined. Literally, Adela and Ben should be having a sign that it was intentional but they just let it be so it doesn't resolve to something else in the room.

Justin knew his sister too well. He knows it's not a mistake and she did it on purpose. But yet, he still tries to subdue his anger as he focus on his fiancée, wiping the stain off her dress with a napkin.

"Am so sorry," Francesca handed her some wipes.

"Really, huh?" Justin slowly clapped his hands, "Nice one, Francesca. You're not sorry. I know you literally did it on purpose."

"Come on, you saw it yourself. The glass almost slipped off my hand and I was trying to grab it and then, it poured out on her." She lied. After all, she's enjoying the show.

Justin was still not gonna let it go. It was a brief argument and Priyanka wasn't liking the sight of her fiancée picking up a fight with his younger sister because of a slight mistake.

"No, it's alright." She rubbed his arm, trying to cool down his temper. "May I know which way leads to—"

"The bathroom?" Francesca knew that would be the next word from her mouth and now, her target is slowly going for a straight hit. She pointed towards a path, "Just take that way by your right, you have the guest's bathroom there."

"Thanks." Priyanka stood up and left.

Five seconds after she left, Francesca got up too. "My phone, I left it in my bedroom. Don't wanna miss Tristan's calls."


There's no way the stains could go off easily. It's like oil on a white garment. She has tried wiping the shit out of her expensive yellow dress and still it stick to it like forever more. She admits her fiancée's sister is a bit clumsy and carefree. She also admits she's pretty and elegant. What a classic sister she'll have as a sister in-law.

The tension of getting married quickly filled her blood. She just couldn't wait to join the Chadwick family. They're so nice to her even though her dress just got ruined by one of them. It was so sweet of Francesca apologizing to her and she loved her voice as a woman. She can't wait to be called Mrs. Chadwick.

Hmm, just the sound of that in her head right now wants to make her squeal. Her sister Mitali video called her today, super excited for her upcoming wedding and wishing it was her in her shoes. And her brother Purab just wrote her a short note with a champagne sticker. 'Super duper happy for you, munchkin. Hope you enjoy it while it last.'

Wait a second, what does that even imply? Is it that Purab is not happy to hear his sister getting married soon? Or he's just scared that she's too young and stupid go be called Mrs.? Or maybe obviously scared that the guy is not worth her.

So many things popped in her head and she just gat to brush them off aside. It's her first dinner date with Justin's family and she has to keep up with her usual smile. She can't let one thing or the other spoil her mood tonight. After all, she'll be spending the night with him.

Oh gawd. Her spines and bones are jiggling. She's super excited that she felt like screaming. Her cheeks are flushing hard red. How would it be sharing the same bed with him? She'll definitely be worse than timid. Never in her life has she shared a bed with someone before. Not even with Mitali or her mother. And soon, she'll be sharing a bed with the love of her life.

She turned off the faucet, her hands on the rim of the sink as she takes a sweet view of herself in the mirror in front of her. Smiling like she could imagine Justin hugging her from behind.

"At least, for a girl of your age, you should be chasing after studies or men of your type not fat wallets and big and long dicks that might shift your womb."

The sudden voice drew her out of her delusional daze. She looked in the mirror and saw Francesca standing behind her, arms crossed with a devilish smirk.

She smiled and turned around, pretending she didn't hear a thing. "Hi, Francesca, I was actually on my way to the dinning room."

"Like I give a fuck?" She mocked, running her eyes up and down at Priyanka. "You're just not my brother's type. You're a gold digging bitch and you're not wanted here. Stop making a humble shit out of yourself because it won't charm my parents to believe you're the best daughter in-law ever."

"I'm not trying to be the best, Francesca." Priyanka is a woman that even if she's insulted, she'll still try to make peace. "I'm just trying to be me."

"Huh!" Francesca felt disgusted. Mimicking her words. "I don't like you. I'm saying it right in front of you directly and am not scared to say it out if you want me to. Read my lips. I. DON'T. LIKE. YOU. PRIYANKA. You're just after my brother for what he has and trust me, you won't get a shit of it."

Priyanka helplessly shook her head. Letting out a deep sigh and smiling same time. Francesca is older than her but she assume she's acting childish. "Am not after your brother's wealth and properties. What I have for him is bigger than material things and greater than what money can buy—"

"Oh please shut up." Francesca raised her hand in the air, gesturing her to hang it up there. "Just lock up that thing you call a mouth." She hates it when some people don't get it straight. "Don't you understand? Just walk out of my brother's life now that it's still early. Nobody wants you here, you'll only put yourself in danger."

