
Examining The Trident

"Who would've expected there were Murlocs here?" The words hung in the air, heavy with surprise and the aftermath of combat.

Once the skirmish ended, the group began scouring the bodies for loot. 

Steve, his hands still trembling from the adrenaline, examined the one he had taken down. It had a gaping hole in its chest, a clean strike to the heart.

"They're like goblins and kobolds. How many do you think inhabit this lake?" Steve lifted his head, gazing sadly at the vast expanse of water, disappointed by the lack of spoils.

"Numerous, without doubt," Jeni chimed in, her keen eyes identifying signs of habitation along the water's edge. "I hadn't noticed at first, but it's clear now. The shores are littered with their marks." She pointed at the shore of the lake; many rocks, black and gray, with signs of cuts were there.

Lucius, meanwhile, had taken an interest in the weapon left behind.
