

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




"Both of you are seeing things from your own perspectives and you have your own reasons," Davon analyzed fairly.

"You're still young so it's fine to learn things you're interested in. It's easier to master something if you focus on it . Besides, both of you are brothers and you can help each other in the future. One of you will be the brains while the other will be the brawns and you'll be invincible by then."

Not only did his words make sense to the kids, but he also managed to resolve their dispute, uniting them even more.

"Okay!" Both Ryan and Jason nodded and gave each other a hug.

Ryan took the initiative to apologize. "I'm sorry, Jason. I didn't mean to look down on martial arts. I want to learn from you in the future."

"I want to learn from you too, Ryan. Let's work hard together." Jason reflected on his actions too.

"Good boys!" The corners of Davon's lips tilted upwards as he glanced at his watch. "Alright, have a ten minute rest. Ryan, you can go drink some juice while Jason, you need to prepare for your classes."

"Okay!" they replied in unison before beaming at each other.

"I hope time can pass by soon. I really want to study." Eliana was brushing one of her dolls' hair in her princess tent. She took a glance outside before saying, "Being a boy is so troublesome. Being a girl is much better."

Violla couldn't stop herself from smiling at the sight of her children.

"What are you smiling like a fool for?" Davon asked as he walked towards her. "Why aren't you coming in?"

"I didn't want to interrupt your classes." She faced him with a gentle look. "You're a really great dad."

"Of course," he answered confidently. "Reading so many parenting books wasn't a waste after all. Besides, I didn't have parents growing up, and I felt like something is missing from my life. Now, this feels like I'm getting to live my childhood all over again. It feels great to be able to learn and grow up with them."

Violla wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest.

She was moved and touched by his words but she didn't want to express it with shallow words.

"I think you should be the one called barbie, silly." Davon patted her back and said gently, "You're becoming more and more childlike."

"It's time for our class, daddy," Jason called out excitedly. "You can have daddy back when our class ends, Mommy. Then you can hug him as much as you want. So let go of him now."

"I still have to study after Jason's class, Mommy. Don't keep daddy all to yourself," Eliana pouted as she said with her squeaky voice.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Finny flew over to them and circled above Davon's head. The parrot reminded, "Class, now! Class, now!"

"These heartless children." Violla didn't know if she should laugh or cry. "They were attached to my hip before, but now they're saying that I'm hogging you for myself."

"It means that I'm more likable." The man raised a brow at her and said, "Go take a shower and wait for me in our room. I'll be right over once I'm done with their classes."

"Alright." Violla tiptoed and gave him a kiss. "I'll be waiting for you!"

"Be good," he said as he pinched her cheeks. Then, he turned to Jason and started his class. "Alright. Time for you to show me your martial art skills."

"My leg isn't completely healed yet. Are we practicing with our fists first?" the little boy asked as he stood up unsteadily.

"You've been resting for two months. How bad could it be even if it hasn't completely healed?" Davon was extremely strict as he said, "Martial artists can't be such a weakling. Come on, time to practice!"

"Yes sir!" Jason saluted him and limped to the middle of the room before he showed his martial arts skills.

His father sat on the couch with a smile on his face. 'All of them really are talented in their own ways. This kid looks just a little older and is quite convincing when he's practicing martial arts.'

"Not bad! Carry on."


Violla watched as her children focused on their classes and felt extremely relieved. She felt that Davon's way of educating them was much better than her own.

The woman didn't disturb them any further and left, closing the door behind her on her way out.Her phone rang suddenly as she turned around.

Violla glanced at the screen and saw a phone number that she didn't recognize. After hesitating for a moment, she finally answered it.

"Miss Milan…" It was a little boy's voice.

She froze for a moment before asking in confusion, "You are?"

"I'm Titus." The voice over the phone was soft and his tone cautious. "Do you remember me? I'm Eliana's classmate."

"Yes, I remember." Violla was shocked as she had never expected the little boy to call her.

"I called… to ask you a favor…" Titus sounded like he was sobbing. After taking a deep breath and calming himself, he asked anxiously, "Can you help me?"

"T-Tell me." The woman couldn't bring herself to decline a child's favor.

The boy spoke cautiously, making it obvious that he was calling Violla without letting his family know.

"I met Uncle and Aunt when I went out with grandma today. They told me in secret that mommy and my grandparents were kidnapped by bad guys. They're going to die if nobody saves them."

