Won't be home tomorrow and I'll be coming back home on Saturday and I have no idea how the chapters on those 2 days will go, maybe you won't even get any or I write Saturday and Sunday and just continue into the week..... Jesus that's a lot
I'll answer some questions I found in the comments
They are two types of worlds, main world and side worlds
Main worlds have missions which must be completed. Every main world host a competition, meaning 5 competitors. After completing said world they get a break, in this case Michael got 10 years after completing HOTD. Three years have passed leaving 7 until his next main world
Side worlds as you can probably tell are worlds the competitors just visit for fun or whatever reason, most of the time it's only open to them, meaning they won't have to deal with other competitors in that time
Someone asked why no Yuri
Love built on misunderstandings won't last.
For example, a woman loves a man because she believes he can bring her a sense of security no matter what. This is because he tells her how he's a decorated soldier, who's been through several wars and yet survived with nothing more than cool battle scars. In reality, he's a security guard who got injured trying to stop a shop lifter. How do you think she would feel if she found out the truth?
Same with Mieko, Mikasa and Carla. He could have had sex or down something sexual with any of them but it'd be as Michelle, not Michael. What kind of reaction do you think Mieko or any of the others would have if they went sleep with the woman they love but woke up with a man instead?
Sure you could go down that " true love would help them through it " but that'd be bullshit and just itching for drama which I hate as much as I hate dense protagonist
So for realism and for their sanity, I didn't push any relationship until he regained his male form, then boom, fuck and get some kids, no drama, no bs, simple and sweet.
* Spoiler *
Someone asked me why Michelle changed back so quickly
When Michael became Michelle, it was because of a curse. This curse was somewhat mitigated by his perk ' Perfect Body '. Now weaken and his dong removed, he has to walk the earth as a HUMAN woman for 5 years
My dear readers, she's no longer human
So what affected her then might not to affect her not. So she became he ahead of schedule
Get it?
Where's Eren?
I can tell you straight up, they're few protagonist I actually like, the others now I hate, so If it's not completely necessary I try as little to involve them. There's always something about them that makes me hate their entire existence ( like how some people don't like Michael/Michelle ). Plus with how unpredictable my writing can be as you've most likely noticed, they're hardly ever needed in my story unless they're that involved
In AOT, I can go out on a limb and say a vast majority of it revolves around Eren but that's only under a series of actions happening, which in my opinion can be changed easily
One example, what if Carla being Carla broke in to the basement and end up becoming a Mindless Titan and catching Ghrisa off guard and eating him becoming the Attack Titan.
By this simple change, Eren loses a major piece of his plot armor and would have died when he switched places with Armen
Right now, they're 4 extra people that can completely body Eren, one of them being his mother, so I fail to see the need of his existence, not to say he won't be in the story, it just won't revolve around him