
Worm: Horror Master

Author: madhat886
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  • 19 Chs
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Taylor Hebert gains the powers to summon anything from anything that is horror related in fiction. And with the help of the evil versions of MLP, she will learn she can make real friends even with monsters. A Worm crossover with many horror series.

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Chapter 1It Begins


In front of the hospital are a line of police cars, Armsmaster, Miss Militia and Velocity arrived at the scene. They and the other heroes have been busy dealing with all the things that have been happening around the city. Which is in chaos right now as creatures and things right out of nightmares are walking around, which has the heroes and PRT stretch thin. (1)

Battery and Assault are dealing with the docks where people in strange armored old fashion driving suits are showing up. There are also other things showing up in the water. Triumph and Dauntless had split up the Wards into two groups and are handling what happen at the Winslow highschool where it all began and the surrounding area. New Wave are handling the downtown area, which is seeing sightings of many strange people and things. The area has what looks like hunting parties searching around for someone. 

The three came to the hospital as what happen at the school ended up at the hospital, the creatures and things had torn up the school and are now searching the city for something. From the reports the projections from what is clearly a master parahuman was carried to the hospital by a large group of the creatures. Where more and more creatures and things are appearing around said building.

The three entered the hospital where they walk into the lobby that's empty but for the reception desk and someone watching the news from one of the tvs in the lobby. Most of the staff and people in the hospital had escape once the things took over, which from thwart the staff and people said, the things just let them go. But some of the patients couldn't be moved and some of the staff had become trap in the hospital. Which is why the police or the PRT troops couldn't move in. 

The one watching tv is a huge skull-faced man dressed as a security guard and armed with a massive wooden club that has skulls embedded in it. The guard looks at the three heroes before turning back to the tv. The person sitting behind the reception desk is dressed in a standard issue nurses uniform from the early twentieth century but her head is covered by a pillowcase. Typing at the computer and…. The speakers of the hospital suddenly called out. 

"Doctor Klok, please report to room 229," a man's voice called out. The speakers remained silent before buzzing again. "Ah, I see three heroes are here. I can see you on the security cameras."

The tv the massive guard was watching suddenly became static and made a loud statically noise that drew the heroes attention. And a man appeared on the screen standing in one of the rooms of the hospital. He's dressed in the stereotypical garb of a surgeon, along with a bloodstained apron, head mirror, and smock with a waistcoat with a bow tie underneath. Who looks like that old actor Price, even sounding like him. But the strange thing is that he's black and white like from an old 16-mm film projector. 

"Greetings, I am Doctor Killjoy psychiatrist and surgeon. Me and my staff have taken over running this hospital after most of the old staff ran off. Don't worry about the patients, we're looking after them," the man said.

"Are you the one who summon all of these projections?" Armsmaster asked.

"No, I'm just leading this group who are caring fans protecting our mistress," Killjoy said before he turn to something in the room.

A loud thump of something heavy came from outside, the three heroes walk over and open the lobby door to see a large armored man bird. The thing is a mix of metal and leather, giant leather and metal wings on its back, armor plating, a bird like head helmet, the only weapons are clawed knuckles and boots. Standing around 15 to 20 feet tall and its carrying a person in its arms. 

The man got off the arm of the bird man machine thing and walk towards the hospital. Some of the cops were shouting for him to come to them but couldn't do anything as the bird man machine stood in the way. The man entered the lobby where Doctor Killjoy greeted him.

"Mr. Hebert we been expecting you, I do hope you had no trouble with Songbird. Our mistress hasn't waken up yet but you can see her," Killjoy said.

"Where's Taylor?" Danny Hebert asked.

"Nurse Smithson please buzz him in. The mistress is in room 205'," Killjoy said. 

The door of the lobby was buzzed and open allowing the father of the newest triggered parahuman in. The heroes followed behind him, as they need to make sure that the Hebert girl is the parahuman and to protect Mr. Hebert. The big security guard did move to block the heroes but Mr. Hebert said the heroes are with him and the guard step aside. 

The hospital hallways were normal as the new staff are working in caring for the remaining patients. The nurses are female in body shape but are… not right. They have proportions, while still attractive in a strictly filthy sense, are exaggerated, like bimbo caricatures or a hentai. They're so sexually mature it's to an Uncanny Valley extent. Meaty thighs on full display, razor thin waists, and breasts nigh-overflowing out their tops through strategically-placed cleavage windows. Despite their thickness they still manage to maintain a slender and petite grace to their presence, though in an unmistakably demented sense. They are even dressed in slutty nurse outfits, with ridiculously short skirts and heels so high they shouldn't even be able to walk in them. 

