
Chapter Pov Janfa

At the start of the survival training I team up with Mav, not just because I love him but also to share burdens and be more safe. My Pokemon are also training really well and with the help of Mav they can battle relatively safe in the wild. Jigglypuff is now a peak level Pseudo-king level pokemon. My Natu evolved into a Xatu last summer and advanced to a peak pseudo-king level Pokemon too, a few good battles should push them into king stage. Turtonator is a bit of a difficult stretch though, he refuses to listen to me at first but now is properly subdued by my own hands. He became a peak Elite Pokemon. Snorunt is a challenge, after all I want it to be a Froslass. From what Vailein told me that means I need to let Snorunt evolve during Dawn, or use the Evolution stone Dawn stone. For now Snorunt is at peak advanced level.

After about 7 days of random traveling and battling with a few tribes of Pokemon we get a call. The calls are from Vailein and Kira, they tell us that they found unexplored ruins and give us a set of coordinates. After looking at the coordinates we find that if we run there normally it will take us 5 days, if we however go a bit recklessly we can do it in 3 days. Mav and I choose to go for option reckless, we set out after preparing food for the 3 days that we will be on the road cause only by sleeping for 6 hours and further running will we make it. When we arrive Vailein and Kira are waiting for us. They show us a sleeping quarter inside the only building thats remotely intact as far as we can see. After resting for the night we go and explore the insides of that building very carefully. We find all kinds of things such as raw metals, incomplete poke-dexes and a lot more trinkets that are not really useful. Mav uses Combuskens help to tear into one of the walls and discovers a thin coating of metal mixtures. After 2 days of looking through all kinds of rooms I finally find something useful, a Humvee with tires that are triple the normal size and feel like solid rubber. A hell of a lot of space storage devices are inside the Humvee. If we load the Humvee up with the remaining space pockets that we found we can probably take the whole inside of this base with us.

After checking out the Humvee from every angle we can we decide to take it with us, now the question remains how to hide it. At first we try starting it, but the problem is that it uses a certain type of fuel and we don't know which one. So we cannot start it's engine. Houndoom shows up and finds a small solution, the 4 Houndour that Vailein has as new followers enter the vehicle and connect themselves to Houndooms shadow, slowly having the Humvee sinking in. Since Houndoom can store life materials in his shadow the space fold devices don't clash and instead just sink slower. Houndoom however does appear to be strained holding the Humvee inside it's shadow. But it can be a temporary solution.

Vailein found a lot of Pokemon present in the ruins and shows them to us after the exploration. One of the Pokemon pulls in my attention, a Rhyhorn. Though Vailein has 10, I can only chose one. I do so by conversing with them with the help of Xatu. Most of the Rhyhorn show being content as a mule or mount type Pokemon. Only 2 of them have an ambition to become strong fighting Pokemon, they also seem to be the youngest. I do find it kind of strange though that all the Pokemon are first evolutions. To satisfy my curiosity we decide to scan each of the Pokemon with a detailed scanner that we found. We expect those Pokemon to be aged at 100 years plus, don't you? Color us surprised when we find out that most Pokemon are barely 10 years old, and incredibly poorly trained. The only exception are the Electric Pokemon, they are aged from 2 years to 150 years old. Each of the electric Pokemon however seems to be drained of their electricity and slightly underfed. Maybe that is why Vailein is feeding all the Pokemon plenty of meat and supplements, at this rate he will be out of supplements after a few more weeks. All of us bought way to many supplements for this period and we therefore donate it to the group Pokemon that Vailein is currently feeding.

After a period of talking I choose one of the Rhyhorn he is the youngest at 3 years old. The Rhyhorn is currently at mid advanced stage Pokemon. We stripped everything remotely useful from the base and decide to focus our attention on the outside now. Vailein directs us to a yellowish pond, then prepares us all around it but tells us not to have any aggressive stance towards the Pokemon that will surface soon or it would probably be our deaths. One we are relaxed and prepared Vailein disturbs the pool slightly and instantly the whole pool changes into all kinds of blue and yellow blobs who look warily at us. When they see us not having an aggressive stance but instead one that is relaxed they relax a bit themselves.

A few of the blue blobs choose our psychic Pokemon to transform into and connect psychic waves to our minds to talk. After we establish contact we talk give the talking to Vailein, after all he is the most prepared of us all. Vailein proves to have quite a successful talk with the Ditto, as they seem to be called. Now each of us gets a changing face with the help of the Ditto so we can take on multiple identities.

seems i forgot to upload it because i fell asleep

vaileincreators' thoughts