

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




Meanwhile, on the highway, Davon was speeding toward the airport. His eyes were alarmingly red, as if the blood vessels within them were about to pop.

'Violla, wait for me… I'll get you now.' He uttered those words in his head over and over.

D'barl had personally spiked his drink and imprisoned him in the basement of his own house just to ensure that Carol could take violla's place.

As a result, he fell unconscious for three entire days, and by the time he woke up, things seemed to have taken an irreversible turn.

Everything related to Violla had been erased and replaced by fabricated information about Carol. News of Carol marrying Davon was also released in an official announcement.

Of course, Davon absolutely lost it when he heard the news. However, he was locked up and did not have the means to do anything about the situation.

Everything related to Carol had been erased and replaced by fabricated information about Carol. News of Carol marrying Davon was also released in an official announcement.

Of course, Davon absolutely lost it when he heard the news. However, he was locked up and did not have the means to do anything about the situation.

D'barl had planned on detaining him until he had sent Violla to a place where she couldn't be found .

Never did it cross his dysfunctional mind that Violla might fall into peril before the next day even came.

Unable to sit back and do nothing, Davon figured out a way to escape. He then stole a bodyguard's phone to contact Clyde and Cruze. Upon discovering what happened to Violla, he took over a car on the streets by force and drove to the airport like an absolute maniac.

On the other hand, D'barl also sent his men to hurry to the airport to stop Davon.

At the same time, Douglas reached out to the correspondents of the Roman family in Gotham city and ordered them to travel to protect Violla.However, it was too late.

At about two kilometers from a local hospital in Gotham city, a monstrous jeep appeared out of nowhere and crashed straight into the ambulance that Violla was in.

The impact of the collision caused the ambulance to slide backward haphazardly, and the ambulance collided once more against the utility pole by the road, causing it to fall onto its side. As the piercing ambulance sirens rang, the medical staff within the vehicle scurried out.

Arthur dizzily climbed out of the car window and then dragged Violla out. She had already lost consciousness by then.

A short distance away from the wreckage, Laura, who was in the jeep, turned her phone camera toward the ambulance and talked to the person she was video-calling, "Do you see this?"

"Those from the Roman family are arriving very soon. You got to end this quickly! You need to ensure that she dies through and through!" Diana was giving the commands on the other end.

"Understood." Laura did a gesture.

Within minutes, a few bodyguards emerged from the jeep and shot down the entire team of medical staff.

"Arghhh!" Arthur whimpered, raising his arms in the air. "Don't kill me! Please don't kill me! I know nothing! I know nothing."

Those were his last words before he collapsed in his pool of blood.

The assassinations were done swiftly with a single bullet each, without even a moment of hesitation.

With a phone in hand and a gun in the other, Laura got out of the car and sauntered toward Violla in the rain with a scathing look on her face.

Violla's gown was drenched in blood. She simply lay motionless on the ground as the rain and mud washed her cold body.

With an impatient look on her face, Laura brutally kicked Violla's head, but the latter did not even make a sound. Laura knelt down and slapped her gun against Violla's face. "Hey! Hey! Wake up! You're making this unbearably boring!"

"Kill her!" On the other end of the call, Diana seemed to be getting rather impatient too.

"What's the hurry?" Having said that, Laura pinched Violla's philtrum, trying to wake her up. She desperately wanted to see Violla beg for her life, or she would not be satisfied with the kill.

"Laura ! Do it! Do you want to die too?" Diana commanded irritably.

Rolling her eyes, Laura ended the call with a smirk. Then she stood up and kicked Violla's limp body a few more times.

Eventually, Violla began curling up a little.

"Hah! That's what I'm talking about!" Laura used her foot to roll Violla's face over. "Violla Milan! Look at me!"

Violla wearily opened her eyes and made out Laura's face despite her blurry vision. Fury and hatred began to well up in her eyes.

"Good! Hah! I love that face you're making!" Laura was so excited that she began cackling uncontrollably. Pointing her gun at Violla, she said, "Beg! And maybe I'll make it quick for you!"

Violla opened her mouth, but her voice was too raspy and soft to be heard.

"What?" Laura bent down and moved her ear closer to Violla.

"I hope you live on…" Violla struggled to talk. "I will definitely… come back… and seek revenge on you… I'll… make you… pay for this!"

"Hahaha…" Laura burst out in laughter as if she had just heard the funniest joke ever. " Violla! Have you lost your mind? You're gonna die here today. Do you know that? Revenge? Are you going to haunt me like a ghost? Hah! This is the funniest thing I've heard in a while."

Laura's cackles sounded extra mocking and contemptuous in the howling winds.

After some time, she turned quiet. Hitting Violla's face with her gun, she growled, "Stupid whore! You deserve this! If you do become a ghost, feel free to find me! Oh, by the way, you shouldn't be haunting me. I wanted to spare your life, you know? I only planned on letting you suffer from lack of the drugs, but those from the Roman family just couldn't wait to kill you! I heard Davon messed with Diana because of you. And she was wants her pound of flesh Urgh, I can't do anything about that, can I?"

