

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




"I know what I'm doing," Davon said nonchalantly. "You shouldn't be worrying for the company since you're not feeling well."

"You've done a lot of things in the last two years, but I'd never intervened," D'barl said, "The Landiana Corporation had already monopolized the entire Southeast region, and they've now built a strong connection to make a foray into our domestic market. If you still…"

"I know." Davon interrupted. He put down his wine glass and asked, "Anything else you want to say? I need to rest now."

D'barl sighed. He looked away and signaled him to get out of the room.

"You should sleep early too." Davon stood up and left.

D'barl watched him leave and instantly let out a deep sigh.

"Don't worry, Sir," Douglas consoled and poured him a cup of tea, "He might seem cold and arrogant, but I believe he knows what he's doing."

"He wouldn't have allowed the Landiana Corporation to gain the upper hand over him had he known what he was doing," D'barl said icily, "He doesn't care about the company because he's so focused on finding that woman."

"He's a human, after all," Douglas said, "We should be glad that he managed to pull himself together."

"What a stubborn man," D'barl expressed his dismay with a low grunt, "Just like his father. Men who put relationship before anything can never succeed in life!"

That remark rendered Douglas speechless. He covered D'barl thighs with a blanket and quietly massaged his feet.

"Forget it. Take me to my room." D'barl knew there was nothing much he could do now as he no longer called the shots.

Nothing he said or do could change anything. He would have to let Davon handle the problems on his own as he was in charge of the family now.

As Douglas was taking D'barl back to his room, they passed by the living hall and noticed the lights were still on in the study upstairs.

They also saw Cruze entering the room with a pile of documents.

Douglas immediately said, "Look, Mr. Young Roman is still working at this hour. He still cares a lot for the family business."

"He'd better be," D'barl said with a nod.

In the study upstairs, Cruze passed the documents to Davon. "These are the details about Miss Landiana."

Davon went through all the documents and sneered, "How detailed."

"There isn't a single flaw in her records," Cruze said, "Records from her elementary school to university and even postgraduate studies are all complete. Even her kindergarten results are all well-documented."

Davon remained silent and continued flipping through her records. There were even photos from her childhood and teenage years.

"Look at how complete her records are," Cruze expressed his thought, "I guess there's still a possibility that she might not be Miss Milan."

Davon let out a cold snort and laughed. "If the Romans are capable of erasing a person's records, I'm sure the Landianas, too, have the power to create a person's identity from scratch."

Hearing that, Cruze was at a loss for words.

"Did you manage to find out where she's staying now?" Davon put down the files and asked.

"Unfortunately, no." Cruze shook his head. "The Landianas have been extremely secretive about it. But Clyde is still in the midst of investigating it."

"Tell him to stop," Davon said, "At this point, I don't want to create any unnecessary suspicion."

"All right, Sir," Crude immediately gave Clyde a call.

"The Landiana Corporation has now owned the territorial waters of the South Sea and is ready to enter the domestic market. I'm sure we'll meet soon!" Davon tapped his fingers on the table.

He could not wait to see Violla again, but at the same time, he knew he had to stay calm and not rush into things.

Before bed, Davon received another text message from Carol.

In the last two years, Carol had texted Davon every morning and night without fail.

Davon would normally ignore her messages, but since Violla had returned, and he remembered the promise he made to Ryan, he decided to have the talk with her. He replied: Let's have dinner together tomorrow.

Carol replied almost instantly: All right! I'll see you tomorrow!

She was clearly excited about the dinner.

Davon put away his phone and shut his eyes. Once again, Violla's face popped up in his mind. 'Will I still dream of her tonight?'

The next morning, after having breakfast with the triplets, Davon was ready to send them to school.

No matter how busy he was in the last two years, he would always make a point to send them to school. To him, the forty-minute journey was extremely precious as he could spend some quality time with the children.

Yet, that day, D'barl wished to send them to school instead. He smiled and said, "Do I have the honor of sending all of you to school today?"

Davon looked at the children and waited for their response.

"Yay! Great-grandpa is sending us to school today!" Eliana clapped in excitement.

"Okay! You've not visited our school, right? We'll bring you around!" Jason, too, was happy to hear that.

Meanwhile, Ryan responded with a nod.

"So you want great-grandpa to send you to school?" Davon looked at Ryan.

"Okay." Ryan nodded again and looked away.

Davon looked at D'barl and said, "Thank you. Don't tire yourself out. Come back soon and rest."

"Got it." D'barl looked like he did not sleep well last night, but the thought of being able to send the children to school made him happy.

"I got to go now." Davon gave the three little ones a hug and left in a hurry.

"Finished your breakfast?" D'barl smiled.

"Yes!" They then packed their bags and pushed D'barl's wheelchair to the door.

"I suddenly remember I have International Economics class today." Ryan put down his utensils and wiped his mouth with the napkin gracefully. "I won't be going to school with you today."

"Young sir Ryan…" Douglas wanted to persuade Ryan to go to school, but D'barl interrupted, "All right. You stay at home then."

"Okay." Ryan looked away and nodded. He went upstairs right away and ordered, "Inform the teacher to come early."

