

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




"Ah, I'm just too kind-hearted." Ryan breathed out deeply and looked at the eagle.

The eagle was looking at him, but this time, its eyes grew warm.

The child furrowed his brows, as he had no choice but to risk getting hurt to retrieve the ring.

Mustering up his courage, he moved closer and tried to get the ring off the eagle's talon.

The eagle flapped its wings out of the blue, and Ryan jumped from shock. Then it retracted its wings and stop scaring the child.

Ryan continued pulling the ring and said, "Please don't move. I just want to get the ring and I mean no harm. This ring belongs to my Mommy and it must be returned."

The eagle's talon was hurt, so it couldn't move as it looked at the human child.

After a while, Ryan finally retrieved the ring. Taking out a clean, wet cloth from his bag, he removed the bloodstains on the ring and kept it in his bag before leaving.

When he was about to leave, he looked at the eagle and realized he couldn't bring himself to leave it behind.

'It cannot fly. Its owner might not be able to find it here. If other beasts attack it, that will be the death of it.'

That thought made Ryan halt in his tracks. He took out the first aid kit from his bag and inched closer to the eagle carefully. "I'll bandage your wounds, so don't move. Do you understand?"

The eagle didn't seem to give any response while it looked at the child with a gentle gaze.

He used some iodine to disinfect its wounds and applied some medicinal powder before wrapping the wound with some bandages.

Ryan had been to the hospital often, and there were medical staff at his house, so he knew the simple steps of treating the wounds. However, he didn't put it into practice, so the way he bandaged was rather unsightly.

Looking at the eagle wrapped up like a tortilla, Ryan sighed in relief. "I wanted to carry out some investigation here. Just in case I got hurt, I brought the first aid kit with me, and it actually came in handy."

Suddenly, the eagle let out a 'coo coo' and became docile.

Ryan was stunned for a while before bursting into laughter. "You sound like Finny."

When the eagle heard the name 'Finny,' it became excited and continued to coo, as if it was well acquainted with the name.

"Finny is a parrot. You've seen it before. It's the one that flew out and protected me." Ryan talked to the eagle while treating its wounds.

However, the medicine he brought was not enough, and it ran out before he could finish treating every wound.

"Well, that's all I can do." The child packed up his things and tried to carry the eagle, but it was way too heavy for him.

"I'll have to carry you up the hill. Or else, you'll die here and your owner won't be able to find you." With that, Ryan found himself a big branch and placed the eagle onto the branch before dragging it up the hill.

The eagle lay on the branch obediently while its sharp gaze started turning gentle and warm.

Halfway up the hill, Ryan's hands were scrapped, but he paid no attention to the stinging pain and swung his hands before continuing with his climb upward.

At that moment, a familiar voice sounded from afar. "Young sir Ryan!"

"Young sir Ryan…"

"Ryan! Please come out now. Don't scare me."

A few bodyguards called out to Ryan, followed by D'barl's worried voice.

Ryan glanced back at the eagle and hurriedly said, "Shoot! My Great-grandpa and the others are here."

The eagle cooed at him.


The shouts were getting louder and clearer. Ryan furrowed his brows and hesitated. "They mustn't see you. Or else, it will cause a misunderstanding. I have to leave but don't worry, I'll get your owner to save you. Trust me."

After moving the eagle to a safe place, Ryan left hurriedly.

"Young sir Ryan, are you okay?" Right when Ryan got up to the hill, Clyde saw him and dashed to his front.

"I'm fine." Ryan nodded his head. Before he could say anything, Douglas and a few bodyguards wheeled D'barl toward them, while the old man was shouting anxiously, "Ryan, Ryan… We finally found you. You almost scared me to death."

"Great-grandpa…" Seeing how anxious D'barl was, Ryan felt guilty.

"Let me look at you. Did you hurt yourself?" D'barl took Ryan's hands and scanned his injuries. "What happened to your hands? Why are they scraped? And what happened to your knees? What's going on? Did someone harass you?"

Ryan hurriedly explained, "No. I tripped over and fell. I'm sorry for making you worry, great-grandpa."

"Silly child. You can tell me your problems. I'll help you with it. Don't keep everything to yourself and never run away from them." D'barl was scared out of his wits.

Before he could even send Jason and Eliana to school, he received a call from Collins informing him that his great-grandson had run away.

He immediately asked the driver to turn back and went to search for Ryan.

Jason and Eliana were absent from the school celebration because of that. When they learned what happened, they were worried and wanted to look for their brother, but they were sent back home by D'barl.

At the same time, Clyde received the news and rushed to meet with them. Together, they started the search for Ryan.

The search continued for half an hour, and they finally found him.

