

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs


"If… I say I want to marry you…" Davon asked abruptly, "Would you say yes?"

However, Violla didn't hear his question because she had already fallen asleep.

Davon looked down to study her face and couldn't deny that she looked adorable even in her sleep.

He sighed helplessly, then leaned down to kiss her eyes. After pulling the quilt securely around her, he let sleep take over him.

The alarm went off at half past six in the morning,

Violla jolted awake and rolled out of bed. Without even washing her face, she pulled on her clothes and wore her slippers. "I'm going down to make breakfast. Go back to sleep."

She told Davon when he wanted to tug her to him.

With that, she promptly took off, one of her slippers falling off in her haste.Staring at her klutzy movements, Davon's mouth curved into an alluring smile.Then, he turned on his side and continued sleeping.

Violla rushed back home as fast as she could. Fortunately, the three nurses hadn't arrived yet and the triplets were still asleep.She dashed into the kitchen and started making breakfast.

To play it safe, she prepared a simple breakfast comprising of sandwiches, dumplings, some fruit salad, and juice.

Those foods had high success rates, so Violla was confident that nothing would go wrong.

The children woke up when she started blending juice. Hearing the noise, Ryan immediately ran to the kitchen and called out gleefully, "Mommy!"

"Good morning, Ryan!" Violla looked back to smile at him while she was cutting the fruits.

"Good morning, Mommy." Ryan padded over to hug Violla. "You must be tired, Mommy."

"Aww, it's okay. Watching you three enjoy breakfast makes Mommy very happy." Violla kissed his forehead just as the doorbell rang. "It must be the nurses. Go open the door for them."

"Okay." Ryan ran over to get the door.

The nurses came in and helped the triplets wash up and get dressed.

The family sat at the dining table and happily dug into their food.

Breakfast was a success this time and the children enjoyed their meal. Violla rested her chin on one hand while watching the triplets wolf down their food, a strong feeling of contentment blooming in her heart.

"Mommy, you should eat too." The triplets fed Violla some fruit salad.

"Thanks, kids." Violla only ate a bit of fruit salad.

Soon, the three children finished their breakfast. After that, they carried their backpacks and went to school accompanied by the nurses.

Violla walked them to the elevator and waved goodbye to them.After they left, she quickly went home to make two portions of breakfast and took them upstairs.

She was about to tap on the door with her foot, but the door opened before she could. "How did the door open on its own?" she asked in bewilderment.

"That is a new technology called fully automated housekeeping." Davon was reading the financial section on the newspaper at the dining table with a glass of warm water in front of him.

Violla shrugged. "Hmm, I guess it's only normal that you have a one-of-a-kind home, seeing as you're the boss of a tech company."

She placed the tray down and transferred the plates of food onto the table. "You know, you look like you were waiting for me to bring breakfast up."

"Of course. Why do you think I moved here?" Davon studied the breakfast spread on the table. "You made all of this yourself?"

"Mmmh." Violla felt slightly embarrassed. "It's nothing fancy, but they taste quite alright. Go ahead and try some."

Davon had one dumpling and nodded. "Not bad."

Then, he picked up a sandwich and took a bite. "This one's a little bit soggy."

After that, he ate a mouthful of the fruit salad. "Too much dressing."

Lastly, he took a sip of the apple juice. "You should've added some salt while you were blending the apple."

When he was done evaluating everything, he finally started eating.

"You're really hard to please, you know that?" Violla pouted unhappily. "This breakfast is already considered one of my best."

"It's quite alright." Davon was biting into a sandwich. "If only I had a cup of black coffee to go with it."

Violla was lost for words.

She realized that he was displaying a serious case of machismo, but there was nothing she could really do about it.

"Do you have a coffee machine?" she asked

"It's in the kitchen. There are coffee beans too." Davon answered.

"You eat first. I'll go grind the beans for you." Violla offered.

"Good girl." He smiled.

Violla came back with a cup of coffee in hand. Davon had already finished his breakfast by then and took a sip of the coffee and nodded in approval. "Mmmh, not bad!"

"Finally, a compliment." Violla sighed in relief. "So, it seems like I gained something from working in Romans Corporation after all. At least I learned how to make good coffee."

"Look at you." Davon ruffled her hair affectionately. "Alright, eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

"I can't possibly finish all of this. You should have more." With that, Violla brought a sandwich to his mouth.

Davon instinctively took a bite. Then, as if it was the most natural thing to do, Violla withdrew her hand and continued eating it. They looked like they were an old married couple.

That subtle gesture struck a chord in Davon. As he quietly watched Violla, he secretly made a decision.