"All right, young sir Ryan."

D'barl knew Ryan was trying to stay away from him. Though he was upset about it, there was nothing much he could do.

"I thought his International Economics class is in the afternoon?" Jason asked in confusion.

"Don't worry about Ryan. He doesn't need to come to school with us since he has completed all the syllabus anyway," Eliana frowned and said, "Come on, let's go! We're going to be late!"

"Okay!" As their Rolls-Royce was driving on the greenway, they noticed a silver Rolls-Royce driving up the hill.

The drivers and bodyguards from both cars exchanged glances when they drove past each other.

While the Romans' driver and bodyguard gave them a confused look, their counterparts remained cold and arrogant.

"Are they our new neighbors?" Douglas mumbled while looking at the Rolls-Royce.

There were only two villas on Mountain Hill, and one of them was the Roman's residence, which was located halfway through the hill and on the south side.

The other villa, which was on the north side, had been left vacant for years.

As the only family living on Mountain Hill, the Roman's had exclusively used the winding hill road for many years. That was why Douglas was surprised to see another car there.

He continued to observe and realized the silver Rolls-Royce was heading to the north.

'Someone has indeed moved into the other villa!'

"What are you looking at?" As D'barl was playing cards with Jason and Eliana, his gaze fell on Douglas, who had lifted up his eyes to peer out of the window.

"There was a car that looked similar to ours, and it passed by us just now. It was silver in color," Douglas said in a hushed voice. "I watched them drive down to the other villa."

D'barl looked rather stunned. Frowning, he said, "Only seven models of this car have ever been produced, and it's so expensive that not everyone can afford it. I think… the person you saw was from the Landiana family!"

Leon Landiana's personality was as eccentric as his name. He liked all of his cars to be silver in color.

Meanwhile, the Roman family had a staunch preference for black-colored cars.

"That can be true!" Douglas exclaimed, looking shocked. "Leon Landiana has always kept his location a secret, and he values his privacy more than his own life! Why would he deign to come and live next door to Mr. Young Roman?"

D'barl looked rather grim. "Go and investigate it," he ordered.

"Yes, Sir." Douglas immediately gave a call to one of his subordinates and told them to look into the matter.

Jason looked up at D'barl and cocked his head to the side curiously. "Great-grandpa, who are the Landianas? Are they very powerful?"

"They're the arch-enemy of our Roman family," D'barl said, looking at Jason with a serious expression. "In the future, make sure to stay clear of anyone with the surname Landiana. Don't even try to get close to them, am I clear?"

"Of course !" Jason said, nodding his head vigorously. His face had clouded over, as though the very thought of his family's greatest enemy put him in a bad mood.

"Do we really have arch-enemies?" Eliana asked, frowning slightly. Looking rather confused, she continued, "Isn't our family the most powerful one on earth? I heard daddy is super strong,more powerful than superman himself!"

D'barl choked on his drink and nearly spat it out at once. He coughed loudly and banged on his chest.

"Great-grandpa." Immediately, Jason stood up and ran over to him. Patting D'barl's back, he asked concernedly, "Are you alright?"

"Eliana you're so cute! That made me laugh so hard that I choked! Haha!" Still clutching his chest, D'barl bent over and wheezed with laughter.

"Haha, children's words carry no harm!" Douglas said, joining in the laughter. "Don't take it to heart, Mr. Old Roman."

"Oh, did I say something wrong?" Eliana asked, feeling a little embarrassed. Her face flushing scarlet, she muttered, "My teachers, friends, Mrs. Blake and everyone else around the house tells me that daddy is really strong. I didn't think there could be anyone more powerful than him on this planet."

"Yes, that's what I thought too," Jason said seriously. "I always thought only Ryan might be able to surpass daddy in the future!"

"Ryan is a very talented boy, and he's bound to surpass his own father and mentor one day," D'barl mused, a look of pride appearing on his face as he thought about the boy. "However, the world is a very big place, and there will be people who are good enough to rival your daddy."

"Are you talking about that person from the Landiana family?" Jason asked curiously, leaning closer to him. "Are they male or female? How old are they? Are they mean?"

"Are you a fool?" Eliana asked, rolling her eyes at him. Looking at Jason as though he was an idiot, she continued, "Didn't great-grandpa say they are our arch-enemy? Of course they're horrible people.'

"The people of the Landiana family are very dangerous," D'barl reminded them again sternly. "If you bump into them by accident, make sure to cross over to the other side of the street immediately. Don't believe a single word they say. Is that clear?"

"Got it!" the two children replied, nodding frantically.

Douglas, who had been listening to their conversation by the side, felt a little worried. D'barl was so serious about that matter because he was afraid that the Landiana family would fight for custody of the children once they figured out that the blood of the Landianas flowed in Eliana, Ryan and Jason's veins.

'However, how long could they hide something like that for? Thankfully, Ryan wasn't there . Otherwise, he would have lots of questions for D'barl and might have stumbled upon a nasty fact by accident.' Douglas thought.

"Inform Davon about this," D'barl ordered, looking very nervous.

"Yes, Sir." Douglas made a call to Cruze and told him everything that had happened.