They walk strangely like when people walk backwards but forwards, and they twitch and jerk their bodies. But it's their faces that made the four react the most. Some of their heads are bulbous and bone-white, they have small mouths full of dirty, bloodied teeth. Others have a full head of hair and malformed faces. 

There are also nurses who have what seem to be a surgical mask fused to their faces, while the nurses have bandages covering theirs. They more closely resemble actual human nurses in provocative uniforms and busty bodies, but as the lack of faces. There are also those in pink uniforms and looking much more human-like in appearance aside from the clearly-deformed, blank faces and visible veins. Their "pink uniforms", upon closer inspection, are made of human skin with tendons clearly visible. 

There are also nurses wearing a red and white nurse outfit and red gloves, with a pair of rolling skates. Their faces are hidden by a paper bag with the top of an old nurses hat that they all wear, that all have black crosses on their front like heather crosses on their sleeves of their shirts. All of them have giant syringes hanging on their belts.

But for all the horror they held from their looks, they're all doing what healthcare workers normally did in hospitals. They check the patients, giving them their meals or medicine, checking the medical equipment. The nurses on the roller skates are rolling here and there delivering items to different rooms. The remaining staff are scared but are doing their best to take care of the remaining patients, even working with the inhuman staff. 

The group pass the room that held the new babies, a bandaged covered nurse is checking each one of them. While an older human nurses is changing a diaper. She had stayed behind to protect the babies but to her surprise the inhuman nurses are taking care of the little ones. And the babies aren't bothered by the nurses at all.

A man dressed as a doctor walk pass looking at a chart, strapped to his head and face is some kind of electroconvulsive gear, The Doctor is forever forced in a maniacal grin.

The party duck as a huge man that kind of reminded them of a caterpillar for some reason was crawling on the ceiling passed them who is dressed as a doctor. He crawled into a room where before the door closed, a family of three parents and their child huddled together in fear.

A man who looks to be pieced together and dress as a doctor came out of a room, holding the door open letting out a man holding the hand of his young daughter who quickly headed for the exit. 

A nurse with no face is wheeling out a woman in a wheelchair holding her baby in her arms with her husband walking next to her. Both looked scared but remained calm as they're being released. 

Someone wearing what looks like a plague suit that people wore during the Black Plague during the Middle Ages walked by them in the hallway. Followed by a robot, in the shape of a ball with 3 eye stalks on it and 3 tentacles, two having pincer claws on the ends and the last a buzz saw. Flying by a thrusters on the bottom of its round body. 

They reached room 205 which is guarded by a very tall and powerful built woman, who wore a white wooden mask of a rabbit that covered all but her lower face. She wore a torn sarafan, customized with utility belts that has 4 hatches hanging on them. She also held a long broad axe, that looks very old. 

Sitting on a chair near by is a female demon with bat-like wings on her back and has red skin, that matches her long red hair that has a yellow strip making it look like bacon with a horn on her forehead. She has pointy ears and her hair is going upward and has a tail. She has red/black boots and wears a short red/black dress that looks torn from the bottom and the top. On her dress, she has a black horizontal stripe around the chest area of the dress that looks torn as well. She also has pointy fangs. She's on a iPhone typing away on it, like a normal teenage girl would do.

"Huntress, the man with the glasses is Mr. Hebert, our mistress's father. He's here to see her," Killjoy's voice called out from a speaker. 

The teenage demon took a picture of Mr. Hebert. 

"There, I'm sending a picture to the others so they all know what our boss's dad looks like," the teenager said sending the picture to all of her contacts.

"Thank you Sunset," Killjoy said.

The woman, Huntress open the door of the room, revealing Taylor Hebert laying on the hospital bed. There are two bandaged headed nurses in the room with her guarding her, each armed with a revolver. There is also a female doctor who like the nurses has her head wrapped in bandages. Her short skirt showed the hint of stocking tops, her blouse revealed the start of a deep cleavage, and her white lab coat could never have been buttoned up thanks to her huge breasts.

"Our mistress has been treated but hasn't woken up yet. Two of her bullies have been taken care of already along with her school that did nothing to help our mistress. Now there is only Shadow Stalker or Sophia Hess to take care of. We learned who she is from the nurse of the school is was meant to keep an eye on her for the PRT," Doctor Killjoy said shocking the heroes as revealing the identity of a cape is against the unwritten rules. 

The tv in the room Taylor is in, turned on showing the two girls who tormented Taylor, strapped to beds. They're heavily bandaged up and missing their arms and legs. Followed by a picture of Shadow Stalker and her real identity Sophia Hess, side by side. 

"Which is the reason why she got away with all of her bullying of the mistress. She ran away once we appeared leaving her two friends behind. They're still alive but only so that the mistress can decided to end their suffering or leave to them suffer," Killjoy explains. "Also this is being played on the local tv channels in the city. We only want Sophia Hess or Shadow Stalker. We already took care of the students and teachers of the school that stood by and watch. If you all within this city don't want to have the streets become a bloodbath. All you have to do is give us the girl." 

