
Chapter 4 - Buying Manga Publishing Company


it's the next day 8:30 am and we can see Yoru eating breakfast on the kitchen counter while in his thoughts because he didn't expect to finish 2 chapters last night because he thought he was just 2x stronger than humans but he was wrong and his physical strength was beyond was he thought after asking what his strength can be considered and the answer he got from sebastian was

[Yoru you can destroy walls and crack concrete with your current strength and bullets do hurt but won't go through you]

after that answer from sebastian he was obviously happier with protection to himself because it can prevent those people from bullying him thinking he's a kid with the money he got from the system finishing with his thoughts and having done his breakfast over his thoughts he went back into his room and turned on his phone and began to search for manga publish companies that are either bankrupt or he can go with a average company and make it the best one

after searching for about half an hour he found a manga publisher company that is average named 'weekly shonen manga' looking at it again he saw the address and wrote it down on his paper because this one is the best one he found, but well the name is cliche but he thought the name won't matter he will just make it the best one

After he finished with his thoughts he went to his closet and got dressed with nice clothes and went out of his his house and locked the door and started walking on the streets, while walking on the streets he noticed girls blushing he even saw some housewives blushing as well, smiling and greeting them he made his way to where the taxis are and got into one

"hey kid aren't yo, never mind where would you like to go" the driver was about to say where his parents are but looking at the kid he didn't care and just wanted to do his job and not offend a rich kid because of how handomse this boy was

"take me to this address" yoru handed him the paper

"hmm" the driver raised an eyebrow and drove off

both yoru and the driver got along with each other and Yoru got to know that the drivers name is kenichi and he likes to drive his taxi but loves manga the most and that why he raised an eyebrow at the address he got because he knows where it is

"hey Yoru why are you going to this manga company" kenichi asked yoru with interest in his voice

" hahaha i want to buy the company and make it the number 1 manga publishing company in this country and hopefully the world" yoru laughed and explained to him but won't tell him about his naruto manga because he doesn't want to show this to anyone yet until he publishes it himself because he is paranoid people might steal his work (well not his but yeah i'm this world it's his)

"hahah nice joke" kenichi was laughing but looked at yoru from the mirror who was serious and asked hesitatenly again " are you serious"

"yes i'm not lying you will see how i will make it the number 1 publishing company in the world in the newspaper" yoru said with a confident voice and smile, excitement could be seen in his eyes thinking about what he'll do in the future

after this chat kenichi kept asking what yoru will do but yoru said nothing and smiled without answer which made him depressed but he will see it once it's on the newspaper so he got over it and both started chatting, time flew by and it was half an hour and finally yoru reached his destination looking at the building he has to admit it's a really huge building

"well we are here" said kenichi with a sad smile but he got over it thinking he got yorus number so he can contact him in the future

"thank you for driving me and the manga i will publish is named naruto so don't miss it " yoru was about to hand him a tip but remembered it will be rude so he just gave him the name of his manga for his tip

hearing this kenichi thanked yoru and both got said goodbye to each other and yoru looked at the building once again and smiled and walked in through the the door and got greeted by confused but polite security guards, he was happy that they don't treat him as a kid and nodded inwardly that these people are nice

after getting into the building he was surprised because of the size inside and how it looked but then he remembered the price he would use to buy this place and understood why it cost that much, after admiring it he walked to receptionist who greeted him

"hello how could i help you" she asked with a smile and an raised eyebrow seeing a kid by himself here but still greeted him politely

He told the receptionist what he was here for and almost got kicked out but he showed proof of his balance, after calming them down he went and met with the owner and he checked the contract and asked sebastian to help him check if something is wrong and getting confirmation nothing is wrong he bought it for half of his money he got from sebastian

the reason he bought it for that much is because the owner wasn't willing to sell it but yoru told him a price that didn't make him refuse, after getting everything done yoru kept all the employees he had from before and thought he should buy something from the shop that would let him know who's loyal or not but for now after completing all of this he had a meeting with the people who can public the naruto manga he wrote for him

he first had them sign a paper that would ruin their lives if they didn't something against him or his work, after the meeting he left the building with a smile because he was successful on doing his first move coming to this world and won't be the last until he would be called the "the emperor" of course it's cringe but yeah after getting another taxi but this one is a boring ride back to his home

after getting out of the taxi and going back walking back to his home he got the same treatment from this morning and greeted all those blushing housewives 'wink wink'

after some 5 minutes of walking he was about to enter his apartment but he heard

"hey why were you shouting yesterday you made me lose focus of my novel" a girls voice came from the apartment 4 doors away, looking to his right he was about to answer but his eyes got wide and thought 'UTA…. to be continued