Feigning a troubled expression, Laura pointed to the bodyguards and jeeps behind her.

"Look… Those are men dispatched by the Roman family. At this point, none of them want you to live a second longer. Your existence is a blatant threat to them! You bring shame to their family!"

"Are you… telling me the truth?" Violla's chest heaved as a multitude of emotions surged from within.

"Think about it yourself. They have already wiped you away from existence and even got someone to replace you! Do you really think that they'll let you live?" Laura snickered. "They won't be able to sleep at night until you're dead for good!"

As her smile widened, Laura continued, "Trust me. I won't lie to someone who's about to die."

Laura's words had doused the last flames of hope in the back of Violla's mind. Her gaze instantly turned cold, and her fists were clenched so tightly that her nails were digging into her flesh. A seed of hatred had been sowed deep in her heart.

"Farewell, Violla Milan!" Laura pointed her gun at Violla. "I hope you'd be less of an idiot in the afterlife. Oh, and don't get deceived by men again!"

With that, she pulled the trigger and was ready to shoot Violla. Suddenly the whirling sound of aircrafts reverberated overhead.

The wind bellowed like a wild beast, causing the dirt on the terrain below to be swept up.

Laura instinctively covered her eyes before glancing overhead with caution. More than a dozen helicopters were approaching them from all directions. One, in particular, was circling directly above them, and the gusts of wind from its engine almost made her lose her balance.

Her bodyguard rushed over to cover her intending to take her back to her jeep. To their dismay, they soon fell over as the strong winds pinned them onto the ground.

Laura was furious. Whipping out her gun, she blasted multiple shots at the helicopter.To her utter horror, a bullet punctured her wrist.

Laura bawled her lungs out from the sharp pain and rolled around on the ground.Her bodyguards immediately got up and readied themselves to retaliate. However, seeing the golden symbol imprinted on the helicopters above, they froze in their tracks. "The Landianas!"

"It's the legendary Mr. Landiana!" Laura was shocked.

The next thing they knew, tens of men in black were plunging down from the sky.

Right then, a tall figure could be seen free-falling from the helicopter in the center and landing nimbly before Violla. The tall man loomed over Violla as he gazed down at her.

Unable to move, Violla simply looked up at him as she lay in a pool of blood. She was met by the sight of a cold and domineering young man who exuded a mysterious aura.

"Were you the one who made the call?" the man spoke calmly.

"Yes…" That was all that Violla managed to utter.

The man kneeled gracefully and gently swept away the messy hair covering Violla's bloody face. Taking a closer look at her face, he curled his lips. "You're definitely Tamara's daughter!"

Violla's features looked as if her face was carved out from the same mold as Tamara Usher. There was no doubt that they were mother and daughter.

As the mysterious man came up closer to her, Violla could also make out his face clearly. She instantly felt a strange sense of familiarity and connection with him.

There was no doubt that the two of them were bound by blood.Their uncanny resemblance made it all too obvious, and her features simply screamed the word "Landiana."

The mysterious man took off his coat and wrapped it around Violla's body before scooping her up into his arms. "I'm taking you home!"

As Violla leaned her head against his warm chest and listened to his steady heartbeats, there was only one thought in her head. 'I'm going to survive.'

At the same time, voices from the past began to echo in her head, and she felt as if she was bidding farewell to her past and welcoming a brand new beginning.

' Violla we'll live a happy life together…Violla I want to be with you for life…Violla, don't worry. No matter what happens, I'll never let go of you Violla, trust me. I'll come back for you!'

'The news of Davon's 'wedding' is all over the media. There are video clips of the wedding reception, but you're not the bride. Your face has been replaced by that of someone else…'

'I wanted to spare your life, you know? I only planned on letting you suffer from lack of the drugs, but those from the Roman family just couldn't wait to kill you!'

'Think about it yourself. They have already wiped you away from existence and even got someone to replace you! Do you really think that they'll let you live? They won't be able to sleep at night until you're dead for good!'

'Miss, you need to live… on…Veeh live on…Veeh when you find yourself trapped in a dead-end, call this number, and your guardian angel shall descend from the skies and protect you from harm!

It's just that your life will take a complete turn if you make the call. You'll start a new life!

Mommy, we'll wait for you to come home!

Miss, live on…

Veeh, live on…

The voices of her loved ones seemed to replay over and over in her ears, along with the stinging pain that continued to torment her body.

"Mr. Landiana, we've subdued all enemies. What do you want to do with them?" One of his bodyguards walked up to him.

"Release them," he ordered.

"Huh?" The bodyguard seemed to be rather surprised.

"I'll leave those b*stards for you to take care of them in the future! For you to take your revenge!" the mysterious man said, gazing affectionately at Violla, who was in his arms. "You need to give them a taste of their own medicine!"

Violla nodded her head wearily and pointed a shaky finger at the ambulance in the distance. "Mrs. Blake…" she murmured weakly.

The man gave his subordinates a look, and they immediately hurried to carry Mrs. Blake's corpse from the vehicle.

