

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




"Then why did you cry for help ?" Davon lifted a brow at him.

"I…" Once again, Lewis found himself swaying back and forth between succumbing to his desires and listening to his rationality.

"Honestly, that was just the appetizer. It's nothing worth mentioning." Davon patted his shoulder before revealing a mysterious smile. "The highlight is what comes after."

"What is the highlight?" Lewis' eyes lit up in eagerness again.

"Hmm, maybe we should forget it," Davon muttered abruptly before returning to his usual serious state. "You said people from West Nation are faithful people who stick to one. I can't taint you like this."

"Wait," Lewis blurted out. "How can this be called as tainting me? I'm just curious; I want to experience this colorful, interesting world. Don't worry, I'll remain faithful on the inside."

"Is that so?" Davon rubbed his temples, making it seem like he was trying to wrap his head around Lewis' answer. "But you said you'll do Violla wrong by doing this. If she finds out about this, won't she blame me for being a bad influence?"

"Just don't let her find out about this, then," Lewis quickly pointed out. "I won't do anything bad, I swear. I'm just curious. I won't go all out."

"I still think we should forget about it," Davon rejected. "It's best that you continue this back in West Nation. If your father finds out about this, he'll blame me for being a bad influence."

"That's the problem. I've lived under his strict parenting, and I've never broken a single rule since I was a kid. That's why I don't know anything," Lewis mumbled, feeling downhearted. "I only found out that there was such an exciting place on earth after coming here today."

"Exciting? You look like you were suffering." Davon gazed at him, feeling amused. "It was as if those girls were demons and monsters who'll gobble you up."

"I-I was just nervous." Lewis tugged at him, looking anxious. "Stop dilly-dallying and start the highlight!"

"All right, then. Since you're so impatient to see it, let me show you the world." Davon then clapped his hand, and exotic music began playing in the room. Next, a group of young women in veils and white dresses walked into the room while surrounding another young woman in red.

The girls in white parted before the girl in red began dancing.

As the music rhythm changed, her hips shook at a quicker pace as she cast her seductive gaze at Lewis.

Her red dress was the perfect contrast against the surrounding young women who had white dresses on.

Moreover, their veils were thin, and Lewis could vaguely see their nimble bodies moving under them.

The sight dumbfounded him as he froze in his spot. The entire time, his gaze kept following the girl in red's movements as his heart palpitated. It was as if his blood was heating up in excitement.

Right then, Davon handed him a piece of tissue, signaling him to wipe his bloody nose.

However, Lewis' eyes were fixed on that young woman, and he did not realize Davon's action.

It was only when Davon tapped his elbow that he came back to his senses. After taking the tissue to put it under his nose, he returned his focus back on the girl and continued staring.

Patting Lewis' shoulder, Davon smirked. "What do you think about this highlight?"

"I-It's great." Lewis nodded his head in a daze. That was the first time he had experienced such shock. As someone who had grown up under the rule of strict parenting, he had never seen a sight like that before .

Enlightenment was instantly bestowed upon him to experience such an exciting show on his first time there.

"Why don't I make some arrangements?" Davon tempted. "She's pure and skillful. I'm sure she'll serve you well."

"I-I don't think that'll work." The meager remnants of Lewis' rationality were telling him not to do it. "I'll just have a look. I can't do anything serious."

"Ah, that's true." Davon nodded without saying anything else. However, he leaned back on the couch and began sipping on his wine with an arrogant look on his face.

The girl in red slowly danced her way toward Lewis. With a quick wave of her hand, her veil landed on Lewis' face, and he could smell a faint fragrance from it.

Lewis continued to stare at her, his heart thumping until it was about to beat out his chest.He gulped.

After glancing at him, Davon then gave a look to Cruze.

Instantly, Cruze retreated from the room silently.The girl in red continued dancing and tempting Lewis.

She slowly moved her way toward him before spinning around and falling into Lewis' arms in a perfect arc.

Almost immediately, Lewis shuddered. Then, he stiffened. When his gaze landed on her beautiful face, he could not tear his eyes away anymore.

Reaching out, the young woman hooked her hand around his neck and brushed her red lips past his cheeks. Once she was close to his ear, she gently nibbled his earlobe.

A shudder wracked through Lewis' body before he began trembling in nervousness. Subconsciously, his hand reached out to hold her waist.

Her slender fingers softly brushed across his chest before moving down and coming to a stop at his vital parts. Then, after giving him a wink, she twirled away.

"Hey." Lewis subconsciously cried out, but she was already gone.