At that moment, Davon's car was already pulling into the company's parking lot. Cruze hung up the phone immediately and quickly reported the matter to him.

Hearing that , Davon felt rather stunned. "What? Did you say they've just moved into villa? Could it be Violla?"

"We're not sure about it yet," Cruze replied. "Mr. Douglas has already sent someone to investigate."

"Call him back immediately," Davon ordered urgently. "Tell him I've already sent Clyde to keep an eye on the villa occupant and tell him and his men not to intervene."

"Yes, Sir." Cruze gave Douglas a call immediately.

Hearing Cruze's words, Douglas clamped a hand over the receiver and said to D'barl, "Mr. Young Roman says that he has already sent Clyde to settle the matter, and he doesn't want us to intervene in it."

D'barl frowned but nodded eventually. "Alright, then. Let him settle a small matter like that on his own."

Douglas told Cruze about D'barl's reply, and Cruze passed the message on to Davon.

Davon finally let out a sigh of relief. He ordered, "Well, get Clyde to go look into the matter, then."

"Yes, Sir." Cruze went and informed Clyde immediately.

Davon's eyes shone with anticipation. Perhaps Violla had returned this time so she could be closer to him and the kids.

Ryan was reading in the study room. His aide came and reported, "Young sir Ryan, your global economics tutor is on his way here. However, because of the distance, he might only be here in about half an hour."

"Got it," Ryan replied blandly.The aide left.

Ryan finished reading the book on global economics . Rubbing his temples, he got up and walked over to the windows, where he gazed out at the forest of trees in the distance. He felt the strain on his eyes lessen by the minute.

However, his gaze was attracted by a flash of silver some distance away.Taking a closer look at the curious object, he realized that it was a car.

The Roman family's cars were all black in color, and the private doctors and tutors they hired were all ferried into the house by the family cars. 'Where had this silver-colored vehicle appeared from? Had an unexpected guest arrived?'

Ryan turned around and reached for his pair of binoculars. He peered through the lens at the silver object.

It was a silver-colored Rolls-Royce. Strangely enough, it was the same model as the Roman family's cars. The car pulled into forest, where it quickly disappeared beneath a huge canopy of trees.

However, since it was headed in that direction, Ryan could guess that it had headed into the other villa .

He had once heard Cruze say that there were two villas on Mountain Hill—one located in the north, and one located in the South.

The villa in the south was Ryan's home, but the villa in the north had been empty for a long time. The new neighbors were probably moving in that day.

From the make of their car, he could tell that whoever it was probably had a jaw-dropping net worth.

Ryan put down his binoculars and turned away from the window. The location and angle of that room meant that he could only see a small stretch of the ring circuit from there. If he wanted to see the north villa from that building, he would have to go to the pavilion.

However, spying on people was a dishonorable thing to do, and Ryan wasn't much interested in it.

Without the tutor there, Ryan felt a little bored. Since he had already finished reading his book, he started fiddling around with his mechanical dove.

That was the new invention that he had been working on. He had bought the plastic dove at the toy store. When he got home, he had torn out its wires and attached a new remote control system to it with a camera.He would then hurl the dove out of the window.

Ryan wanted to know how far that dove could fly, and whether it would be able to capture the sprawling scenery of Mountain Hill.

If it could, the dove would be much similar to a remote-controlled drone. However, his dove had many more interesting functions than an ordinary drone.

Ryan reached for his laptop and started running the special application he had installed on it.

Whatever the dove managed to record would be reflected on his screen in real-time.

He watched with delight as the image of his screen changed from the courtyard of the Romans' residence to a bird's eye view of the entire house. Then, the house became a speck on his screen as the dove flew farther away. His screen filled with green as it flapped its wings over the surrounding forest, before flying upwards to capture a view of the Mountain Hill in its entirety.

Ryan's lips curled into a satisfied smile. ''What a success!''

Controlling the dove's movement using his laptop, he wanted to see if the dove would be able to capture an image from a fixed point. Hence, he made the dove swerve and fly towards the north villa .

He had no intention of spying on his neighbor rather, he merely wanted to see how nimble his invention could be.

The dove flew towards the villa, capturing a close-up shot of the silver-colored Rolls-Royce and a smattering of stern-looking bodyguards, who were hauling luggage into the house.

Another person with a pretty silhouette was making their way into the house, too. As though they had realized something, they turned around and stared straight at the dove.

Ryan leaned excitedly towards the screen, wanting to see who that person was.

"Young sir Ryan." His aide's voice interrupted his train of thought. "Your tutor is here!"

Ryan turned towards the door quickly and replied, "Come in!"

By the time he turned to look at his laptop screen again, the figure had already made her way into the villa, and he had lost his one chance to see what she looked like.

Ryan couldn't help but notice something strange. All the bodyguards were women.

However, he didn't feel particularly disappointed. He directed the dove to head in another direction on Mountain Hill.

After all, he didn't really want to spy on his neighbor.The door swung open at that moment, and the aide quickly ushered the global economics tutor into the room.

Ryan stood up quickly to greet her. "Good morning, Miss!" He got ready for class materials and went to sit down for a lesson.