

My hands reached out weakly as I grasped the paper on me. I found my body slumped over a brick wall in a dark alley.

Where was l ?

What happened to me ?

Who am I ?

A searing pain appeared in my brain.

Ah I remember now, I died in bed choking on a pretzel while reading Marvel comics. The old Marvel comics which I had collected for over 40 years. Hey, wait, does that mean I am an old man. Then why do my hands look so tiny and white. Wait was I Asian or Chinese. Hmm, what was my name when I died ? Why can't I remember ?

Argh ! There is a searing pain in my head !

Whose body is this ? Wait, my name is Ray and I am ten years old and I am an orphan. I was left at an orphanage when I was a baby. Oh well, who cares ? Argh, there is pain in my stomach. God did this kid have anything to eat ? Ah, I remember now, he oops I ran away from home or the orphanage.

Why is there a tattered book on Buddhist scriptures in my hand ?

I read the book and a spark of light appeared out of my hands and curled around me forming a protective barrier. Ah ha ! I remember now the reason for running away is to get more Buddhist scriptures to read, to get more powerful. This body gets more powerful by reading Buddhist scriptures !

With this power why didn't this child form his own gang and conquer the streets of New York ? This is New York isn't it ? Wait, there is a newspaper there, let me grab it.

Oh shit ! This is New York alright ! The New York in the Marvel Universe ! It says here it is 1980 and the Stark expo is coming soon ! And they are celebrating Captain America's contribution to America and talking about making a Captain America Day ! Oh crap ! I don't have enough power to face Thanos in this ten year old body !

My stomach rumbled with hunger.

Oh person that used to reside in this body was too good in his past life, he refused to steal and took away thrown Buddhist scriptures from this book shop's back alley. Ha ! That's why he starved to death ? Well if he didn't die, I wouldn't be here now. So thank you Ray. Thank you for your body and power, I will make sure your life is better from now on. In fact I will take your name in honour of you since I don't know what my name was in my previous life. Think of it as honouring you. First thing first, scrounging for food in the rubbish cans.

Oh ! I found a half eaten sandwich. Oh well ! Bottoms down ! I thought to myself as I took a big bite of the half eaten sandwich I found in the rubbish bins behind the book shop.