Ryan cooked up an excellent reason. "I'm just here to look for my mechanical dove. I released my second dove, but it didn't come back to me. It went missing somewhere here, so I came to find it."

"Alright. No matter what it is, it's fine as long as you're well. Let's go home now." D'barl didn't insist on pursuing the matter in front of so many people. All he wanted was to take Ryan back home.

"Okay." Ryan nodded.

Clyde held his hand and was about to help him into the car.

Suddenly, Collins shouted, "Clyde!"

Glancing back, Clyde saw a few female bodyguards of the Landiana family armed with weapons rushing toward them menacingly.

"Are they from the Landiana family?" D'barl frowned and commanded, "Show them no mercy if they are to behave arrogantly."

"Yes, Mr. Old Roman." The bodyguards of the Roman family went forward.

Seeing how everything turned out, Ryan furrowed his brows and realized his mistakes.

'Shoot! I'm just here to find out some clues about mommy, but it seems I have accidentally caused the conflict between the two families to erupt."

When Lucky saw them, she immediately questioned, "As expected from the Roman family. Where is our pet eagle?"

Their pet eagle, Finny, often soared freely on the hill behind Landiana residence. It got hurt the day before and after resting at home for a while; it tried to fly again and disappeared later on.

They immediately went to check the surveillance for any trespassing into the North villa region. Finny almost hurt Ryan before, so they thought the Romans were there to capture Finny, hence Lucky and others rushed to the scene.

Meanwhile, Belly reported everything to Violla. She even added fuel to the fire and said, "They must've captured Finny. Plus, that old geezer who always takes advantage of his old age is here. The men of the Roman family are now on the hill behind our residence."

Hearing her words, Violla immediately put everything aside and walked out of the study while putting on her coat. "Let's go and take a look."

"Yes, ma'am." Belly followed Violla, and they rushed outside.

"We're here to look for Young sir Ryan. No one saw your pet eagle." Clyde replied coldly and took Ryan's hand.

Right at that moment, Lucky added, "Then why are you guys here? This is the territory of the Landiana family."

D'barl scoffed, "The Landiana family's territory? How arrogant!"

When Lucky heard D'barl's reply, she dared not to speak back, as she was terrified of the old man's presence.

However, she didn't have a choice to back down. Violla had instructed her to look for Finny, and it was the Romans' fault for trespassing into North villa territory.

So, she took a step forward and bowed at D'barl before speaking politely. "Mr. Old Roman, I don't dare to defy you, but our pet eagle is missing and Miss Landiana had instructed me to look for it, so…"

D'barl roared, "That eagle was untamed, and it almost hurt my great-grandson, so it's best if it is missing. Go back and relay the message to Miss Landiana. She'd better discipline her pet. Or else, if it scares my great-grandchildren again, I won't spare them!"

Not only would he not spare the eagle, he would be merciless toward its owner.

"You…" Although Lucky was furious, she dared not to talk back to D'barl.

"Let's go!" D'barl shot an icy glare at her before leaving with Ryan.

D'barl was a powerful figure in the business world, so no one dared to offend him. Even if Leon was there, he would still have to treat him with respect. Not to mention Lucky was just a bodyguard.

The Roman family had the upper hand, so the bodyguards felt proud.

Clyde didn't want D'barl to come face to face with Violla, and he wished for the Romans to leave as soon as possible. Carrying Ryan on his shoulder, he wheeled D'barl toward the car. "Let's hurry home. Young sir Jason and Young ma'am Eliana must be worried sick."

"Right." D'barl nodded in agreement.

Right when they were about to get into the car, an arrogant command sounded from behind. "Show no mercy to whoever dares to harm Finny!"

Ryan widened his eyes in surprise when he heard the voice. It sounded so familiar that he couldn't help but turn around.

A jeep came into view from the hillside. Soon, a few female bodyguards stood in front of the person who was getting off the jeep and they marched toward them.The figure was blocked by the bodyguards, so no one knew who it was.

Sitting on Clyde's shoulders, Ryan couldn't adjust his position, so he could only see things at an angle.

He wanted to get down to see who it was so badly, but Clyde shoved him into the car.

Ryan was struggling to get off the car, but Clyde held him in his position and said, "Be a good boy, Ryan. Go back with your great-grandfather first."

"What did that person say just now? How arrogant!" D'barl heard a voice vaguely, but he couldn't make out the words as his hearing had gotten worse through the years.

"It should be one of the Landianas." Clyde evaded his question and hurriedly suggested, "Mr. Old Roman, I'll take care of everything here. Please go back with Young sir Ryan first."

