

The word Hannibal is a latinization (Greek: Ἀννίβας, Hanníbas) of the Carthaginian masculine name of ḤNBʿL (Punic: 𐤇‬𐤍𐤁‬𐤏‬𐤋‬).

Meaning "Baal is Gracious".

A boy with no name wandered the dirt roads aimlessly, scavenging for food. With no home or living family he was nothing more than a homeless bastard. Pass byers always threw disgusted and/or pitiful looks toward the boy, yet now was a time to pity others as the severe heat and never-ending drought brought all to a worry.

'Yggdrasil.' was known across the world, yet not released it all anyone could talk about. What all the kids and young adult's prayed for to the gods, while those older prayed for things more trivial and not as materialistic like water and a good harvest for the season.

Occasionally strange men in all black suits would come and take many children. Parents at times would push and try to get their children selected into whatever the strange men did.

IN desperation.

Today they came. A lot sooner than most times as they'd only visit maybe once every two months. This was the second time in three weeks.

The chief would always welcome them with open arms, but behind the back of the people as they each continued to die from dehydration and starvation he'd pocket the 'gifts' the people in suits would bring which was enough food and water to feed the village for years.

'We were their livestock. They'd feed us, and pick the best out the bunch to go wherever they go. They wanted us to continue living.'

This time was different although as people in the village came out their homes to witness the loud moving four-wheeled metal boxes when came to a stop in front of the entrance with the chief in toe. They shot him, but it was faster than a arrow and a lot louder too. The people scurried in all directions after seeing the sight.

With no word of explanation they put his body on a post and went in to the chief's home and pulled various items out. Money, food, water, and multiple luxurious items. Panic and sadness over the chief's death quickly disappeared, and anger replaced, but you can't really say mad at a already dead man.

The strange people seemed to not care who would be next chief as they continued to pick children from the already dim population. The with boy with no name was picked this time.

"No, no. Pick mine. Much healthier, and cleaner, see?" A woman protested hurriedly, but the man did not stop to listen and continued to pull the small boy with him toward his loud metal box. There were ten kids in total chosen this time.

On the way to wherever the men were taking them most of the kids cried and wept of already missing home when they'd hadn't even been six minutes in the moving box.


The last half of that trip no one remembered. Or how they suddenly all woke up on a bed along with over 100 other kids around their own age in various colors and sizes..

In the four months of their arrival after various classes like learning English, exchanges of money, technology, and the world outside their very uncivilized villages the real process began.

The boy who continued to have no name, because one was not given, would use his free time different than most. Utilizing the free access to computers to always look things up online. He wanted to learn all.

From US's history to learning information on DMMO-RPG's.

The first day of the fifth month they were all given Neural Nano-Interface.

Initially, the first aim of creating this system was for the sake of it being used by the military. Then the the field of medicine, but at high costs. Eventually it was released to the public where people and their own creativities roamed free. Which didn't last peaceful long as crime arose.

Injected a syringe of nanomachines directly into one arm, it allows their brain and mind to function like a computer for high performance. Each were all given a credit card as well, yet not told if there was a limit.

They'd each start their own story in 'Yggdrasil'. Right before the process began the men in suits held their guns tight as one other pushed an old man in the wheelchair to a balcony for all to see and told all why. Why 3 they were taken from their home? Why'd he's done this for a bunch of 9-13 year old's and their families?

"I as head have one final wish to see something exciting. I have seen all. War. Birth. The change in times."

"I am dying with no children. The one who shall show me the greatest of all before my death shall inherit all. You shall be recorded closely, and I have given the chance and asked favors from friends who shall watch too in chance for you to be sponsored by others other than the myself."

Was what all was told, that not many yet deciphered although it was quite straightforward.

Each given their own small space they got helmets and required to start.

The boy who once had no name would give himself one.

He'd go by






Doing this out of fun while I think of ideas for my main book.

CV_LaPortecreators' thoughts