
World strongest sage

join Elias as he rise to the apex of this magical world filled with power struggling people, who would do anything to become world greatest...

prynex · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Sword Saint

After that you used Amatsrasu, a flame magic only accessible to the demon race and it also requires extremely large mana that's why only demons on the scale of demon lords or higher could use that magic, but yet you manage to also pull that off and remained unfazed, There's one question left to ask you, who are you?"

"Well for starters, I'm Elias, a newly registered S rank adventure of the Dragon's gate Adventurers guild, that's all there is to it!" I said with so much enthusiasm which made the guild master to laugh. "You're the secretive type ehh, don't worry I won't pry on your privacy, here take this as a compensation for your friends health." The guild master said tossing me a spartial storage pouch. "Thanks, I'll be taking my leave now, see you tomorrow!" I said as. I left to the place where Lilly was being treated, they had asked me to come pick her up tomorrow that she needs proper rest.


I was now an S rank adventurer of the Dragon's gate Adventurers guild, it is said that the guild only has a handful of S rank adventurer so being one was a big shot, I was given the guild plate and I discussed the necessary details with Tasha the receptionist.

Back at the inn.

Ever since coming to this world it's been one crazy adventure or the other, I planned to live a decent life and not hurt anyone, but this world is driven with greed for power so the people here are insane and it would probably be impossible for me to live the peaceful life I want, I mean I might even end up one day killing someone, from today anyone who stand in my way will regret it.

At the end I used my spare time to make my self an amour, it was simple really, all I did was fuse the items to my clothes, enchanted it and it became an S rank magic amour with eighty percent physical damage reduction and seventy percent magic damage reduction.

"Now let's see the gift the guild master gave me!", I opened the storage pouch as all the items poured out, There were really great stuffs, one hundred gold coin, a magic necklace that increase mana output by two percent and ticket to this high class party.

I really needed some time off and the party was two days from now, I'll probably attend it with Lilly. I looked through the windows of the inn since it was getting boring, no one for me to talk to, I decided to occupy myself with a little bit of sight seeing.

"Help me!!, a thief stop that thief!" A little girl screamed running after a man who wore full black, he was probably a thief I wanted to stay and watch but after seeing how desperate the little girl was I reconsidered.

"She needs a hero!" I was about to jump through the window when this gust of wind swept by knocking the man to the ground, there was this lady with long silver hairs like mine holding a sword sheath with the sword sheathed in her hand, she had this calm look on her face as she walked up to the fallen thief picking up the box he had stolen from the little girl.

"Here you go kid, if it's really that important you should keep it safe okay!" The lady said Patting the girl on her head as she smiled, my eyes caught a glimpse of her's as we stared at each other for a split second, but that time alone was enough to tell...This lady was something special.

"Thank you miss, can I please know your name?" The girl asked with a cheerful smile on her Face. "You can address me as the sword saint." She said as she disappeared into thin air.

I was quite curious as to where I heard that name from, it was quite familiar like I've heard it before, but before I could think I heard a loud growl. "That's probably my stomach!"


The next day at the Guild..

"It's great to see that you're doing better!" I complemented while giving her a soft pat on the head. "I'm sorry I lost, I tried my best....It won't happen again I promise!" Lilly said with a pretended smile, under that fake smile I could tell she was hurting inside. "You did your best and doing ones best Is perfect!" I replied as she smiled back at me, this time it was a genuine smile as she had this rays of hope in her eyes.

"Elias!" Tasha called out as I asked her what the matter was, she gave me a scroll and said that the guild master wanted me to have it, it was my first test as an S rank adventurer. Lilly was taken away by Tasha who said she wanted to give her some private lessons on some few things she was good at, meanwhile the guild master had sent for me.

"Elias, the quest have you read through the information?" He asked me as I nodded. It was a quest requiring rank S adventure and above, The mission was to slay the fire spirit that had appeared at the west side of the mountains. The reward were: 10 Gold coins, a rank S magic item and a meeting with the royal mage court.

The guild master had told me to complete that quest no matter what, that the difficulty level has reason seeing that a certain adventurer seeks to complete the mission.

"One last question, have you heard of any body called the Sword Saint?"

"The sword saint Is this guild top adventurer, the S+ rank adventure, no one knows her real name everyone address her as The sword Saint, it is said that she has noble blood but yet lived in a commoner village, her sword Skills even rivals that of the captain of the Royal knights, she is the guild most valuable asset and also the adventurer who's also taking the quest alongside you.!"

I wasn't that surprised after hearing that, I realized I probably saw the name at the guilds wall of fame, but the fact was that I'll be having a competition with the city strongest warrior, If I win what would that make me, with that I looked forward to my quest.