"You're going to the company today, right?" Violla did not notice the strange expression he was wearing,she was looking at her phone while planning his schedule. "It's seven forty already. What time do you need to head over there?"

"It's still early. Don't worry." Davon wiped off the bread crumbs from her mouth, then handed her a cup of juice. "Drink some."

"I can't eat anymore." Not having much of an appetite, Violla yawned and said, "I wanna sleep."

"Go ahead." Davon pulled her into his embrace. "I'll keep you company."

"It's fine. You have to go to the company soon, right?" Violla stood up to clear the table.

"No, I'm leaving at ten." Davon carried her into the bedroom.

"Davon, I just wanna sleep." Violla grew nervous. "Like really sleep, not the other kind of sleep."

"Hah!" Davon pressed her on the bed and deliberately frightened her. "I wasn't planning on doing anything, but now that you've mentioned it, I seem to remember that we only had two rounds last night. It's not enough."

"No…" Violla thrashed against him in shock. "I'm bone-tired and really sleepy. Please, let me sleep for a while."

"Idiot!" Davon bit her ear lobe and hugged her against his chest. "Sleep then. I'll stay with you."

"No touching." Violla turned around so that her back was facing him. It wasn't long before she started to sound drowsy. "I'll sleep until ten."

"Okay." Davon kissed her ear and gently patted her shoulder, coaxing her to sleep.

Violla fell asleep quickly, curling against him like a baby.

Initially, Davon planned to sleep for a bit as well, but his phone vibrated with an incoming call just then. He fished out his phone and when he saw that it was from D'barl, he declined it without hesitation before sending a text: I can't pick up the phone now. Is something up?

Soon, D'barl replied: Come home this instant, you little brat!

Davon replied: What is it?

D'barl texted: Laura has been looking for you for more than ten days and you've been avoiding her. What's the meaning of this? She even came to see me, so come back right this instant!

Davon replied: I'm busy now. Let's make it at night. I have something to tell all of you as well.

D'barl answered: 6 p.m. this evening. Laura and Mr. Tarique Junior will both be here, so you better show up. Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless.

Davon replied: Understood.

Following that, Davon sent a message to Cruze: Prepare all the evidence on Laura.

Cruze simply replied: Understood. He was flummoxed upon receiving a text message from Davon.

'Mr. Roman never liked texting. Why is he texting me his orders all of a sudden?'

Though confused, Cruze did as he was told.

After making the necessary arrangements, Davon switched off his phone and put it away. Then, he wrapped his arms around Violla and closed his eyes.

It was raining outside, so the weather was chilly and very suitable for sleeping in.The woman in his arms was soft and supple to the touch. Coupled with her sweet scent, she resembled a silent lullaby as he hugged her tight.

Shortly after, Davon drifted off to sleep.No matter how busy or troubled he was, as long as she was beside him, he would be able to sleep peacefully.

Violla finally woke up in a daze, turning over and burrowing into Davon's arms out of habit. Nuzzling the crook of his neck, she reveled in the scent that was solely his, feeling especially warm on the inside.

"Hey." Davon had just woken up too. He stroked her hair and kissed the crown of her head. "Hungry?"

"A little bit." Violla retrieved her phone from under her pillow. "Oh boy, it's twelve already!"

"Yeah." Davon took her phone away. "It's time for lunch."

"I'll go make us lunch now." Violla scrambled to get out of bed.

"Don't trouble yourself. I'll handle it." Davon pulled her back. "Let's hug for a little longer."

"Is it really okay for you to not go to the company?" Violla felt uneasy. Back when she was at Romans Corporation, he rarely went into work that late unless the time he went for business trips.

"I'm the boss. My word is the law." Davon turned on his phone and dialed a number. "Arrange lunch and have it delivered here at one sharp."

After ending the call, he cuddled with Violla again and naughtily bit her ear lobe. "I wanna eat you."

"Stop messing around." Violla drew back from him, avoiding his lips. "I should get up now. I have something to do later."

"What thing?" Davon held her chin, dropping a kiss on her forehead and cheeks.

"I…" Violla almost slipped up, stopping herself at the very last second. "I'm meeting a close friend for tea later."

"Is there anyone else?" Davon began to nibble on her neck.

"No, it's just her…" Violla started moaning softly. "Stop it. I really need to get up now, and it's a hassle to wash my hair."

"Fine." Davon reluctantly released her. "Shower here. I'll help you blow-dry your hair."

"Okay." Violla went to the master bedroom's bathroom and was surprised to find that all her toiletries had been prepared. There was even a set of pajamas for her.

"I'll go to the other bathroom. Wait here for me after you're done." Davon's voice came from outside.

