
chapter 5

Yamcha looked at his flying kids in the sky, both of them had been taught by him how to do it, and it seemed to be their favourite thing to do.

The first thing he had taught them was how to hide their Ki.

As they got stronger, they needed to hide it better, plus he didn't want the Z Fighters zoning in on his location just yet.

He would often go out to a tournament and come back with the cash prize.

It was because of this that he could afford to buy a few new low hair people and upgrade.

He brought a cook, a tailor, a farmer and a cleaner.

He had upgraded the barrier around the clan, so it was no longer a wooden fence but shabby rock, and he had upgraded the planting fields.

And so instead of both Kila and Killua dressed in rags, Kila was now covered in a pink jumpsuit with armour and Killua was wearing the male equivalent.

Once they realised he wasn't going to throw them out or be evil, they both started to lighten up.

Kila after two months now had the power level of 14, 576 while Kilua had the power level of 15,200.

Yamcha felt like crying how easily they built up power on Saiyan blood alone.

Yamcha remembered the days of a person simply being over a thousand and even Goku would be running for the hills.

That was such a long time ago.

"Killua. Kila." He said.

They both stopped playing and floated down.

"Yes, Lord Yamcha?" They both said, and Yamcha wanted to sigh, he wanted them to call him 'daddy' but it didn't change.

"Today is the day I show you were, the meat money comes from," Yamcha said, the two had cleaned out the mountain in month, so he had to purchase meat. "You'll be making meat money as well, starting today."

Meat money?

It appealed to them a lot.

"So I've signed you two up for a junior division at a tournament, and I'll be in the adult division," Yamcha said, and suddenly they both looked nervous.

They had never went up against another kid before, without getting their butts handed to them.

"You two will be fine. I'm not going to push you to win. I just want you two to have fun" Yamcha said, shocking them both. "Regardless of wither you win or lose. I'm going to give you a hug and treat you two to your first restaurant."

He saw the two relax a bit.

"Now follow me," he said, as he began to fly and they followed behind him.

It was the first time both of them would be venturing out of the mountain so he could feel their wonder and awe about everything around them.

It increased when they entered their first city.

Yamcha picked both of them up and put them on his neck, both of them wore weighted clothes but not enough for them to collapse.

Yamcha and his kids stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd but they soon arrived at the stadium.

"Name please?" Said a female.

"It's Lord Yamcha," he said before he took his kids down. "And this my daughter Kila and my son Killua. I entered them both in the junior division."

She found their names and said. "It says here your listed under the Wolf Fang Fist clan."

"Yes," Yamcha said, wondering what that had to do with anything.

"Here is your badges," said, the woman and Yamcha helped the kids pin them on, while those who heard the clan name laughed.

Wolf Fang Fist clan?

They never heard of them.

The surrounding fighters thought they were a bunch of no name loser trying to make themselves sound bigger than they really are.

A woman came to collect the two kids.

"Follow the nice lady," Yamcha said as they did so while feeling very worried for them.

Maybe it was too soon to take them outside?

Yamcha went to the adult division and some of the adults in their recognised him immediately.

Others who did not know his incredible record was stunned by the abnormal air they could feel around him.

He was just stretching, and yet his whole presence filled the room, it was no wonder some began to sweat.

#Kids division#

"Let's do our best for lord Yamcha!" Said Killua to his sister.

Kila nodded.

"Why are baby's here?" Said, a fat kid, beside him was his gang.

"There really are babies here," said, a female 11 year old. "You two should run all the way back to your mommy. We don't want to hear you crying on stage."

Both Killua and Kila blinked.

Was this smack talk?

And then the junior division began, and the children began to step into the ring, each one was cheered on by their parents, who were aiming for their child to get on tv and win that prize money.

Meanwhile, the adult's division had started.

Both Kila and Kilua were scared as they step onto the battlefield but took a deep breath and got into the pose that was taught to them.

[Kila and Killua are about to engage in battle] Yamcha heard, he was not even paying attention to the opponents in front of him.

The fat kid immediately went for Kilua since he seemed to the toughest looking of the two and wanted to embrace him.

Test your opponent out first. Yamacha voice said in Killua head.

Killua allowed the punch to hit him despite complaining inwardly about how slow the punch was.

The punch landed, and Killua felt nothing.

"Eh? Are you playing a game?" Killua said, much to the boy's shock.

The boy threw a boatload of fists at him and even kicked impressively height for his weight, but Killua didn't move at all.

The boy was sweating heavy and breathing.

"I think it's my turn now," Killua said before he hit the much older kid in the stomach as light as he could.

Apparently, it wasn't light enough and everybody watched as the kid went flying out of the battling ring.

Kila tightened her fists and then did the same thing to the other kids.

The kids never saw her coming, and each one of them was punched out of the ring like she was a wrecking ball.

"Mommy!" Shouted the fat kid.

It was ironic that it was him crying now instead of the other way around.

And the child wasn't the only one crying for their mother.

Both Kila and Killua realised the game was fun and went after the other kids while the kids parents watched with wide eyes and horror.

Who've kids were they!?

Before it even reached ten minutes all, the 30 kids were out, and only Kila and Killua remained.

