

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


Alarmed, Violla stopped in her tracks. When she listened carefully again, she heard another plea for help.

Looking around, she found a leg sticking out of a rubbish bin a distance away.

Frantically, she turned on the flashlight on her phone and cautiously walked over. Opening the lid, she saw Leila.

She was naked and covered in blood. Barely alive, she was lying on the pile of rubbish, using her remaining strength to call out hoarsely, "Please help me."

It was a dreadful sight.

Trembling in fear, Violla called the police right away.

Within a short span of time, the police and ambulance arrived at the scene.

As an eyewitness, Violla was taken to the police station to explain what she saw.

She told them truthfully about the situation, without hiding any details.

After taking down her statement, Violla queried, "How is she doing?"

"Are you referring to the victim?" A policeman sighed. "Doctors in the hospital told us that men assaulted her. Currently, she is severely injured and mentally unstable."

"What?" Violla gasped. Her eyes widened in shock, and she agitatedly grilled, "How could that have happened? I clearly saw Franklin's assistant walking over to save her. How…"

A policeman revealed, "We already contacted the assistant, who you mentioned earlier. He explained that he did stop them and let Leila go. However, he doesn't know how it ended up like that."

"Is there no security camera in the parking lot? Who the hell did that to her?" Violla pressed on.

"There is a security camera there. Unfortunately, we realized that it was facing a corner which did not show what happened. We have looked for Franklin's assistant bodyguards too, but they all have an alibi. They said after they released her, they headed back to do other work."

Violla shook her head, "That's not right."

"Do you mean that those were not the bodyguards who assaulted her? Who are they?"

Violla kept quiet.

The policeman continued, "We are still investigating."

Done with her business at the police station, Violla walked out from there in despair. Unexpectedly, she met Franklin at the entrance.

Facing each other, they exchanged complicated looks.

"Get in." Franklin opened the car door himself and gestured towards it. "I will send you home."

Violla rejected him flatly, "No need."

She no longer had any affection for him. Instead, she felt guarded and wary around him.

"Okay then." Unlike before, Franklin did not explain more like before. He only said, "Let's talk in the car. We are in front of the police station, so you don't have to worry."

Although Violla hesitated, she still got into the car.

"I want to make myself clear," Franklin spoke first. "Although Leila and I have divorced, and I am deeply disgusted by what she has done, I would never do something as despicable as that."

"Neither would I order my subordinates to commit a crime as ruthless as that. I tried to stop those people then and I wanted to send my wife home…I mean Miss Smith home. However, she cursed at me and refused to accept my offer. I'm sure you know her temper. Therefore, I had no choice but to let her leave."

The assistant, who was in the car, eagerly added after letting out a deep sigh, "Ah, if I knew this would happen, I would have sent her straight home, no matter how much she scolded or hit me."

"Well, you only have to explain it to the police. There is no need to tell me." Violla was indifferent to his explanation. "If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave first."

With that, she pushed the car door open, but Franklin grabbed her hand, "Veeeh…"

By instinct, Violla retracted her hand and placed her guard up again. "What else do you want?"

"Do you work part-time at an event company?" Franklin gently probed. "If you face any difficulties, I…"

"I am very well now and don't have any difficulties," Violla crudely cut him off.

"Why are you so cold towards me?" Franklin furrowed his brows. "Davon is about to marry Laura. You have seen his true colors. Don't you know that I am the only person who treats you right?"

"What?" Violla thought it was ironic and ridiculed, "Franklin, you are really scary."

"What are you talking about?" The man frowned. "How am I scary?"

"Leila was your wife for four years, and she even gave you a son. Even if she doesn't have the best character, she was sincere to you. Shouldn't you cherish the relationship you once had with her? Now that she is in such a dire state, you are confessing your love to another woman? Doesn't this make you a monster?"

Violla stared at Franklin like he was a stranger.

She continued, "Even if you were just her friend or her acquaintance, you would pity her at the very least. Furthermore, she only ended up like this because of you."

"Haha…" Franklin laughed coldly and pointed out sarcastically, "You are so benevolent! Have you forgotten how she treated you?"

"Four years ago, she used shameless and ruthless means to break our relationship. She made you lose your virginity and took your place instead. "After four years, she still humiliated you and your children on multiple occasions, putting you in a difficult spot.

"She even forced you to marry the man from East Nation. If Davon did not reach you in time, you would be in East Nation by now. Have you already forgotten about all that?" Franklin asked.

"I did not, but…" Violla started.

Franklin ignored her. "I know you are a kind person. However, you are mistreating yourself by being kind to your enemy." He paused before he snarled, "I used to be compassionate too, but I have learnt my lesson. I will not be like my former self anymore and will stand on my own feet. One day, I will destroy Davon and make him pay for everything he did to me."

"Is that why you got together with Barbra?" Violla could not understand him. "Do you really love her?"

