
World Fantasia : The Supreme Grand Mage

The Supreme Grand Mage is reborn in a new world called Fantasia in Medieval times where technology continues to evolve while the magic that remains in these traditions only regresses. It was changed thanks to an academy of the Snow Empire where all races landed from the four corners of the continent.

Empereur_Mage · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

chapter 4 : library

Sirius who read the book was shocked by the events that took place at the time.

'' So my family are the descendants of the Hero Storm Black who has demon blood '' said Sirius Black with a little pride then thought that the demons are not exterminating everything.

'' When I have enough strength I have to finish the work of the ancestor '' said Sirius who had a great hatred against the Demons.

In his second life he had spent his whole life chasing demons because he was the culprit who killed these parents and promised to kill all the Demons but who knew that in this life he becomes one.

''I'm starting to understand the world today,'' Sirius said shaking his head then walking out of the fourth floor room.

He found a book on Knights and Mage.

The Knights focus on physical strength which are ranked on 8 Rank.

Bronze Rank (millions of people reached)

1 stars ~ 100 strength ~

2 stars ~ 200 strength ~

3 stars ~ 300 strength ~

4 stars ~ 400 strength ~

5 stars ~ 500 strength ~

The Silver Rank (thousands of people reached it)

1 stars ~ 1000 strength ~

2 stars ~ 2,000 strength ~

3 stars ~ 3,000 strength ~

4 stars ~ 4,000 strength ~

5 stars ~ 5,000 strength ~

The Gold Rank (hundreds of people reached it)

1 star ~ 10,000 strength ~

2 stars ~20,000 strength~

3 stars ~ 30,000 strength ~

4 stars ~ 40,000 strength ~

5 stars ~ 50,000 strength ~

The Black Gold Rank (dozens of people reached it)

1 star ~100,000 strength~

2 stars ~200,000 strength~

3 stars ~ 300,000 strength ~

4 stars ~ 400,000 strength ~

5 stars ~ 500,000 strength ~

Legend Rank (only ten reached)

1 Dragon

2 Dragon

3 Dragon

4 Dragon

5 Dragon

The Mythic Rank (only two achieved)

10 Dragon

20 Dragons

30 dragons

40 dragons

50 dragons

The Rank Transcende: only the 4 heroes reach it

100 dragons

200 Dragons

300 dragons

400 dragons

500 dragons

The Divine Rank: no description to date.

Note: Most Knights are people who fail to awaken their magical attributes and enroll in a knight academy in the kingdoms of each Empire.

Cultivation method: It uses the breathing technique to increase strength.

They are divided into three categories

Inferior: Achieves Bronze Rank

(Which are used by the students of the academy)

Intermediate: Allows you to reach Gold Rank

(Use by Teachers and Heads of Households)

Superior: Achieve Black Gold Rank

(Use as a reward by the empire)

'' He controls the level of strength of the knights in order to avoid a coup hahaha the humans will never change '' said Sirius with humor but for him the techniques he uses are inferior to the method of the divine continent.

Then took a look at Mage's books.

The Mages focus on the magic force which are classified on 8 Rank.

Apprentice Mage (Student)

1 stars ~ 100 strength ~

2 stars ~ 200 strength ~

3 stars ~ 300 strength ~

4 stars ~ 400 strength ~

5 stars ~ 500 strength ~

Mage (

1 stars ~ 1000 strength ~

2 stars ~ 2,000 strength ~

3 stars ~ 3,000 strength ~

4 stars ~ 4,000 strength ~

5 stars ~ 5,000 strength ~

Grand Mage (Professor/Family Elder)

1 star ~ 10,000 strength ~

2 stars ~20,000 strength~

3 stars ~ 30,000 strength ~

4 stars ~ 40,000 strength ~

5 stars ~ 50,000 strength ~

Magus King (Headmaster/Noble Family Head)

1 stars ~ 1,00,000 strength ~

2 stars ~ 2,00,000 strength ~

3 stars ~ 3,00,000 strength ~

4 stars ~ 4,00,000 strength ~

5 stars ~ 5,00,000 strength ~

Mage Emperor (Protector of the Empire)

Saint Magus (Chief of the Empire's Templars)

Divine Mage: no information to date

Note: Each individual who awakens their magical attributes can enter an academy where they will receive an allowance of 10 gold per month and a meditation technique from the empire as long as they sign a 5-year military service contract afterward. leaving the academy.

Mediation method divide into 3 categories.


Lesser: reached Mage level

(Which are used by the students of the academy)

Intermediate: Reached Grand Mage level

(Use by Teachers and Heads of Households)

Superior: Reached Mage King level

(Use by Academy Director)

'' This world is more civilized than I think hahaha but for me I don't need their advice to teach me how to fight or learn about magic '' said Sirius arrogantly.