The group of girls in white followed her out. Like fluttering butterflies, they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lewis stared at the doorway for a long time before he managed to return to his senses. Tugging Davon toward him, he asked, "Why are they gone?"

"I said I'll make arrangements, but since you don't want them, it's only natural that they'll have to leave," Davon replied with a helpless shrug. "After all, they have other missions to do."

"Missions? What missions?" Lewis asked .

"There are more waiting to see her dance other than you," Davon informed. "She's the top hit in Empire Night."

"Ask her to come back. I'm getting her for the night," Lewis blurted out.

"Hm? For the night?" Davon raised a brow.

"I-I…" Lewis stuttered as his face flushed red.

"Are you sure? I'll make the arrangements, then." Staring at him, Davon then asked, "Looking at your shy demeanor… Don't tell me, you are a virgin."

"Of course I'm not." Lewis blushed a shade redder. "I have had relationships!"

"I see." Davon nodded. "Then why are you so reluctant? A man's got to be decisive."

"I am decisive!" Lewis panicked. "Ask her to come back."

With a gesture from Davon, Marco instantly left to make the necessary arrangements. Soon, the girl in red was back.

"Enjoy yourself." Davon put down his glass and rose to his feet, about to leave.

"Hey." Lewis stopped him. "Are you leaving?"

"Am I supposed to be watching the show here?" Davon grinned. "Don't worry. She's no monster, she won't gobble you up. Have fun."

With that said, he tugged his shirt away from Lewis' grasp and strode out.

His subordinates followed behind him and left the room to Lewis and the girl.

When the door closed, the girl tiptoed toward Lewis before parting her lips to whisper, "Sir Lewis, I'm Emily."

"H-Hello, E-Emily!" Lewis' entire body began shaking again. "Y-Your dance was magnificent."

"Is that all? Just my dance?" Pouncing onto him like a feral kitten, Emily sat on him.

By the doorway, when Davon saw the scene, the corner of his lips lifted. He knew a rule-abiding nobleman like Lewis would not be able to withstand a temptation like that.

"Mr. Roman, Miss Landiana here." Cruze whispered behind him.

"Okay." Davon nodded before leaving. "I finally realize how fun it is to do bad things."

"It is quite despicable," Cruze mumbled under his breath.

"What's that?" Davon frowned.

"I mean…" Cruze hurriedly explained. "Mr. Roman, you're breaking your back just to help your friend have a woman."

"That isn't right, is it?" Davon pointed out. "Did you mean to say I stabbed my friend in the back just to have a woman?"

Cruze fell silent, not daring to utter anything to that.All he did was roll his eyes discreetly.

"However, this is a good thing," Davon crowed. "Lewis will grow up after this."

"Yes, he should thank you for this," Cruze replied sullenly.

"Are you being sarcastic?" Davon peeked at him.

"Absolutely not," Cruze uttered as he promptly straightened his back. "I'll always be on Mr. Roman's side. Everything Mr. Roman does is right."

"That's right." Davon nodded in satisfaction.

"Miss Landiana." Seeing the familiar figure, Cruze could not help but stop in his tracks.

It was then that Davon raised his head. Not far from them, several female bodyguards were clearing the path in the crowd. The one who walked down the cleared path was none other than Violla.

Instantly, Davon entered the private room by the side. Similarly, Cruze and the others entered as well.

"Miss Landiana, this place is too noisy. Shall we go back?"

"She's right. This is paradise for men, not for us."

"The two of you talk too much," Violla voiced in a frigid tone. Instantly, Lucky and Belly zipped their mouths shut.

The group continued walking down the corridor until their gazes landed on the black and golden private room's mysterious label.

As Violla stared at the private room door, a strange image emerged in her mind. The image of a man in a mask flashed past, and his eyes seemed like they were trying to tell her something.

Violla closed her eyes. When she opened them again, the image was gone.

However, everything around her seemed oddly familiar.As her steps faltered, she looked around and tried to recall when she had visited that place. However, her efforts were to no avail.

"Miss Landiana, that looks like Sir Lewis' men." Lucky pointed in front.Outside the VVIP room were two West Nation bodyguards.

"Sir Lewis is really here?" Belly exclaimed. "I've always thought he's a noble and moral man. I never thought…"

"Maybe he's only here to meet a friend." It seemed like Violla was unperturbed by the new knowledge as she continued forward.

"Miss Landiana!" When the two West Nation bodyguards saw her, they flew into a panic. As their eyes flitted around, they nervously asked, "W-Why are you here?"

