
Wizarding world: Arc of Embodiment

After death Arjun's soul was in rebirth cycle but higher being brought to his domain and introduced himself as R.O.B. or you can say Random omnipotent being. He gave Arjun gave deal of Reincarnation. Arjun accepted and Reincarnated in harry Potter world with some wishes.... extra Tags: #Multiverse #romance #may be harem #marvel #movies #I am new Author, I tried to write some fanfiction stories before but left in middle. so sorry if you were reader of my past stories. # main point is that if you like my story please! please! give review to my story, rate the story and donate some power stone....... Its really inspire us Author to write, It will be really good if even 1 percent readers review the story..... AND i AM NOT FORCING YOU, ONLY REVIEW IF YOU LIKE THE STORY BUT PLEASE REVIEW SO I CAN KEEP WRITING WITH PASSION....... # I am not good with Romance but I will try it and I don't know if story will have harem or not... # I don't own harry Potter or any other fictional work I will use in future, only mc and some OC characters are created by me... # I also don't own picture used for novel, if owner of picture has problem, i will remove it...

SORCERERSUPREME_7 · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 8. found treasures in Suitcase

If you want to keep your mind safe then you have to master mind magic. first step to master mind magic is make empty mind and it also called zero state of mind or Zen state, one need to make his mind blank and empty with no thought. Snape also thought Harry this so Arjun thought that meditation would be good method than violent method like attacking mind, he also had too much time in his hand.

he had experience in meditation from past life so it was easy for him, after 2 hours of meditation he exercised for some time and this time he added light exercise from martial arts. after exercise he practiced some magic control training then went to take bath, after bathing he brought science books in hall which explained basics on chemistry and biology which he didn't study in past and sat down, he read while waiting for mother to wake up, he was getting hungry because of exercise. he could create food with magic but it didn't fit right in his mind.

" oh! son you woke up before me, where did you go? I was searching for you."

" well I woke up early so I was waiting for you while reading something to pass the time. I am very hungry mother, make something good to to eat."

" my cute pie is hungry! just give me some minutes, I will get ready in minutes and will make something delicious to eat."

she got fresh and went to make food, she also got ready to go to work. Sophia worked at clothes factory in finance department even if she did not have to work. His father had very good amount of saving in muggle bank which he put under Sophia names but she wanted to work and company was also paying good amount.

After eating she went to work after giving some instructions to Arjun, he returned to study room to check articles in suitcase. He did no find anything special inside just some clothes, normal books and passport. Arjun was disappointed but then he remembered that newt Scamander had safety feature in suitcase to hide magic from muggles so he searched it.

after some moments he found the switch, it was on front side, under the handle. he pressed the switch..... but nothing happened.

" its not working... but why? What am I missing? its magical artifact so it should definitely related to magic and its owned by my father so he should have added security from other wizards."

' it should not be the key because what if some one steal the key or made duplicate key. all old pureblood families should have some type of magical security....What an Idiot! its should be type of magic that uses blood!.'

realization downed on Arjun and he jumped happily, he started to find something special because it is not possible to pour blood anywhere on suitcase. So he observed closely, ruin formation was carved in Sanskrit language on it and it was connected to symbol on front under switch, it symbol of OM from Hinduism, Arjun became sure this was it.

Arjun bit his finger and smeared blood on on symbol, symbol flashed in silver light and changed to red color. Arjun again pressed switches on both side on front of suitcase.....

...And it was opened, Arjun peeked inside, there was dark inside, he could see starting end of ladder. Arjun went down from ladder and stepped down from ladder there was long corridor in front of him, lights mounted on walls turned on. he crossed corridor slowly and got himself in empty hall. There were various entrances leading to other places, they had sign on top of the doors like Library, potions workshop, material storages, laboratory, Green house and medicinal plants garden, resting room with attached kitchen and some empty rooms.

Arjun checked through doors one by one, resting room as well as kitchen was clean but food ingredients from storage were spoiled. material storage had all harvested herbs and parts of magical creatures and they were in good condition because of stasis magic, material storage also had various type of metal and non-metal ores, parts used in artifact crafting, skin, bones, scales, and blood of various strong creatures.

Potion workshop had all apparatus used in making potions like a small cauldron and heat source, a cutting board for preparing ingredients, and various other tools such as a stirring stick. finished potions were also in good condition by same magic used on material storage. Laboratory was used for various purposes like Ruins and Inscriptions Carving, Smithing, artifact crafting and Enchanting etc.

At last Arjun entered in Library excitedly, he was overjoyed after seeing library filled with books, shelves were filled with books, there were also trunks filled with books near shelves on ground. room was big and specious, his father kept cleanness, all stuff was placed neatly in their places.

there were different sections for different subjects like potions, charm, dark arts like curses/hexes/jinxes (dark charms), and dueling, transfiguration, Enchanting, ancient theory, magic theory, information on magical creatures, medicinal plants etc.

It also had restricted section of books, clear warning was written there that some books had vicious curses placed on them and some books were semi sentient they could bite, shriek or even hit person. Arjun turned his feet towards other sections to check, he could not handle such dangerous situation as it could endanger his life because he was very weak currently.

there were also books from different countries, his father was from India so majorities of books were from India and England in different languages like Sanskrit, English, Marathi and Hindi etc. he also kept translated books besides original books. he also travelled around world before he settled in London and married with mother, so he also collected books from different parts of the world.

" great! it will really help me in future... I will start with Mind arts because it will protect my mind from unwanted peoples who have habit of snooping around in mind of people like Dumbledore and Snape... well I don't know about about their character but I have read enough harry potter fan fictions to be cautious of them."

Arjun collected books on mind arts and magic theory after he searched around library for some time, he brought pile of books to table circled by couches.

* to be continued *

AUTHOR: I am writing story from smartphone, I will trying to keep my attention towards grammer and spelling mistake so even if there is small mistake, just ignore it as sometime keyboard autocorrect some words....


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