"She ran like a coward when me and the others broke into the school and began tearing it apart. She didn't even tried to save her two friends as we rip their limbs off," Sunset spoke up, not even looking up from her phone.

"Mr. Hebert could you talk with your daughter's projections?" Armsmaster ask, his com channel is in chaos with the reveal of one of the Ward's identity and being the cause of this mess.

"I'm just the father, you clean up your own mess," Mr. Hebert said and enter the room and Huntress closed the door behind him. 

"He is right. We're giving him special treatment only because he is our mistress father. You three on the other hand, should have look more closely to what's been going on with one of your wards," Killjoy said. 

A enormous dark skin man with a gorilla-like build came walking down the hallway to them. Like most of the other projections, he has a misshapen face and bubble-like growths on his arms. He wore a tight-fitting shirt that look like the buttons are going to pop off, and a green vest that have already encountered that fate (save for one or two buttons). The right sleeve is torn, revealing more mutation bubbles. The man is also carrying a radio on him.

"You are the heroes?" the man asked. 

"Yes," Velocity said. 

"I'm Leo Hartwig and you all need to bring someone who can heal the mistress and get her to wake up before things get out of hand. Our mistress is in bad shape and without her to command us. The others are just running wild. Killjoy is keeping the others busy in looking for the one who harmed the mistress. But if she doesn't wake up or if she dies... there be nothing to keep the others under control." 

"He's right kids," a voice called out from the radio Leo held. "Name's, Augustus Sinclair, Esq me and Leo here are some of the few that the boss lady summon from our different worlds, who can control ourselves. If you haven't notice all of the others are stuff that you find in one of those horror films and stories. It's because we are all from a horror setting, me and Leo came from a city built under the sea where thanks to something we call Adam, gave users powers and super human abilities. Leo was just a normal man before he transformed himself into a brute. He can still think clearly, while others we call splicers are completely mad."

"And that's only from where we're from, there are plenty of others who are completely insane," Leo adds.

"Got that right, there are plenty of monsters running around who are pure evil. They will rape you, kill you, and eat you, in that order if you're lucky," Sunset spoke up. "Don't worry, I wasn't always a demon and I can comprehend good. I just don't care being nice to people who would just stand by while someone is screaming for help. I would had like to tear apart the school with the others but flying the boss here was more important."

"They're and others are all over the city looking for that Hess girl, but once that's done and the boss isn't awake or if she dies. A city crawling with monsters right out of horror films, the nurses that are all over the hospital are the types of monsters that will operate on you while you're wide awake with no pain killers and send you off worst then you came in, and they don't care if they're children. They're only behaving themselves because of the boss. What you think is going to happen, when the only one who is controlling us is gone?" Sinclair asked.

"Oh god," Miss Militia said as she and her teammates realized what's going to happen without their master to control them. All the remaining staff and patients in the hospital, even the newborns in the nursery will be slaughtered. 

"Don't worry the hospital is under my control. Of course, I can't promise you what happens outside of it," Killjoy said over the speakers. 

"Better start boarding up the windows and doors," Sunset adds.

"Velocity get Panacea here now," Armsmaster said as he's trying to contact anyone in New Wave. They need Panacea to heal Taylor Hebert to get control of her projections. 


Author's Notes -

1 - Taylor is a master who can summon monsters and people from horror fiction or has monsters and people who should be in horror in them. And that also means anything that is kid friendly horror. As kid friendly horror like Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, even if played for laughs is still about monsters who scare people to survive making it kid friendly horror. 

And yes it even means lame monsters, like Hot Stuff the little devil counts as horror. 

Also aliens don't count as they're science fiction. 

Unlike in the fictions that they came from where you can fire a nuke and the monster comes out of it ok just because of some lame and lazy plot armor like only a silver bullet can ever kill a werewolf no matter what.

Like that Robot Chicken episode where in one sketch. While playing a pen-and-paper RPG, one player offers an... alternative to the silver bullet to kill a werewolf. Even after reducing it to a puddle of viscera with a rotary gun, mopping that up into a bucket and lighting it on fire, snorting the ashes, then crapping it out, where it gets processed through a sewer system, the game master stubbornly insists that the werewolf is still alive through all of that, it has to be a silver bullet.

Is right out, as it's just dumb and only works in a game setting where the thing is a wall to prevent players from going to that area from going too soon. All monsters and people from horror can be killed by just hitting them hard enough or with the right weapon, like a blob monster would need to either be burn or freezed or energy weapons, or chemicals used to destroy its body. But of course for some, it's hard but they all can be killed.


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