
World building... Sort of.

MC: Wulin (Duh!)

Location: China?

Age: 17 (High school)

Parents: Yes!

Cute step-sister: No...

Harem: Maybe...

Wulin is the school delinquent. (Follows his own path, leading to him being seen as a delinquent.)

However, he is a genius that gets first rank every test, so they don't dare to expel him, and he doesn't bully others.

Sharp piercing eyes, causing people to feel as if they are at spear-point.

slightly long messy hair, used to cover his eyes, but increases his wild looks even further.


Wulin living ordinary life.

One day, on the news, many priests and holy men around the world are going wild.

They foretell that the god's are coming back, and a war that may destroy humanity is about to ensue.

Soon after, during people's dreams, the Gods and Titans of Greek mythology give a chosen few a blessing/inheritance.

They only gave their blessing to those of an okay age, 15-40 years old. Later on, 15 years old is the time when people find out if they become a Titan/God warrior.

In their dreams, they state that the second Titanomachy is about to begin and they decided to use their predecessors, humanity, to decide the results.

This blessing/inheritance changes the constitution of humans, allowing them to cultivate their bodies beyond the limits of human beings.

Wulin is faced with two men in his dreams, Lapetus and Atlas, two Titans.

Usually, only one blessing is allowed to be given to each human.

However, after a small debate, they both decided to give him their blessing, since the God's are unlikely to play by the rules either.

Lapetus is a Titan God of Mortality, his sons basically created humanity as we know it. He is also known as a Titan God of Craftsmanship. He is best known for his weapon, the spear, and had the title of 'The Piercer'.

Atlas is the strongest Titan, leading the Titans in the Titanomachy, he is best known for his overwhelming strength and endurance. He is the one who holds up the world.


However, the Gods and Titans are not the only ones taking part in this war, but all the immortal monsters and their creators are also taking part, giving blessings to all the animals, and creating more monsters in the process.


Before the world is able to comprehend the strange appearance in their dreams, the less intelligent monsters begin attacking at random.

Cracks/gateways into tartarus open, allowing many monsters to flow out and attack human civilizations.

The army intervenes and saves many places, some Army officers who 'awakened' a blessing/inheritance showed their advantage in fighting the monsters, leading to the governments also knowing about this.

Government slowly breaks into the Titan group and God group, creating their own armies made from strengthened humans.

Many of the Strengthened Human's were conscripted into the army, both to contain them and teach them how to fight against monsters.


Gaia strengthened the earth, causing even the first layer of ground to have resistance to explosives.


Wulin is conscripted into Titan army, kind of like a school, having classes on different subjects such has combat, firearm knowledge, tactical knowledge, signals, etc.

Talent moves him to the top grade elite class, only for those who have double blessings.

Mind you that double blessing doesn't mean they are strong, they could have two blessings from weak Titans/Gods. Wulin has the perfect combat pair.


Eventually, weapons like guns become useless against the strong monsters, making those with crafting blessings to become highly sought after.


Ocean's become a true danger zone, very dangerous for those that do not have water-related blessings.


Gods and Titans will create disasters using their overwhelming power if the two powers start to look as if they are uniting. (Credits: Lhugh)


Rogue cultivators, those who don't join the army and cultivate on their own, also evil sects that use their powers for evil and cause destruction. (Credits: Lhugh)


Primordial Immortals/Gods also secretly give their blessing, telling their chosen ones to hide and build their power.

Secretive Primordial sect, unknown to most of the world. Not on any side, but quietly grow their power. Possible invasion/war between the Primordials and one main group. (Credits: 4th Emperor)




Cultivation Ranks: 9 smaller stages per realm

1. Titan Recruit (Body Strengthening)

2. Titan Energy Gathering (Qi Gathering)

3. Titan Blood (Qi mist turns into a liquid)

4. Titan Core (Liquid becomes a solid, creating Titan Core)

5. Titan Condensation (Core Condenses to become smaller and firmer.)

6. Titan Transformation (Core gets ready for transformation to soul)

7. Titan Soul (Core breaks apart and becomes part of the soul)

8. Titan King

9. Titan Monarch

10. True Titan (The stage of original titans?)

For the God Group, just change the word Titan with God. Using the same cultivation system, however the two powers don't like a universal cultivation name.

Alright hive mind, give me suggestions.

It can be anywhere from world building to what happens in the plot.

I accept all suggestions!

The_Wulincreators' thoughts