
With Naruto Knowledge System in Harry Potter World

Well, I got bored. With my shit like writing talent I'm trying to show my fantasy of what if MC uses naruto world elements with magic?? Well, A naruto/HP fan dies and a bored god gives him a naruto system to go to HP world. And you might wonder a ninja can kill a magician even before he takes out his wand. Then dont worry. MC uses magic but with naruto knowledge. He creates naruto elements using magic. if not he can obliterate all the magician in the world. So, there is restricition. He wont use chakra but magic. Warning: Shitty writing talent. So Sorry in advance. Just understand and get the general gist of the story. If you dont like the story dont read but dont review bad ok?? Thank You

The_Lost_God · ภาพยนตร์
18 Chs

Lily Solved the Problem??

Everyone was rolling their eyes in disbelief, "Well, if you ask me I'd say, students should do their work themselves."

"What? You expect students to work as slaves?", Snape retorted.

"I think mud-bl.. muggle-born should do it. They don't pay much for their studies so they should do all the work in Hogwarts.", One Slytherin senior said. Teachers were angry at his remarks but didn't say anything.

I wanted to tease Snape, I looked at the student and, "Well, Mud-Blood huh?" Everyone frowned. I glanced at Snape. He was glaring at me. I stood up from my seat and moved towards him, No one stopped me. They thought he deserved it. I apparently took my wand out and said," illusion magitsu" Everyone was in a Flower field on the roadside. The flowers were lifelike. They had a little face in their petals like flower fairies. Everyone was looking weirdly, amusingly, and with some concern.

"Do you know senior, Peony, and Rose are considered the kings of flowers?" I showed him peony and roses in the middle, who was sitting smugly as if no one is theirs' match. "But, it doesn't mean Lily is worthless. For me, Rose and Lily are the same." I showed Lily which was at the roadside. The little Lily was showing its brilliance and fragrance to those passing the road. "They are both flowers waiting for someone cruel enough to pluck it and throw it away." I created a man in a black robe plucking Lily and throwing it in the road. The Lily was trying to get out of his hands but he plucked it. The man said, "You are ruining the Roses and Peonies. You aren't worthy of being a flower." The Lily unwillingly withered. Before it withered it looked at everyone's eyes. "And, It died," I said slowly.

Everyone was looking carefully. "Do you know? in my view, Lily was a lot better than roses and peony. Lily was on the roadside. It used its fragrance on those who walked the road and apparently it was also the first one to be plucked. While Roses were in the middle. Full of thrones and not showing any brilliance or being useful."

"I'd say Lily saved the Roses and Peonies from being plucked.", I imparted the wisdom.

The Illusion magitsu ended. Everyone was still thinking about what happened. Most people were clueless. Dumbledore was also giving some thought to it. Snape was in a daze. "What do you think Professor Snape?", I asked him.

Dumbeldore was wide-eyed while Snape came out of Daze. He immediately collected himself and students didn't notice anything. But, teachers took notice of it. "What about it Black? What has the flowers to do with the problem in Hogwarts?", He spoke with cold eyes.

I laughed. "N..nothing. I just wanted to ask what do you think about it." Snape answered, "It was stupid of the man to pluck the flower."

I smiled and looked at the others. They were a little dumbfounded. "Let's talk about the problem.", Dumble spoke trying to get to the main point.

"Black should return all the elves to Hogwarts.", Snape used his snake mouth again.

"Why would I do it?", I asked him with cold eyes.

"Because they are Hogwarts slave. They are to serve us.", Snape spoke.

Now, I had Sharingan in my eyes. How dare he say that to my family? They have paid enough for you wizards. For 1000's years you made them your slave and now I'm freeing them and you speak like that? I still didn't explode. I asked, "Why should elves serve wizards? Why were they made a slave at first?"

"Because they were weak.", Snape immediately answered. "They were weak to wizards. So, it is justifiable for them to serve us."

I knew it wasn't his spy work he is doing. Rather this was what he really thinks. Maybe, this is also the reason Lily chose James. Even though he was a bit bully, potters were still good-hearted. They were kind to everyone including House Elves.

"So, weakness is sin, huh? Just because you are strong gives you the right to do whatever you want huh?", I looked at him with 3 tomoe Sharingan. Everyone was intimated. I then started bullshit, "Wizards were jealous of Elves' free magic control so, they ambushed all those elves. They experimented, tortured, use curses and all, and made Elves the slave you know today. It's in the black library."

"Since Strong can rule over weak and do whatever they want, then why did you think the mad man who plucked Lily to be wrong and stupid? That flower was weak in man's eye so shouldn't it be justifiable for him to pluck it? No wonder she left you.", I moved my lips for the last sentence Snape visibly frowned. Even his Occulmency could keep up with my words.

Dumbledore couldn't see all this. He then said, "Well, let's talk about this to other students. Housemasters, please discuss this with your students and we shall have a meeting in the evening. Orion my boy, why don't we go to my office?" With all this Dumble couldn't continue the meeting. He had to end it or anything might happen.

Now, I'm in the headmaster's office. I went to Fawkes and touched it and allowed me to pet it. "You aren't as beautiful as my sol.", I said to him. It then cried in protest.

"Orion you have a Phoenix?", Dumble asked in curiosity.