"Don't fear them. Beat whoever dares to act all high and mighty in front of us." D'barl was furious at the Landianas family.

To him, the incident of Ryan being scared by the eagle had something to do with them coming there.

'The Landianas are at fault for all of this, and they even dare to challenge us? Oh, I won't just sit by and be nice anymore.'

"Yes, yes." Clyde nodded and urged, "Mr. Old Roman, take young sir Ryan back home first. Don't let him be scared again."

With that, he helped D'barl into the car and closed the door. "Drive!"

Collins immediately drove away.

Douglas frowned as he looked at the rearview mirror. 'Clyde is acting weird and Young Sir Ryan.'

Ryan poked his head out of the car window and glanced back as if he was trying to look at something.

Meanwhile, the head of the Landiana family was standing on the hill. The bodyguards were standing behind her, revealing her face. However, Clyde's body was in the way of Ryan's view.

The child panicked and leaned out of the car window. Douglas hurriedly pulled him into the car. "Young sir , it's dangerous!"

Ryan missed the opportunity to see that person again because he was dragged back by Douglas.

Soon, anger welled up in his chest, but he couldn't throw a tantrum because he knew that Douglas was just concerned about his safety, after all.

At that time, D'barl frowned and looked at Ryan, feeling anxious.

Back at home, they saw Jason, Eliana, and Finny waiting for them by the door. The two of them rushed toward the car immediately when the car entered their residence. "Ryan, Ryan!"

Just as Ryan stepped out of the car, Eliana threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. Then, she pouted and burst into tears.

"Ryan, are you trying to abandon us? Why did you run away from home? Where are you going? You promised mommy that you would take care of Jason and me!"

Ryan felt the urge to cry upon hearing that. Then, he hugged Eliana and patted her shoulder gently. "Eliana, don't cry. I wasn't trying to run away from home. I was just…"

"Don't do that anymore, alright? You almost scared Eliana and me to death. You should discuss with us if you have any problems. We are triplets. So, we must always stick together," Jason pouted his lips and looked at Ryan with his teary eyes as he choked out the words.

"Alright. I'm sorry." Ryan was overwhelmed with guilt. All that time, he did everything on his own because he wanted to let Jason and Eliana live happily. He didn't want them to overthink things like him.

Besides, he didn't want them to get into trouble.

"Alright, let's go in." Seeing that, D'barl's brows dug deeper. Although the three of them have different personalities, they are always on the same page. If any of them have negative feelings, the other two siblings will be affected.

By then, it was approaching noon.

It was too late for them to join their school anniversary celebration. D'barl asked the kitchen to prepare lunch for the children before calling Ryan to his study room and had a heart-to-heart talk with the latter.

In the study room, D'barl asked Ryan if he was shocked by the eagle that day, but he said no. Then, the former asked if Ryan felt uneasy because Carol moved in, so he wanted to go somewhere far away to enjoy some peace and quiet. But, the latter denied too.

No matter how D'barl tried to communicate and guide, Ryan insisted that he went there just to find his mechanical dove.

D'barl was absolutely helpless. He could only give up and let Ryan go back to his room to get some rest.

After returning to his room, Ryan took out his tablet and played his parents' engagement video. Then, he enlarged a part of the video to see his mother's wedding ring clearer and took out a black gold ring from his bag to make a comparison carefully.

''A-hah! As expected! It's mommy's engagement ring!'

The discovery caused excitement to course through Ryan because he was one step closer to success.

'As long as I have the chance to meet the owner of the North villa, I can ask her about mommy's whereabouts. But the incident that happened just now has alarmed everyone. I think it's hard for me to escape next time.'

Ryan pulled the curtains apart to take a look outside. As he expected, D'barl deployed more bodyguards to watch over them. Romans' residence was heavily guarded.

Every child had four bodyguards. The bodyguards took turns to watch over them. No matter where they went, the bodyguards must stay by their sides all the time.

Just as Ryan was busy figuring out how to go out, there was a knock on the door. A few seconds later, Jason and Eliana's voices were heard.

"Ryan, I'm Jason. May I come in? I bring you some food."

"Ryan, I'm Eliana. I want to enter your room too."

Hearing that, Ryan immediately kept the ring properly and opened the door. "Come in."

"Thank you," said Jason as he pushed a food trolley into Ryan's room. There were lemon and herbs lamb skewers and some desserts on the trolley.

On the other hand, Eliana was holding Finny. Her face was still glowing red at that time because she'd been crying.

"Take a seat," said Ryan as he put his clothes away from the sofa.

After the two of them sat down, Jason questioned Ryan angrily, "Ryan, what the hell are you doing recently? Do you have some secret plans?"