A smirk appeared on Priyanka's lips and she leaned forward. "Danger or no danger. I love Justin and my words stands. He's the man I want to spend the rest of my life with and nothing, absolutely nothing can change that. See you in the dinning room, soon-to-be sister in-law." She left.

Francesca clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. The sound of her being addressed as her sister in-law pissed her off that she felt like smashing the sink with her fist.


Back to the dinning room. Justin helped her pull out her seat and went back to his. Ben and Adela giggled seeing the two acting like couples so soon when they're not even married yet.

The bitch walked in and sat down, waving her phone with a fake smile. "See? Just as I thought. Three missed calls from my boo."

"Honey, I was telling my parents here that our wedding is coming up next week." Justin informed her, his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, really?" Priyanka gasp, ignoring Francesca's murderous glares. "Am just finding out now, isn't it too early?"

"Early?" Ben chuckled, shaking his head. "There's no EARLY for producing grandbabies but there's always a LATE for delays."

Not liking the sound of that, Justin groaned, rolling his eyes. "Come on, Dad. That's not the priority for now. Babies can come in later but for now, Priyanka needs to focus on studies and I gat to do my thing."

"Let's just say studies is the only excuse for now, honey." Adela chimed in. "Soon she'll be done with college and by this time next year…." She winked at Priyanka who was getting shy about the situation. "I'll be welcoming little Justin in my arms—or should I say, baby Priyanka the second?"

It was so teasingly and funny. Priyanka placed her head on her fiancée's shoulder, seeking for an habitat to hide her timidness. Dinner ended well and Justin accompanied her to his bedroom.

Kissing her hungrily, he shut the door behind him and they both crashed on the bed with him on top her and she underneath him.

He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, smiling. "You're such a beauty."

She flushed, "Am I?"

He captured her lower lip, "Yeah and I want our kids to look like you."

She laughed, smacking his shoulders. "You're unbelievable. Don't tell me you're siding your parents now."

"Um, maybe I am because I love kids and I want to have a hundred with you."

She gasp, thinking he was dead serious when he mentioned 'Hundred.' "For heaven's sake, Justin. Am not a baby factory."

Hilarious. He busted into a deep laughter. He must have scared the shit out of her. "Let's see about that as time goes on." He kissed her deeply.

When she moaned his name and wrapped her legs around his waist, he slide his fingers into her underwear. Fidgeting with her inside with his eyes staring into hers like he could see her mermaid form. She gasp, grabbing unto his shoulders and throwing her head backwards. He kept on doing it for a while, causing her to almost run out of breath. She want to stop him but her body keeps giving in by every inch of his touch.

"Justin…..stop…." She managed to say through the torment.

He slide his fingers out and licked the juices. They haven't done anything deeper yet and she's already sweating and wetting out hard. He almost made her come.

She was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath. He gave her time to compose herself before he laid a kiss on her tempting lips. "We should abstain from sex until we're officially married. Do you mind?"

He kissed the back of her hand and then her forehead and then her lips. "Of course, witch. I understand if that's what you want, I can wait."

She felt relieved like a heavy burden was taken off her chest. Geez, what just happened a while ago? They were making out premaritally? It's against her religion.

He pulled away, "I need to shower." Her eyes grew big when he took off his shirt and started unbuckling his belt. "Wanna come?"

"Come—like—oh—no, you carry on. Am sleepy." She adjusted properly on the bed, covering herself up with the sheets. When her eyes flicked on his naked ass, she shut her eyes tightly and pretended to have not seen a thing.

In no time, he came back and found her sleeping soundly like a baby in the crib. He was supposed to lay beside her wearing nothing because he usually goes to bed naked but he doesn't want to scare the shit out of her when she wakes up, so he wore a white skinny boxer and went to bed.

He covered her properly with the sheets then he adjusted her head properly on the pillow. She muttered something in her sleep and Justin loved it. He place his chin on his standing elbow, smiling as he watched her sleeping figure. His fingers stroking her hair and his eyes complimenting her beauty.

"When we get married, we'll move out of here to my mansion in Kentucky. I want us to have a private life together where no one can come in between us." He kissed her forehead and was ready to go to sleep but then, his phone buzz.

He took it and scroll over to the notification bar. His brows furrowed after what he saw from an unknown number. 'Mr. Player, stay away from her. I could kill you.'

Who the fuck is this and why is the number private? Does this person knows him? Does he knows this person? Who the hell sent him this mother-fucking text? And why is the person threatening him to stay away from his fiancée? He won't let this die down like this. He is gonna find the root of this person and whoever it is should get ready for his wrath.