"Is Lewis inside?" Sweeping her eyes past them, Violla gaze landed on the room's window.

With the dim lights, she could vaguely see Lewis' stiff form on the couch and the girl in red on him.

It seemed like Lewis wanted to push her away, but at the same time, he wanted to embrace her. For a moment, it was as if Lewis was a girl being forced by someone.

Lifting a brow, Violla raised her leg to kick the door open. The loud noise frightened the living daylights out of the two in the room.

When Lewis saw Violla, a shudder ran down his spine, and he swiftly pushed Emily away before crawling up from the couch. Then, he hurriedly took a cushion to cover up the bulge between his legs.

Embarrassment overwhelmed him to the point he wished he could bury his head in the sands.

"Who are you?" Emily frowned as she looked at Violla.

Violla shot a sharp look at her, prompting the girl to jump in fright and quickly escaped after picking up the red veil on the floor to cover herself.

"Violla, I-I…" Lewis wanted to explain, but droplets of sweat were rolling down his cheeks from his forehead, and he could not manage to speak a proper sentence.

"Who brought you here?" Violla was not angry and her tone was calm. After her question, she began giving the place a once-over. 'That's strange. Why does this place look so familiar?'

"About that…" Lewis was about to reveal Davon's name, but he realized that would mean he was a bad friend. Hence, he said instead, " Violla , I didn't do anything just now. I was holding my ground, and I was yet to… You know."

"Oh?" Violla glanced at his pants. His belt was unbuckled, but his pants were still on.

'So, despite all her efforts earlier, that pretty girl in red hadn't gotten her way yet.How pitiful.'

"Don't be angry." Lewis moved forward, about to tug Violla's sleeve.

However, she took a step back and avoided his hands. "I'm not."

"Then why are you…" Lewis trailed off, feeling hurt by her apathetic demeanor.

"You touched someone else earlier," Violla muttered as she maintained a distance from him. "I'm going to leave first. We'll meet another day."

"Violla." Lewis was about to speak, but Violla had already turned and left.

Looking at her retreating figure, Lewis felt his heart sink in disappointment. At the same time, he felt remorseful for what he had done .

Just then, two bodyguards entered and quietly consoled, "Sir, don't be upset. Miss Landiana's reaction means that she's concerned about you."

"Really?" Lewis' eyes lit up with hope.

"Yes, that's right. She's clearly jealous," the other bodyguard added.

"Right. She's jealous." Recalling Violla's reaction from a moment ago, delight entered Lewis' heart. "She must be jealous!"

"Maybe this is good news," the bodyguard continued. "She used to swing between being enthusiastic and aloof back then. That means she was unsure of her feelings toward you. After this incident, she's starting to think of her feelings for you as something important."

"So, I guess this is… How do you say it? Something is disguise?"

"A blessing in disguise."

"Yes, yes. That's the one I was going for."

Hearing their reassurances, Lewis' light blue eyes were bright with hope. He suddenly felt that he had managed to get on the right path despite all his wrong turns .

Meanwhile, Violla had not left the place. Seconds after she walked out of the room, she instructed Lucky, "Find out who that room belongs to."

"Understood." Lucky instantly left to work on it.

"Miss Landiana, are we leaving now? Should I get someone to prep the car?" Belly asked.

"No." Looking at her surroundings, Violla felt a wave of familiarity bombarding her. She was sure she had been there in the past. "Let's have fun in one of the private rooms."

"What?" Belly was taken aback by her words.

At her reaction, Violla frowned.

Instantly, Belly lowered her head and uttered, "Yes, I'll work on it right away."

She then left to look for Empire Night's manager to get a private room.

Violla then took the remaining six bodyguards out to the public area. Another wave of familiarity struck when she looked at the young women dancing on the stage and the young people swaying with the beat off the stage.

'It seems like I used to frequent here.'

Right then, Davon, who had been watching Violla from a hidden corner, narrowed his eyes. He, too, would like to know what was going on.

'Is she feeling nostalgic, or has she really lost her memories?'

"Mr. Roman, the manager said someone is trying to check the information of our room," Marco reported quietly. "I've instructed him not to let anyone know about it."

"Good job," Cruze praised as he patted his shoulder.

"Has Lewis left?" Davon asked.

"He just did," came Marco's reply.

"My things are still in the room, right?" After glancing at Violla's figure, he suddenly turned toward the area of the private rooms.

"Yes. I've kept it in your room's safe."