"If you can have one, can't I?" I retorted. "Yes..Yes.. you can. It's no wonder that Phoenix chose an excellent person like you," Dumble once again was a caring and loving old man.

"Orion, currently, Fawkes isn't able to locate magical animals around the world. Should I suspect you for it?", He asked me without any delay. He knew I wasn't like Harry and his grandfatherly smile won't work on me.

"What about it? Those magical animals have suffered a lot. I'm just helping them.", I knew there was no need to lie.

"So, you got that Unicorn Horn recently huh? Can I ask you where are they?"

"No. You can't ask me.", I replied with a plain face. He frowned. He might have thought I killed the unicorn and get its horn. He tried legelimency. But, Uzumaki seals were a lot better than his power. And, the strange seals different from the regular warding/charm method was giving him a headache. "Don't try it Dumbledore.", I said.

"Dumbledore, I just found that a wolf is searching for the elves village? Do, you know anything about it?", I asked innocently. "No..No I don't know. If you want, I can give protection to those Elves. I know a few good Aurors.", Dumble was dead set on making me spill the beans.

The wolf I was talking about was Lupin. A member of Order of Phoenix. I knew Dumble asked him to find the elves' village. He was afraid I'd use those elves and be another Dark Lord.

"Don't worry Dumbledore. Those elves are in perfect condition. And, Even 1000's of those wolves wouldn't be able to find the village.", It was my way of getting Dumble out of my way.

"Can I see the village, Orion?", He asked with a straight face. He wanted to make sure I'm not a potential dark lord. "Sure", I replied.

I created a portal to my world. Now, we are in elves village. Lots of elves came to greet me. Those who worked at Hogwarts greeted Dumble too as he never treated them badly. Dumble was stunned at what he saw. In front of his eyes was a village with about 300 elves. They were in proper clothes. They were smiling. They seem as if they are different species.

Listening to Elves' commotion Narcissa came out of our little castle.(Wooden House). "Orion is that you?" Narcissa saw Dumble and was dumbfounded. She thought Dumble might have forced me. She was about to attack him, "wait, auntie. I brought him here." I told her.

"Why did you bring him here? He was the one who had you under surveillance.", She was still angry.

"It was all past auntie. Let it be water under the bridge.", I went and hugged her. She calmed down but was still angry. "If you calm down, I will work hard tonight to help you.", I teased in a small voice. She blushed and went inside.

"Let's go old man." I then asked Sol to come to me. She was more beautiful than Fawkes. "See, I told you my sol was better than you," I teased him again. After that, we went to see Unicorns. They immediately came near me. I then patted their heads. They were happy. Dumble seeing their head without horn understood, I Didn't kill any unicorns. But, they willingly gave it to me. After that, I took Dumble to see Thestrals and then Dragons. They were angry at Dumble. They apparently said that Dumble has dragon blood on him. Pheonix and Unicorn had to calm them down.

After that, I took him to see Basilisks. Dumble frowned. I told him about them. Since Basilisks can't be produced naturally. We went around the world and see different animals. Some animals were named endangered and were to be protected by other animals. Like, Sindeget.

After all day of moving around, we are back to Dumble's office. Elves who worked at Hogwarts gave him a full basket of fruits and berries and win…juice. They gave him juice. Dumble happily took them. During his time, Narcissa told the story of her, Elder, Mary, and Regulus. Dumble was having a weird face. I knew he will take the blame upon himself. He will regret that his students suffered all that and worked for light. But, he misunderstood them.

So, I gave him a ring. He can come to my world. But, every time he comes I will know about it. I also asked Elves to keep an eye on him. If he tries to harm other animals then no need to keep him. There is no way I will let anyone harm my family. I gave it to him so, he would go to the unicorns and be calm there.

I discussed things with Dumbledore. I proposed students do all the cleaning and managing the works in Hogwarts. And, the punishment won't be house point deduction but rather, cleaning toilets. He loved the idea. As for food, Every house will prepare its own food. There were many halls and rooms in Hogwarts which were collecting dust.

Dumble didn't even consider anything else. He just let professors speak what they consider is good. But, in the end, he asked all the students to gather in the hall. He spoke what happened. "Mr. Black here gave a fantastic idea. So, from now students will do all the work themselves. It is also good for magic training. Each house will prepare its own food. If students want to do it alone then it's fine….."

Dumble winked at me and went, poof. Everyone in the hall was looking at me with murder eyes. Some were actually taking it in a good way. Well, It was just Hermoine and Neville and Harry. They said they agreed with me and Ron was again irritated. Fred and George were the most devastated ones. They were the ones who would lose most points in the entire school and now they will have to clean toilets.

Apparently, Ministry welcomed this trend. There is no way they will spend a lot of money on workers. They didn't have to pay earlier but, Now they will have to. So, Fudge agreed.

The next day, an article about Malfoy's framing me and Narcissa came out. I had Narcissa go to the ministry to file a case against Malfoy. He framed me, the Lord of Ancient House Black. We got about 60% of Malfoy's property. I was happy not because of property (I have a world) but because I brought down Malfoy down by a notch.

After the things in Hogwarts was settled, we had our first class. Snape didn't ask me any questions. He knew if he tries anything funny with me I'll relate it to Lily. So, he avoided me for good. He was a good potion grandmaster but his spy work didn't let him teach students. And, he has been calmer nowadays.