"Is that important?" Franklin mocked, "I love you, but do you love me?"

His words made Violla speechless.

"Love, sex, and marriage are three different things." As though he understood everything about life, Franklin looked into a distance and droned on, "Love can stay in one's heart. Sex can help one meet one's desire. As for marriage, one can benefit in various ways."

"You have changed," Violla spat. She could not fathom what he was thinking. "Everyone has their ambitions, and I can't influence what you think. Regardless, let me remind you. You should think about your son before you do anything else and ponder over whether your actions would make him hate you in the future." With that, Violla left.

This time, Franklin did not stop her and just watched her disappearing back figure. He hissed, "You said I changed, but you have changed as well. If you haven't changed, you would not be together with Davon."

His phone rang, and it was Barbra.

Looking at his phone, Franklin ignored it.

"Mr. Stanley, do you think Miss Black is responsible for this?" The assistant asked in a small voice.

"It is the police's job to find the truth." Franklin snorted, "We have nothing to do with it."

"Then, will it affect your relationship with her?" the assistant asked.

"Of course not," Franklin confidently stated before answering his phone. "Barbra."

"Franklin, where are you?" The lady on the other end sounded anxious.

"I'm in front of the police station." Franklin answered.

"Did you see Violla? Are you together with her?" Barbra demanded.

"I met her at the entrance. We spoke for a bit, and she left," Franklin replied.

"Are you…"

Immediately, Franklin assured her, "Don't worry, I only have eyes for you."

"I'll look for you now. Please wait for me."

"Alright." After he ended the call, Franklin turned to look in the direction that Violla went. His gaze hardened.

It was because Davon humiliated him time and time again, crushing his dignity, which forced him to become who he was.

One day, he would make Davon pay twice as much.

He wanted to prove to Violla that he was just as capable as Davon.

In the taxi, Violla called Davon, but there was no response. She recalled that he told her he would return home late that night. 'Maybe he is busy.'

After she hung up, she looked out of the window and recounted what happened that day. She could not seem to process it. 'Who the hell ordered the attack on Leila? Was it Barbra? It is probably her. Well, does Franklin really not know about it then?

Did the assistant really save Leila at that time otherwise, did he participate in it too?'

Violla's head started to hurt as she pondered over it. Taking a deep breath, she blocked it out.

It had nothing to do with her, and she did not wish to interfere.

By the time she reached home, it was past midnight. All her children were asleep. Changing into a new set of clothes, she headed upstairs.

Davon had yet to return, and the house seemed empty and lonely.It made Violla feel depressed. Since she could not sleep, she decided to wash her dress and hang it up to dry.

Then, she stood on the balcony and watched the traffic go by, hoping to spot Davon's car. She missed him very much.She only felt safe with him.

It was close to two in the morning, but Davon was still nowhere in sight.

As Violla was too tired to wait any longer, she took a bath and slept .

Probably because of that day's events were too shocking for her, she had a nightmare. She dreamt of Leila being covered in blood while questioning her for not saving her.

In her dream, Violla eagerly tried to explain but could not seem to make a sound.Before she knew it, Leila pounced on her and squeezed her neck.

Violla jolted awake from the nightmare, sweating profusely while trembling in fear.

It took a long time before she finally managed to calm herself down. Getting out of bed, she headed out for a glass of water.

Looking back at what happened that day she felt guilty. If only she did not blindly believe that the assistant would save Leila and called the police; that probably would not happen.

Her phone rang all of a sudden.When she looked at her phone screen, Violla saw Amira's name. She answered the call instantly.

Amira roared, " Violla, you bi*ch! Why didn't you help her? If you hate me, you can take it out on me in any way you like. You can even take my life. However, how can you do this to my daughter? Why?"

In her final sentence, she broke down.

Hearing Amira's cries, she felt the mother's despair and empathized with her.

After a short pause, Violla explained, "I have explained everything to the police. You can ask them about what happened, and I will not explain anymore. I know that you probably won't believe what I say anyway."

Amira was still wailing on the other end.

"Just so you know, I am sad about what happened too!"

After the abrupt line, Violla ended the call.

She did not know how to console the other party nor explain herself. Furthermore, she did not want any more misunderstandings to occur. Perhaps, her silence was the best way out of it.

Hopefully, Amira would collect her emotions and stop blaming her.

While she was contemplating the matter, she heard the door opened. Immediately, she jumped to her feet.

Entering the house, Davon casually threw his jacket aside and was unbuttoning his shirt while heading for the bedroom. When he saw Violla, he opened his arms instinctively.

Without hesitation, the woman rushed into his embrace, tightly wrapping her arms around his waist.

"It's late. Why are you still up?" He gently ruffled her hair. "Were you waiting for me?"

"What took you so long to come back?" Violla whined.

She was hugging him very tightly. What happened that day made her scared and felt insecure. However, being back in his embrace made her feel at ease again.

