
X-Men: Genesis

It's a new time for the X-Men. Charles Xavier's school for the gifted is changing in ways that no one could predict. Genosha wiped out. Half of the mutant population gone. What a time to be a mutant right?

TrapcardD · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Oh Eddie!

" Ugh! My chest hurts/" I groaned. I began to wake up from my sleep, and the moment I tried to sit up I felt a vicious pain in my chest. " Agh!"

" Oh, dear. My dear boy, stop pushing up." I heard Mr. McCoy shout from across the room.

He ran from his computer and placed a hand on my chest.

" It hurts!" I screamed.

" Easy boy, I'm giving you another dose of your painkillers." Mr. McCoy spoke.

Mr. McCoy slowly eased the clear fluids from his needle into the Iv in my arm and the pain quickly faded. I breathed out a sigh of relief and Mr. McCoy slowly eased me back down onto my back.

" Thank you, professor. I feel much better." I told the man.

" I'm glad to hear it. And... I am so sorry we weren't there to keep you kids safe. I swear I'll never let something like this happen again." Mr. McCoy spoke. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

" Hey, it's alright Mr. McCoy. This was bound to happen again. Logan told me this came with the territory. Guess I just need more training. But at the very least... I'm alive." I told the man. It was hard to breathe even with the painkillers. It felt like I was choking on each word just trying to get them out. " But... How's Eddie? That freak injected him with something. Is he okay?" I asked.

Mr. McCoy looked at me and then hung his head.

" He's okay right? Right, professor?" I asked again.

" Edward is alive. But what Ord injected him with was benetech's mutant cure. He is no longer a mutant." Mr. McCoy spoke.

I felt my heart drop, when he told me Eddie lost his powers. We had just talked about this happening before, and I told him everything would be alright. And now they were gone. Eddie loved his powers more than anyone else, and now they were taken from him.

I looked up to the ceiling and started wondering if there was anything, I could have done to have prevented that from happening. But no matter how much I thought about it I just couldn't think of a way to prevent it.

" I'm sorry son. I know you did the best you could. But this isn't your fault. It's ours. We'll try to help Young Tancredi regain his powers, if we can. Until then you need to worry about yourself. You almost died. Just rest son. I know a few ladies have been visiting you frequently." Mr. McCoy spoke. He was trying his best to get my mind off things. And I appreciated it.

" Really? Who?" I asked.

" Young Irina, the stepford sisters, Young Hisako, and I know Miss Ashida has even stopped by a few times."

" Really? I mean, I get Irina. But the stepford sisters? They hardly spoke to me since school started. I mean it's only been a few days. But still." I was a bit surprised. I thought the stepford sisters were trying to avoid me or something. " Wait a minute, Mr. McCoy what happened to... Ord you called him?" I asked. I hadn't even thought about the guy who gutted me.

" That's a bit.... I guess you need to know. It's a good thing you didn't kill him. Ord is an intergalactic emissary from a faraway world called Breakworld. Meaning he has diplomatic immunity. He's not going to be facing any punishment. I'm sorry." Mr. McCoy spoke.

" What?! He nearly killed me, attacked a school of students, and took Eddie's powers and all he gets is a slap on the wrist? No, he doesn't even get that, he's just free to go?! Where's the justice in that?!" I asked. I was livid. The man who nearly killed me and the others was just let go without any consequences. No, he needs to pay. I don't know how. But I swear I'm gonna get him for this.

" He's being escorted off planet. He won't be coming back anytime soon. And if he does Logan and Scott, both made it clear what would happen to him and Fury if he did." Mr. McCoy spoke. He then suddenly looked like he was full of regret. " I shouldn't have said that. Nope not one bit. Well, I'm gonna need you to keep the last bit between the two of us, lest Emma turn me into an actual cat."

" I see. Mr. McCoy how long am I gonna be in here?" I asked.

" Well, your body is healing fast. I'd say just another day or two if it continues." Mr. McCoy stated.

" Yeah? Then why am I still hurting so badly?" i asked. " If I was healing that fast shouldn't the pain be gone by now?"

" You're healing fast. That doesn't mean you don't still feel pain my boy. Even after your wounds are fully closed and healed, you're still gonna feel some residual pain." Mr. McCoy explained.

" Yeah, okay. That makes sense." I replied. " Thanks for looking after me Mr. McCoy. I think I'm gonna try to go back to sleep. Can you wake me if Irina or anyone else comes down?" I asked.

" Of course, dear boy. Rest easy." Mr. McCoy spoke. He walked over to the wall and turned the lights down in the room and returned to his computer.

I closed my eyes and tried my best to get back to sleep, I needed to rest my brain from all this. Nearly dying and finding out one of my teammates has lost his powers, and the guy responsible for doing it being free has really tired me out.