
Yeongyeol' And The After Life

this is a magical fantasy that is about bringing 2 worlds together. but you can just read the prologue. Now I have school so I have to work around a tight schedule so I will try to release content as soon as I can. If you stick with me you'll really love what I'm aiming for so stay tuned folks, for the adventures of yeongyeol. But he dies and js reincarnated as a turtle and becomes a badass to survive the new world he lives in

Jinx_ · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 2 The Village

Wooooo hoooooo this is awsome I'm surfing on snow, hey look a town wait one second it's that town. Baesinja, my home village.

Sir I am the chieftain of this village, could you help us please we need help something is attacking us and it kills our people and takes our food, please I beg of you. Its blue and dissolved anything that comes In contact.

So it's a slime, a lower ranking monster being not like elves or giants, they are thoughtless. Why should I help you I have no obligation to help you fuckers you killed my family. Do you recognize me yet, how could you not recognize the face of the man's family you killed. Now geodaehan is dead, I will never have a reason to help you.

no wait it can't be you, yeongyeol. That's why, that's why we dont have peace you never died. Hurry everyone grab your weapons kill him it's the boy he must die. Rahhhhhhhhhh

Now that's the last straw you killed my family and asked for my help, you should know I'm not a nice guy and I will kill you all.....

damn oops I actually killed them all when they tried to attack me with bronze swords and pitchforks I kinda let my instincts take over man I slit that's one guy's throught open with ait magic, then is head fell off. what was his name Dave, derrek, Lewis, no it was Roderick. no let then get eaten by the slime or bury them ah who cares I'm out.