
Chapter 3 : Plans for the World

Yawan looked out at his vast universe and felt a sense of pride and excitement.

His world continued to evolve, and when early life began to form on that planet, with plants growing and spreading across the land and animals roaming and hunting for their prey, he was thrilled beyond belief. Who wouldn't be? That joy was like an architect being praised for the building he made.

He observed the planet I'd created carefully, zooming his vision this way and that with the help of the power he possessed, just like looking at a map app on a cell phone.

As he walked around, enjoying the scenery through his eyes, there were some surprising things there.


That's right, he saw elementals. A living being is made of energy.

There are various types of elementals, starting from the most common being earth, water, and fire. There were also some other rare elementals like storm elementals dancing on storm clouds or ice elementals in a snowy place.

Perhaps it was the influence of his power that caused those elementals to form. Because this planet evolved normally, it would not be possible to produce creatures that only exist in the fantasy world.

With this, Yawan didn't have to go to the trouble of creating them over again. He only needs to copy their templates when creating the elementals world. Well, if he has the time, of course.

But actually, Yawan doesn't need to trace the template or imagine the body structure of whatever he tries to create.

Because he has already tried it a few times before when he accelerated time. Just so you know, he is not someone who will just stand still when he finds a new toy.

Yawan tried several times to think of what he wanted and channel his power into it. First, he tried to think of a food that he liked, and boom, after he directed his power to create what he imagined, spicy noodles with a sweet beef topping appeared. Then he tried it for various things he knew, and it all worked.

His imagination is a powerful tool in his creation power. No need for logic only imagination.

In fact, right now he's sitting on a rather large floating island with a bowl of noodles that's all gone and some of the items he had made in the experiment scattered around himself.

That way, his theory was correct, and he could make anything without imagining how it was made. As long as he wanted it, it would materialize. For example, he wanted a cardboard box that could make a sound, and if I licked it, it would taste like mango, and boom, there was this weird mango-flavored cardboard box that could make a sound.

Weird, but hey, it's work.

His previous thinking was very limited because he was just an ordinary human before he got this power. Like poverty limits imagination, and that's how he was before.

Now, as long as he wants to, everything will be realized with just one thought.

Back to the main topic

Now that the planet is habitable, it's time for me to create an intelligent race that will be its main character.

Humans will be the main race because humans are a race that can do everything, even though they don't have certain powers. Humans will be the counterweight to other races later. They are jacks of all trades.

And because the world Yawan wants to create is fantasy-themed, he will make races such as elves, dwarves, goblins, orcs, beastmen, dragons, merfolk, and others he can imagine.

Oh! Don't forget the monster races too!

"Hehe, this will be fun."

A little while later, I made a note of what I should do next, and this is the result:

1. Create the main races that will be the focus of the world's development, such as humans, elves, angels, dragons, orcs, dwarfs, beastmen, etc.

2. Create side races that serve to balance development and destruction. For example, goblins, kobolds, gnolls, etc.

3. Create a monster race that will be the main enemy of the above races.

4. Create the background for the races. Like humans who are made of soil or something like that in the biblical records, or elves who are born from the eternal tree of life.

5. Create a belief system or project to procure gods and goddesses for mortals, such as providing a godhood system for those who are strong, capable, or lucky. These gods and goddesses may become protectors or destroyers, according to the godhood system they receive.

6. Create an unlimited-class job system. Here, I want to make sure that the skills that can be used are not limited by certain classes of jobs. So it could be that a mage uses a sword and vice versa, so someone has to work hard to master a skill. Yes, there will be no level system like in the game; I want to make this world as natural as possible.

7. Create a reincarnation system in the underworld, where the gods of death and demons are located, where the soul will be processed according to the system of good and bad deeds, beliefs, and not. For atheists, I'm sorry, you will be there forever. Unless they can find a way out of it, good people who believe in gods or goddesses will be sent to their respective god's kingdoms to become their slaves hahaha. Nah, the unfaithful will be cleaned by their sins or negative emotions there, so they can be reborn as new-born babies, and the faithful, well, if their god wants to take them then so be it, or else they just like any other to be born again. Recycling is the best.

8. And the most important thing is to create the world's brain! The world system is a system that will run the world in autopilot mode. This system will notify me of events that occur around the world. So I, as the creator god, don't have to bother constantly monitoring this world. It's not that I am lazy or anything; everything is for the convenience of all haha.

And maybe I will create the world's system above in batches because I want to make an experience inside my world first. It's a virgin world, bruh, it needs to be explored first by its owner, me!

Maybe plans number 1 to 3 are the priority, and for the others, I can do that later. No Hurry.

Now, after this, what I have to do is create these races and place them in every corner of the world.

But should I put humans in one place only or in all parts of the world? If in one place only, will they migrate like humans on Earth?

Uggh, it looks like I'm going to put each race in just one spot. Whether they migrate or not is up to them. Or maybe I can send down a revelation for them to spread out? Well, that's a good idea, I'll do that if necessary.

Then let's make the races!

"Humans, I'll make them just like humans on Earth with various skin colors, eyes, and hair colors. This race does not have any advantages or disadvantages, they are a race that must learn and develop on their own according to their abilities and have no restrictions on the professions they learn, except for professions related to the type of race. I will divide this race into High Human, Human, and many others. Well, a normal human first will do,"

As he thought of this, Yawan felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension as he began to create the first forms of intelligent life. Yawan knew that he had the power to shape their minds and bodies in any way he wanted.

Yawan started by creating the first humans. He modeled them after himself in many ways, giving them two legs to walk on and hands that could grasp and manipulate objects. He gave them the ability to think and reason, feel emotions, and create something.

And then he created the other races.

Elves make them good-looking, both men and women. Their lifespan is long, and they can easily master magic, but their fertility rate is low, so they will find it difficult to have offspring. Yawan decided to divide this race into many sub-races, such as High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, and others, in future events.

Orcs made them green-skinned and burly, having tusks on their lower jaws like wild boars. They are notoriously vicious and irritable, and they rarely have talents that require much concentration. Orcs can reproduce quickly due to their fertility rate, but their lives are sometimes short-lived due to their warlike nature.

Dwarves are cave dwellers in high, mineral-rich mountains. They have short, stocky bodies and bushy hair. Good at mining and ironsmithing and have a difficult magic talent.

Beastman, who else if not a beast looks like a human? They are composed of several animal forms, stand on two legs, and are famous for their cruelty, although not all of them are cruel. Having the same characteristics as their animal appearance


Insert many other race descriptions here...


Goblins are small green creatures that are timid yet cunning. Breed like mushrooms in the rainy season.

"Phew, I've made so many, maybe there are hundreds? Oh yeah, did I mention that I'm going to give them backgrounds? Yep, all the races I'm going to create have backgrounds according to the notes I made earlier."

So when Yawan spreads the race seeds to all parts of the world, which consists of eight continents, the background will immediately work and form the race.

For example, if elves are born from the Tree of eternal life, the first generation of elves will be born from the Tree of eternal life through its fruit. Then Yawan also gave the background that trolls will later be born from the bark of the dead tree of eternal life, hehe.

Well, he is the god here, he can do anything he wants. This is his game, after all.

Well, maybe some of you that had read my previous novel (Indonesia) will see similarities in this novel. Yeah, this is the Improvement I create, or you can say it as Re-Write.

Still the ideas goes to mine, yeah?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Yawancreators' thoughts