The boy shuddered as he spoke, and his breathing was unstable.Through the phone, Violla could sense that he was crying but was trying his best to hold it in.

"Don't rush, Titus. Take your time. I'm here." She quickly went into her room and consoled him.

No matter what had happened between the adults, Violla was much more concerned for the boy at that moment. He was only three and a half and his voice sounded sweet like her son, Jason. Yet, he had to go through something so traumatizing.Her heart broke for him.

"They said…" Titus sucked in a deep breath before continuing, "Mommy and my grandparents can only be saved if I look for you."

"I…" She was a little hesitant. In fact, she also hesitated when she saw Amira and Smith message for help.

Not only had Amira and Leila hurt her in the past, but most importantly, she didn't want to get involved in that mess. She didn't even have the capability to save someone, Davon was the only one who could do it.

She didn't want him to get on bad terms with the Black's. Having another enemy in the business world wasn't a good thing after all.

"Please, Miss Milan I beg of you, please… Please save my Mommy." Titus' voice trembled as he cried but he tried his hardest to suppress it, not daring to cry out loud.

However, it was even more heartbreaking when he was like that. Violla's heart began to soften.

"I know that Mommy and my grandmother used to bully you before. It was all their fault. But I apologize on their behalf. I'll be eternally grateful to you if you save them. Once I grow up, I'll definitely repay you!"

It was as though Violla was his last lifeline, thinking that she was the only one who could save his family's life.Right then, all his hopes were place on Violla.

"Please… I beg of you…" Titus kept begging.

Ultimately, Violla succumbed to his pleas and couldn't help but agree. "Alright. I'll think of something."

"Thank you, Miss Milan Thank you so much." Titus appreciated.

"What are you doing in the bathroom, Titus? Who are you talking to? Open up the door." Juliet's voice was heard over the phone.

"Grandma is here, Miss Milan,I'll hang up now. Thank you so much. I'll never forget what you've done." Titus quickly hung up after that.

Violla held on to her phone and was unable to calm down for a very long time.

She knew that both her uncle and aunt had evil intentions, presumably because there was something the Smiths had that benefitted them. They experienced huge losses now that Amira and Smith were missing.

That was why they tried to get Titus to ask for help from her.A three-year-old child should never have to bear such a responsibility.

Once Davon was done with the kids' classes, he went back to the bedroom with a gloomy face. "Look at what Eliana did to me!"

Violla looked up and immediately saw that his head was full of tiny little braids. His nails were also painted with different colored nail polish. Melancholy was written all over his face and his brows were knitted tightly together.

Violla couldn't contain her laughter. "You look pretty cute. Hahaha!"

"Stop laughing." Davon pushed her onto the bed and ran his hands all over her. He then bit on her earlobe and whispered seductively, "I'm going to punish you."

"Hold on. Stop it." Violla said in between her laughter from being tickled, "There's something I need to talk to you about."

"Don't change the topic." Davon reached into her dress and started to explore her body.

"There really is something," she said as she grabbed hold of his wrist. "It's about the Smiths!"

He froze before frowning. "What does the Smiths' matter have to do with you?"

"Just listen to me…" She began to fill him in on everything that happened the other day. "I thought that Barbra was just being a little stubborn and unreasonable and that the most she'd do was to teach Leila a lesson. I didn't expect her to be so evil and have people take turns assaulting Leila."

"What she did is indeed too much." Davon frowned and continued, "But this can be taken over to the proper authorities. It's none of your business."

"I know," she replied while nodding. "I reported this to the police after the incident and provided them with evidence. After that, Amira and Smith came and looked for me, but I didn't personally meet them. I didn't want to get roped into this."

"Amira sold her family fortune to seek justice that Leila deserved. She even posted the incident online so that she could use the pressure of the public's opinion to attract legal attention. It got quite a reaction online and Franklin's car s*x incident was even involved. It kind of indirectly cleared my name too."

"I actually thought that they would go to court for this but who would've thought that three people from the Smiths went missing during my incidence. They tried to call me multiple times before they went missing and had sent me lots of messages asking for help. Here, take a look."

With that said, she took out her phone and showed him the texts sent by Amira and Smith.

"They were ruthless when harassing you . Yet they're still shameless enough to come asking for help from you?" Davon replied coldly. "Though they are quite miserable, it still has nothing to do with you. You can just ignore this."

"I was thinking of doing that too. But Titus has just called me asking for help. I…" Thinking of what the little boy said, she began to choke on her words.

