
World strongest sage

join Elias as he rise to the apex of this magical world filled with power struggling people, who would do anything to become world greatest...

prynex · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

A duel and lilly

"It's alright, he said I didn't look like a chief, it's fine, It's his own perspective, now from my own perspective you don't look like the kind of warrior they describe you to be, do how about a duel...."

"There's no way I'll fight you, I mean don't take it that I'm scared or anything...it's just that I don't do things so stupid without any gain attached to it."...."I see,so then how about a bet...(smiles)... if I win you, you'll stay here as a slave to all but if you beat me, I'll follow you as a slave anywhere you go, I'll serve you both with body and soul..so what do you think...?" The elf chief asked me in a proud tone I couldn't help but laugh.

"For some reason you want me to fight, all right....I'll fight you....oh and also I'll win." This time I had said so with a lot of intimidation attached to it which I knew was quite effective.

"Very well."


They had already got this planed, no wonder they were quite confident, I mean one of the rule of the match was that only ordinary weapons and buff magic is allowed, they think I'm just a magic power house who have zero knowledge in terms of weaponry, how absurd...I think it's time to see how strong my punch really is!!!

"Pick up a weapon!" The village chief said as she picked a bow and bag of arrows. "Very well then, this blade would do!" I picked up a six meter long steel blade as I swung it casually to get the hang of it. I got into a fighting stance which signified I was ready....She shot three arrows at the same time towards me attempting to catch me off guard..

"Too slow!" I took off into the air easily dodging all the arrows as I landed behind her, I started to move in circles moving at a speed of fifty meter per second I circled her pushing her to the corner..."You seem surprisingly fast for a mage not to mention your composure, I like it." She said as she drew out an arrow aiming at the clouds...."Multiple air shots!" She shouted releasing the arrow into a magic circle that appeared above her, I already knew what was going to happen, that one arrow would multiply into hundreds raining down on me, too bad it's still slow.

I sliced all the arrows that came my way with my blade as I evaded all of her attacks, "It's over." I leaped towards her swinging my sword slightly above her which released a wave of force that sliced all the trees behind In equal half, I placed my sword close to her neck as a sign that icould have killed her with that last attack of mine.

"I_i...I lost, I actually lost!" The chief said in disbelief as she fell on her knees. "Don't worry I bet that's what would have happened to anyone else, well don't be scared I'm actually not interested in having a slave, so instead you could just repay me by giving me this sword.".... I tried to convince her that she's free but for some reason she wouldn't listen, she said something about her pride, that she must fulfill her end of the bet....

"I lilly evergreen has lost to you in a duel, as such I shall fulfill my own end of the bet and become your personal slave till death do us apart..." She manage to say that after lifting up her spirit.."I guess you've made up your mind, It's a honour to be your master, but do know I have the habit of having selfish wants so you might wanna rethink your decision." I also tried to intimidate her but it was to no avail.

"Nonsense, as a true elf I will stick to my words, I shall serve you with my body and soul, end of discussion..." She stormed out of the scene leaving me as a center if attention as all eyes were on me....


[In the room of the village chief.]

"Lilly right, I get it you're a woman with honour, but I'm a man with a conviction and besides I don't wish to live the kind of life where people would look at me with despise, I'm passed that already, I've been given a second chance to live a good life and I plan on doing that without regrets, for the last time if you want to, you're free...(no response)...I see you've made up your mind then." I walked towards her gently patting her on the shoulder.

I placed my hand on her face gently feeling the smooth texture, you're mine now, as my property you must work hard and become more stronger, with your mana capacity you're probably on the scale of a B rank adventure, that's not good enough. My journey ahead is a really thorny path and I don't plan on slowing down...you must work hard if you want to stay by my side in the meantime, I'll protect you.."I patted her head while turning to leave as she held my hand.

"Don't worry one day, one day.... I'll be just as strong as you, I promise you.."


It was finally time to leave the village, we payed visit to every elf as a new chief was chosen, it was the elf who saw my dragon, as expected from someone who saw my dragon and still lived to tell the tale, she managed the scene just right that I'd doubt if the villagers would miss their former chief, Lilly had said there was something she needed to do so she left, I was given several gift there was this silver ring that lilly had given me, it could multiply my mana output by 1.5%, then the steel sword i asked for and a pouch of silver coins.

Lilly came back looking breath taking, she wore a green leather amour with silver guards, the amour was very revealing that I couldn't stop looking, she held this silver bow which gave off this strong vibe, it was probably a high grade magic weapon, but that's not all she now had this new vibe around her, her mana had drastically increased, I bet she could probably beat some A rank in battle.

"Wow, you look breath taking." I said trying to compliment her and it actually worked. "Thank you, the clothes were actually left behind by my mother, I'm glad you like it!" She said with a warm smile making her look more beautiful than ever.

"Did anyone ever told you, you look cute when you smile.....Now then we move onwards..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I'm actually not an expert at this, but if you have any ideas please feel free to comment it.

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