"Now what do we do?" Said, Kila to her brother.

"I think we're supposed to light fight each other now," said, Kilua said.

And then they both displayed speed that made it look like they vanished before they reappeared and clashed with each other.

Every single person watching the children looked on with wide eyes and shock as the two went at it, displaying combat skills that were far beyond their ages and the Wolf Fang Fist clan emblem was brightly lit on their clothes.

With each clash, there was a little shock wave.

They both began to rise as they sparred.

The cameras were getting all of this.

And then they both seemed to get bored, and Killua stepped out of bounds, it was no fun sparring like this, but Lord Yamcha always said to never show everything unless you had too and they didn't.

The announcer blinked when he realised it was over.

"E-Er winner!" Said the man. "Kila of the Wolf Fang Fist Clan!"

Killua would get a second-place medal while everybody else got a participation prize.

They all heard cheering, and it seemed the adult division had finished as well.

All the kids were given their rewards before being taken to have their picture taken with the adults.

When both Kila and Killua saw Yamcha, they both leapt and said.

"Lord Yamcha!"

Yamcha welcomed them with open arms and hugged them and ruffled Killua hair; he saw the number 2 ribbon on Killua and a special pin on Kila just like his.

The top spots stood in front of the camera, and the announcer revealed that all the winners of today were actually from the same clan.

Yamcha collected 300 million Zeni which was 100,000 dollars altogether, a shocking amount for somebody to have and he certainly received envious looks when he was given the money, but he they couldn't complain.

Once the photos were taken, Yamcha said. "Let's get lunch."

"Yeah, meat!" Said Killua, leaping up happily.

The two were all to happy to rush out of the place even if they didn't have any knowledge of where they were going; they followed the smell of cooked meat.

And Yamcha was forced to pick up the pace and entered an all you can eat Buffet.

He saw them already eating.


They were going go bankrupt this place.

"Hi, I'm their father. Please accept this cash" he said, as the employees were about to kick the two out.

The employees saw the bills and were confused.

"Take it. You'll understand in 5 minutes" he said, confusingly.

Then he took a plate and wasn't even down yet until both kids went for thirds.

The surrounding costumes looked on with wide eyes as two children began to empty the whole restaurant of their food.

Suddenly in 5 minutes, the bills Yamcha had given them was god sent to the restaurant, and somebody went out to make sure their was food for other costumers coming through the door.

When the two were finally stuffed, there was nothing left and Yamcha was pretty sure the owner was thinking of banning them from his restaurant.

Yamcha took them outside.

"Lord Yamcha that food was terrible," said, Killua, used to eating food from him or the clan chief.

Yes, it was.

Yamcha noticed this because he got shockingly small XP from the both of them.

"Well, were going to buy a large amount of meat and spices and make some ourselves," he said, as the two were suddenly excited again.

They went to a market place and a butcher shop, he told them to pack all the meat they got.

When they saw his money, they realised he was serious.

Half an hour later, all the meat was put into a bag, and the staff thought he had a vehicle to put it all into, but they were shocked when he started lifting the bag and his kids doing their part to help.

They then flew out of the store much to everybody shock.

They flew back to the mountains, where they told the chief to stick the meat into the freezer while the man already had a snack waiting for the kids.

They both enjoyed it a lot better.

Yamcha went to the Lord room and saw how the room was no longer shabby after he had upgraded the castle.

And that means the kids bedroom was a lot more luxurious as well.

He went to the clan store and purchased a wardrobe for the kids and filled it with expensive clothes.

Then he filled the room with more toys.

And then he began to look at the people and sighed.

As long as he had two meat-eating monsters his chances of getting a beautiful big breasted woman, was harsh.

He brought a flock of birds for civilance and a carrier pigeon with a few boosts.

And then he brought the skills air steps and eagle eyes.

"Woah," he said, when he got it, he could see his own neck on the covers.

This was weird.

"I think I need a couple of days to get used to this," he said, before wobbling to the training room.

However, he had succeeded in introducing his two kids to the outside world and would allowing them to go by yourself the next time.

And so he did.

He let them pick any tournament and sent them over for combat experience.

When they came back, they came back with money and meat; he felt his reputation go up, and so did the clan bank account.

He spent money on foot fighters and sent them out to compete in tournaments when he thought they were ready.

They won, and the money poured in, he had found his fountain and immediately brought a clan treasury person to invest in business and didn't let them go outside until they could at least fly.

He was earning XP left and right, with his foot soldiers and he was spending on skills.

And then came the moment he had been waiting for.

The start of his Harem.

"Hello, ladies," he said, for this moment he had worked on his natural charisma.

He had brought a blue-haired woman with blue eyes and E cup breasts and a woman with purple hair and D cup.

They blinked, and he was immediately smothered in boobs.

"Lord Yamcha, your so handsome," said the purple-haired beauty named Wendy.

"So cute," said the blue-haired named Clara.

His dream.

His dream was being realised.

"Killua, why does Lord Yamcha look so happy to be hugged?" Said, Kila, now three, she had never seen him smile like that.

"Maybe its an adult thing," said Killua.

He had seen several adults make the exact same face.