"That kid is the same age as our children. A young kid like him was begging for my help non-stop. He begged me to save his Mommy and his grandparents. I couldn't bring myself to say no." Violla explained

Davon fell silent hearing that.

The past him would have rejected that without hesitating. But now that he reunited with his children, his attitude softened and he was especially soft-hearted towards children.

Violla let out a long sigh and said softly, "I know that my other uncle and Aunt purposely instigated this. They have some business connection with the Smiths that benefitted them after all. Now that they're missing, both of them would definitely suffer great losses. That's why they thought of everything to get the boy to beg me for help. But no matter what happened, I can't reject it when a child like him asked for help."

Davon said nothing to that. Instead, he took out his phone and ordered, "Investigate what happened with the Smiths."

After hanging up, he asked with raised brows, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Will this affect you?" Violla asked worriedly.

"That's unlikely." He unfastened his buttons as he walked towards the bathroom. "You wouldn't be able to fall asleep tonight if I didn't do anything."

"Thank you!" She was immensely moved by his gesture.

"Aren't you going to come and help me shower?" Davon said assertively, "Serving your husband is the best repayment there is."

"Coming." Violla walked to him with a smile on her face. "I'll give you a special service tonight."

Things were quickly resolved after Davon got involved.

The next night, Clyde came and reported to her, "Miss Milan they've been rescued. They want to meet with you, saying that they want to thank you in person. What would you like to do?"

After thinking about it for a moment, she nodded and said, "Sure."

"Alright. I'll arrange the meeting immediately." Clyde drove her to the Smiths' residence which was also the Milan family's residence in the old days.

Since Violla was coming, both Amira and Smith purposely dressed up but it wasn't enough to cover up their pale and fatigued faces.

It had only been a few days yet they seemed to have aged ten years. Even white hair had grown on their heads.

Although they were wrapped tightly in their clothes, Violla could still see the injuries on their neck, arm, and forehead.

'They must've gone through a lot in the past few days.' She sighed silently to herself as she looked at them, not knowing what to say to console them.

Amira and Smith stood up and gave Violla a deep bow. "Thank you!"

"Don't be like that." Violla was at a loss. She wanted to reach out to stop them but she didn't want to step forward as they were still distant in terms of their relationship.

"Um, where is Leila?" she asked quietly.

"She's still sleeping. She's gone through a lot over the past few days and had almost…" Amira's wiped away the tears on her face before adding, "If it wasn't for Mr. Roman's men, I'm afraid we might've been dead by now."

Violla heaved a long sigh, unsure of how to respond.

"I didn't expect you to save us." Amira's eyes were red and full of guilt. "Don't you hate me after what I've done to you in the past?"

"Of course I do," Violla replied bluntly. "I hate you so much."

"I'm sorry." Amira then hung her head apologetically.

"Honestly, if it wasn't for Titus, I couldn't have made up my mind to do this," Violla said softly. "He's only three and a half years old and is the same age as my children. He secretly gave me a call and I really couldn't bring myself to reject him."

"Titus?" The couple was overwhelmed hearing the name.

Amira quickly asked, "How did he know about this? He's just a child! What's going on with the Stanleys? How can they let him know?"

"The Stanley's didn't tell him. It was your brother Aunt Amira and his wife who did. They even told him that he should come to ask me for help. That's why he hid in the toilet and called me." Violla roughly told them what had happened.

"Those a**holes!" Amira's body was shaking from anger. "They're obviously scared that they'd suffer from losses if anything happened to us. That's why they urge the boy to beg you for help. Titus is just a three-year-old boy. He must've felt so scared and helpless when he found out about this."

"I don't even know if those ba**ards told him anything bad about his father. If they did, he would definitely be traumatized. I'm afraid that he wouldn't be able to stand it with the Stanleys. And his evil stepmother! Oh, boy…"At the thought of that, Amira became panicked and worried.

"Those b**tards!" Smith gritted through his teeth.

At that moment, Violla seemed to have another level of understanding of Amira. Even though the woman had personality issues, she was still very kind to her family.

She could give up everything for her daughter and when she found out that Titus had begged Violla for help, she was worried for him instead of being happy that she was saved.

"Let's not talk about this." The woman recollected her thoughts and said guiltily, "The Smiths have owed you so much, Violla. I don't even know how I should repay you. After giving it some thought, I decided to return this villa to you. Just treat it as a token of appreciation from us."

At that, she gave the property ownership certificate and any documents related to Violla.