"Mr. Landiana, the people from the Roman family are nearby," a bodyguard reported. The man hurled a flying shuttle into the air, and the two of them flew up into the helicopter.The horrendous accident site and the wreckage were now under her feet.

As Violla stared blankly at the debris on the ground, the horrendous events of the day replayed in her head. Every snapshot of the torment she suffered through and the gruesome way Mrs. Blake died continued to haunt her.

Closing her eyes, she began carving out every detail deeply into the depths of her heart. 'I'll never forget everything that happened today!I'll make you pay!'

By the time those from the Roman family arrived at the scene, all they could find was a run-down ambulance and the corpses of the paramedics around it.

They immediately ran an extensive search within the ambulance, but Violla and Mrs. Blake were nowhere to be seen. Only Arthur seemed to show signs of life, so they quickly sent him to the hospital.

Afterward, the team traveled to the compound where Violla, Mrs. Blake and Arthur were damped, but the two of them were not there either.

Their luggage and belongings were intact.With that information in hand, the bodyguards promptly updated D'barl on the situation.

Hearing the latest report, D'barl turned pale as a sheet. 'Who attacked her? Is she already dead? But if she really is dead, then where's the body?

The fog of mystery around Violla's disappearance only seemed to thicken.

When Davon finally arrived at Gotham city with a palpitating heart, he ended up with the same findings. Having lost his calm, he ran around like a maniac and went to every location he could possibly think of to search for Violla.

In the unrelenting storm, Davon sprinted down the streets yelling Violla's name.

His clothes were completely drenched, his voice turned raspy, and his eyes were bloodshot.

As he stared at the wrecked ambulance with an unmistakable pool of blood in front of it and the tainted shreds of Violla's gown, he felt his heart being torn into pieces.

He could not forgive himself for putting Violla in harm's way. He could not forgive D'barl for sending her off to a foreign city rm.Nor could he accept that he failed to rescue her in time.

Dark thoughts invaded Davon's mind. 'What if she was tortured and has already died? What if…'

It pained him just thinking those thoughts.With his brows furrowing deeper, he swept his eyes around him in panic. He had never felt so helpless and afraid in his life.

'What if she's really dead? What am I supposed to do then? What am I supposed to do?'

Davon was on edge. "Violla! Where are you? Can you please come out? I don't want to play this game of hide-and-seek anymore! Come out! Come out!" His raspy cries were lost in the raging storm.

"Ryan, Jason, and Eliana are all waiting for you to come home! They've been missing you every single day… I promised them that I'd bring you home! You can't do this to me! Violla, Violla! Come out… I'm begging you…"

Out of sheer terror and fear, his voice grew softer, and he eventually trailed off.

Tears trickled down his cheeks as he looked down at the dirt below in devastation. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…" he murmured those words incessantly.

In a dark corner some distance away, D'barl watched on as his grandson cried in the rain.

He had never considered his actions as immoral or wrong. On the contrary, he had even strongly believed that his plans would help reduce the damage to both Violla and his grandson. Never did he imagine that Violla would get attacked, nor did he consider the possibility of his grandson and great-grandchildren being emotionally scarred by her death.

"Mr. Old Roman, don't be too hard on yourself," Douglas tried to comfort him. "Nobody knew that this would happen."

"Who is it? Who did it?" D'barl slammed his hand hard against the handles of his wheelchair. "Have you found out who's behind this? Diana is involved, isn't she?"

"I have done a preliminary check. Miss Diana is still in North Nation. Our people and Mr. Young Roman's subordinates have had their eyes on her for a while now to prevent her from harming miss Milan, but she has not taken any form of action," Douglas replied.

"If not her, then who is it?" D'barl furrowed his brows. "Who else knew of us sending her here?"

"That's the part I can't wrap my head around too…" Douglas sighed. "Let's take our time to figure this out. Our top priority now is to find Miss Milan. Otherwise, Mr. Young Roman would hold a grudge against you for life."

"That's right." D'barl nodded. "Inform everyone in our search teams and get them to concentrate on finding Violla. We have to bring her back, dead or alive!"

"Understood!" The Roman family exhausted much of their human and financial resources in the search for Violla.

However, Gotham city was an underdeveloped town with no surveillance cameras on the streets. Without surveillance footage, it was almost impossible to figure out what happened to Violla that day.

The group of police officers and medical staff who had gone to the scene back then recounted that Mrs. Blake had died from a gunshot, and Violla was suffering from severe mental trauma even though she was not seriously injured.

However, they could not provide any information about the actual assault since they left the scene shortly after.

The only witness they had, Arthur, ultimately survived despite getting shot. Unfortunately, the bullet had caused permanent damage to his brain, resulting in him becoming mentally disabled and losing his memories of the incident.

The locations where Violla last appeared were all cordoned off and preserved.

That narrowed down the list of suspects to the few who knew about the existence of Violla on that city.

Davon immediately put Diana at the top of the list of suspects and did all he could to force an answer out of her. He even interrogated her personally.

However, Diana denied all offenses and even told him her alibi.

Of course, Davon would not let her off that easily. He began oppressing her company and businesses openly while continuing his desperate search for Violla.