

241BC A few months later

Kyou Kai is currently casually walking through a forest heading towards Mt Rou in Zhao, you wouldn't be able to tell from her calm demeanor but currently in the forest all around her a fierce battle is taken place, as Kyou Kai continues walking an occasional body would fall from the tree top near her, ignoring the body she doesn't even check to see which side the poor soul belongs to.

Kyou Kai is too focused on following a blood trail to pay attention to the battle happening around her. It doesn't take long before she reaches a clearing and observes as a lone figure is desperately fighting for their life, observing the fight she cant help thinking that this desperate battle for survival must have been how the one she loved met their demise.

Quickly the battle comes to an end and the person she hated most in the world has now been killed! looking at the bloody mangled body at her feet she had expected her rage to finally be over, she had gotten revenge and should be satisfied, but she's not.

Lost in thought she spent the next few hours staring at the lifeless body, suddenly one of the female assassins under her command breaks the silence after being unable to bear it anymore and asked her what they would do next?

Kyou Kai still lost in her rage can only think of her tribe! because of theme and their traditions! the one she loved had been killed! making a decision she decides that the other assassin tribes need to be purged! Leading her troops over the next few weeks she destroyed one assassin tribe after another! killing most but sparing only the young.

Kyou walking amongst the ruins of another assassin base, arrives at a fortified room barricaded to protect whatever was inside, her troops quickly make short work of it and they are soon inside, there they once again find a few survivors, mostly children too young to fight, but also the wealth of tje tribe, they find jewels as well as a few hidden text containing secret techniques.

Observing the weeping children huddled in a corner from fear, she cant stop the last flames of anger from going out in her heart, deciding that she had done enough she decides to head home.

240 BC

Rinko is currently observing his daughter Mai training troops as the now retired Mou Gou observes and mentors her. Mai despite being 12 years old was almost as tall as the soldiers already! her body has been growing at an inhuman speed! her constant training has also resulted in her becoming a skilled spear user with few being able to complete with her.

While Ou Ki has been sent to the Chu Border, Rinko was once again tasked with training 40,000 peasants. Thanks to the coalition war many people had returned home to a destroyed village! homes and businesses had been razed to ground, fields and harvests had been plundered. Many found them selves ruined and unable to feed themselves.

Once word spread that all over Qin troops were being raised, many flocked to enlist! some joined to receive the meals provided to the troops, while many also had their families torn apart! eager for revenge many joined the military.

Mou Gou POV

Mou Gou having just arrived back from the capital after attending a ceremony celebrating the birth Sei child, exited his carriage and observed the military camp around him. Now retired he no longer served on the border and was living a pleasant life safely far from the front lines.

Mou Gou having spent his entire life battling it out on the various battlefields, now carried a body full of scars. Now old his body took longer and longer to recover, as long as he didn't suffer any serious wounds he felt like he still had a good five to ten years of life left in him.

Thanks to his best efforts he has made a home in Qin, he finally had a successful military career after wondering for years joining one country after another and experiencing defeat after defeat until finally finding success in Qin. His merits in combat have earned him and his family a decent amount of wealth and his family would be well off long after he has passed on.

Now retired he finally gets to enjoy his wealth and spends his days enjoying the finer things in life, he now occasional will visit a military camp and assist in training new troops, recently he has discovered a talented female soldier who is the daughter of one of his old acquaintances he used to command. The young girl was skilled but reckless, he had seen many like her die an early death. He managed to survive to a ripe old age despite not being the most talented fighter thanks to his cautious nature. Mou Gou now took it upon himself to pass on his knowledge to next generation and would often visit the military camp.

Wei Border

Ousen and Kan ki each leading a small army launch a surprise attack on Wei! catching Wei off guard they manage to capture a few large cities.

Chu Border

Ou Ki is currently plundering the lands deep inside Chu! Leading a large mobile cavalry army he quickly launches raids into Chu, avoiding the slow moving infantry armies he razes many towns and causes as much destruction as he can. Left with no other choice Chu gathers a large force of cavalry and chases Ou Ki army!

Pretending to flee Ou Ki lures the enemy into an ambush! he leads a raid into the headquarters of the Chu army and Kills their commander! Leaderless the Chu army is routed soon after.

Ryo Faction Headquarters

The chancellor of Qin Ryo Fui has long wanted the throne for himself, his faction had been slowly taking over the courts and positioning their people in important roles, it looked like soon he would have enough power to place himself on the throne but now the young kings faction was quickly catching up with them.

Using his wealth he entertained important influential people and held lavish banquets, thanks to various bribes, threats and blackmail many influential people flocked to his faction.

Securing himself many more talented individuals he next went about plotting the deaths of the Royal family! he secretly funded the raising of a 20,000 man strong army and Staged a rebellion in Qin! to others it would appear as a fight amongst the royal family for power but in truth it was a ploy to kill off the royal family, with him stepping in later to quell the chaos and saving Qin from the rebellion! sadly he would be too late in saving the royal family members.

Rinko POV

239 BC

Rinko stood standing on his balcony staring out across the capital deep in thought. Soon a robed figure emerged behind him and informed him that everything was ready.


An important Ryo faction member was currently laying in bed with a young woman riding him! lost in ecstasy he failed to notice as she pulled out a hidden dagger and quickly plunged into deep into his heart!

(various restaurants)

Criminals were storming inside and murdering various important officials of Ryo's faction! with superior numbers the thugs dealt with the bodyguards and soon their targets were cut into bloody pieces!

In other locations a woman serving food would secretly slip a powder into the drinks of their targets and then walked away. Soon shouts could be heard crying out for anybody to help!

Ryo Fui Manor

The chancellor was currently in his study plotting various plans, unknown to him a large for of female assassins were currently sneaking their way onto his roof after secretly taking out a few guards!

To make matters worse, Rinko's wife was waiting outside his Manor's walls with a large force of bandits and thugs! soon she waved her hand and the bandits charged into the manor!

Ryo guards fought bravely and soon the fight turned into a bloody slaughter! it looked like Ryo's guards would emerge victorious when suddenly another wave of thugs rushed into the manor! the assassins now showed themselves and soon the battle turned in their favor! and Ryo's guards taken by surprise were quickly defeated!

Rinko's POV

Rinko leading a force of 10,000 troops marched their way into the capital! marching all the way to the throne room he boldly entered with a large number of soldiers behind him.

Both Sei and Ryo Faction members were taking by surprise! Rinko raised his hand signaling his troops! soon his men rushed forward and started slaughtering the Ryo Faction members!

Now walking towards the throne and the young king the survivors were too stunned to move! soon Rinko found himself in front of Sei!

He quickly drew his sword! and placed its handle towards the young king while the tip of the blade rested upon his own neck!

Rinko then confessed his sins of leading an army into the capital! killing high ranking government officials and various important influential people in the city!

Rinko patiently waited as his sword rested against his neck! all Sei had to do was move his hand slightly and he could claim his life. Sei slowly grasped the sword and slowly moved it away from Rinko's neck. Soon many soldiers rushed inside and Rinko was arrested!