"I had something to deal with," Davon replied. He raised the woman's chin and pushed the loose strands of hair on her face aside. Then, he gently kissed her eyelids. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes,I really did." Violla tiptoed and took the initiative to kiss him.

Her actions took Davon by surprise. He picked her off her feet and allowed her legs to wrap around his waist. While kissing, they headed to the bedroom.

Two of them fell onto the bed, their eyes burning with affection, and the temperature in the room seemed to have risen. Violla was so into it that Davon could not stop.

After the passionate night, Violla finally drifted to sleep at dawn.

Unable to resist the temptation, Davon leaned in to kiss the woman's eyes and cheek before continuing to stare at her sleeping face.

That night, he made Cruze prepare the evidence for Laura's misdeeds. He planned to stand up to D'barl and the Tariques to demand the marriage engagement to be called off.

Unexpectedly, before he submitted the evidence, D'barl got a heart attack and fainted.

Everyone got a shock, and Davon immediately sent D'barl to the hospital. After a few hours, the older man's condition finally stabilized at two in the morning. As he was afraid that Violla was waiting up for him, he rushed home.

His phone vibrated, and Davon quickly answered it. He whispered, "Hello?"

"Mr. Old Roman is awake," Cruze said. "Please hurry over. The doctor wants to see you."

"I'll be there in a jiffy." Davon hung up and carefully withdrew his arm from under Violla. Lowering his head, he kissed the sleeping figure then got up to change.

Before he left, he wrote a note and placed it under the lamp by the bed.

His chauffeur was already waiting downstairs. As soon as he got into the car, he received a call from Clyde. "Diana Roman has disembarked from the plane. She is heading to the hospital now."

"Okay," Davon acknowledged. "I want you to get some people to protect Violla in secret. I know Violla will be the weapon that will be used against me. They already know I love her and she is my weakness."

Davon paused before continuing, "My aunt has changed so much over the years.Since grandma died,she became so thirsty and greedy for power.I don't trust her anymore. Grandma was so fierce that she held our family down in unity. It's no longer the same since she died. Bless her soul."

Clyde kept quiet before asking," Your uncles ,should we be wary of them?"

Davon smacked his lips, "I know Uncle Dan will not come since grandpa disowned him . Uncle Dylan is too busy to come. He has not left his nation in years. Uncle Dylan doesn't really care about the inheritance or power. If anything he is the only one we can rely on or call for help. It is aunt Diana that is a looming storm."

"I understand."

After the call, Davon's phone rang again. This time, it was Johnson. "I heard Mr. Old Roman is sick. Is that true?"

"Where did you hear it?" Davon furrowed his eyebrows.

"It was insider news. Don't ask me about the details." The man on the other end softly continued, "This is big news. Although you are the only grandson from Dante Roman, you are not married and have no successors. I'm worried that the other branches of Romans Group would question your inheritance rights. When the internal fight starts, it will spell trouble for you."

"I know," Davon simply replied.

"You are still young and haven't been through any family fights…" Concerned, Johnson expressed, "In the face of big advantages and interests like this, even people who are related by blood would kill each other. It will reveal the evil side of humans."

Hearing that, Davon grew solemn.

Throughout his life, he was always the strongest. He was a child prodigy, and by sixteen, he took over the company and started managing the Roman Corporation. No matter what difficulties he met, he would often outmatch his competitors. Even when forced into a corner, he was never scared.

However, it would be a challenge to compete against his blood relatives for the family assets.

Their family was big, they loved and respected each other.Being there for one another.Fighting for each other.Soon things changed.They started to have conflicts of interest.

Therefore, D'barl divided them into different nations and made them promise not to fight each other.

Davon grew up without his parents, so his grandpa educated him. On the other hand, his aunt, Diana, played the role of his mother. She took good care of him, and he was very close to her.

Unfortunately, everything changed somehow.

Perhaps, it was because he grew up and became more independent or perhaps it was because his grandma died. Things slowly started taking a different direction. It became more evident that it was their grandma who held the family together. Davon terribly missed her the most.

For ten years, everything was peaceful except for minor hiccups. They still loved each other. It was even his aunt Diana who did Violla's first makeover for a gala.

It was not until Drew pretended to be him. He angered Davon by almost assaulting Violla, which resulted in their first dispute . And everything went off the roof.

"Take good care of the situation.Remember if they want to come after you. They will go after what you love the most first. In your case it's Violla Milan. Be wise. I advise you keep it low-key with Violla when Diana is around.I shall not bother you anymore." Johnson advised and hung up.

Still holding onto his phone, Davon looked crestfallen.

He managed to resolve the previous conflict perfectly, but the war would start again.

Although he did not wish to take that step, he could not tolerate it if anyone wanted to challenge his authority and hell would have no fury like him if they went for his woman.