"Okay," Violla replied, staring at the toothbrush in the pink ceramic cup next to Davon's blue ceramic cup which held his own toothbrush. They were a matching set which looked childishly cute.

Violla broke into a blissful smile because she never expected to see that side of Davon.

Recently, he had been so gentle and warm that she could barely remember how he was when he lost his temper and became violent.

At that moment, all she could think of was Davon's thoughtful and loving side.She seemed to have grown accustomed to that side of him.In fact, she may have even fallen in love with him.

Violla looked into the mirror and asked herself. 'Are you really in love with him, Violla?'

Lost in thought, the sound of her phone ringing brought her back to reality. She hurriedly ran out to answer the call. "Hey, Olympia."

"Violla, don't forget to meet me in Immaculate's Hospital at three. Oh and Miss Faith told me to remind you that the banquet at six tonight is very important, so don't be late."

"Got it. I'll go straight to the hotel after meeting you at the hospital."

"Okay. I'll be on duty tonight, so I won't be accompanying you. Remember to contact Miss Faith directly."

"Mmmh." With that, Violla ended the call and put her phone aside before going to the bathroom for a shower.Her hair was very long, so it was especially tedious to wash.

While she was washing her hair, a figure walked in, giving her a big scare when she turned around. "Why did you come in?"

"To help you…" Davon hugged her from behind and scrubbed her body, gently biting down on her shoulder.

"You're at it again. Stop it…" Violla whimpered helplessly, "How many times do you wanna do it in a day? My body can't take it."

"You don't need to do anything. I'll do all the work." Davon picked her up and ravaged her once again.

Violla felt like she was going to die from exhaustion. Davon was insatiable and often tired her out. Despite that, she could never resist him.

By the time the two of them came out, it was already two o'clock. Cruze had been waiting outside for more than one hour and the food had already gone cold.

Right then, Cruze tentatively pressed the doorbell.

Violla pulled her long hair into a ponytail and went to get the door. Realizing that Cruze had waited until then, color tinted her cheeks.

"The food has probably gone cold. I'll call the chef over to reheat it." Cruze was about to make a call.

"It's fine. I can do it myself." As Violla spoke, Davon came out of the room, wrapped in only a bath towel.

Cruze immediately bowed his head and retreated.

Violla was so embarrassed her face flushed a scarlet red. She wanted nothing more than to dig a hole and crawl into it.

"We're all adults. What's there to be embarrassed about?" On the contrary, Davon was as cool as cucumber.

"Don't ever do this again." Violla rolled her eyes at him and went to reheat the food.

Davon drank a cup of black coffee and went to the room to get dressed. Checking his phone, he saw that there were two missed calls from Laura. He ignored it and put down his phone before going outside to have lunch with Violla.

I'll be back late tonight. After you're done with your stuff, come over to rest first." Davon pulled her hand over and saved her fingerprint on his tablet.

"Fingerprint successfully registered. Welcome home!" An automated voice sounded from the tablet.

"This is…"

"Your fingerprint access." Davon put down the tablet. "From now on, you're the lady of this house."

"Lady of the house." Violla murmured as warmth enveloped her.

Davon caressed her face and tenderly said, "Wait for me tonight."

"Okay." Violla smiled tenderly at him, overwhelmed with happiness.

"I've gotta go now." Davon put down his utensils and got up to put on his coat. "Enjoy your lunch and take a nap after you're done."

"I'm done too. I'll go down and change, then head out right after." With that, Violla adjusted his coat for him and walked him out.

Davon kissed her head before striding into the elevator.

Violla could tell that he was busy, but wanted to spend more time with her.

After cleaning the table, she went home to change and rushed to Immaculate's Hospital.

Olympia had arrived earlier than their appointed time. Violla took her to meet Immaculate, who then explained her mother's condition to her in detail and gave her some pertinent suggestions. After that, she took a look at Olympia's hand.

Immaculate concluded that it wasn't a serious injury and could be cured completely. However, because the best recovery window had passed, it would take more time for her to heal.

When Violla reached the hotel, Faith was already making arrangements for the banquet. Seeing her, the latter rushed her to go get dressed as she was had to perform at six on the dot. The performance would last for about three hours, so she had to be fully prepared.

Violla went to the dressing room and slipped on the attire they had prepared for her, then got her makeup done and officially appeared on stage.

Seeing as many important figures were invited, the banquet was very likely hosted by a wealthy family. The guests who came were either filthy rich or immensely powerful. Violla even spotted a few familiar faces among the crowd, which got her thinking.

'Could the host be someone I know?'

Right then, the said host made an entrance.

Taking in the magenta-colored gown and the princess hairstyle, Violla's eyes gradually widened as she realized that the stunningly beautiful host was none other than Barbra Black!