
With Kaido's Powers in Fairy Tail

Ryota, a young boy with mysterious powers, wakes up in a strange laboratory, unaware of his past or how he ended up there. Subjected to cruel experiments, he discovers his extraordinary physique and lack of magic. Determined to uncover his identity and escape, Ryota faces the relentless pursuit of scientists seeking to exploit his unique abilities. As he fights for his freedom, he finds himself drawn into a world of magic and danger, where he must confront his past and embrace his true power. First World : Fairy Tail Second World : One Piece Eaten Fruit : Uo Uo No Mi : Model Seiryu MC doesn't know the plot, and he will changes it. I will not add important OCS, and thats all. Not an hero or not a vilain, I would say neutral. Little harem, I have my idea (3-4 max). 1,5k~2k words by chapter Release when I want. Thanks for this fanfic !

Bananuts · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 4 : A Bloody Quest

*Year x770*

With my eyes fixed on the dark horizon, I slowly distanced myself from the place where I had spent so many months imprisoned. I had crossed the desert, and the forest had become my temporary refuge, a place where I could hide.

Night had fallen, and the moon's faint glow illuminated my path. I ventured deeper into the forest, searching for a safe place where I could rest and regain my strength.

After walking for some time, I finally found a small clearing, surrounded by thick trees and dense vegetation. It was the perfect place to hide and recuperate.

Sitting in the center of the clearing, I leaned against a sturdy tree. Fatigue and exhaustion finally caught up with me. My eyelids closed, and I fell into a well-deserved sleep.

The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the leaves of the trees, I opened my eyes. I was determined not to waste any time. I needed to establish a plan for my future and find a way to become stronger.

I stood up and stretched, feeling the sore muscles from my past escapes. I took a moment to focus on my goals. I knew I had to acquire combat skills and find a way to improve my physical strength.

First... I needed to find food. So, I set out to gather provisions to regain my strength.

I headed towards a river that flowed not far from the clearing. Waterways are often places where food such as fish and edible plants grow nearby.

Arriving at the river's edge, I surveyed the surroundings for signs of aquatic life. I spotted a spot where the water was calmer and skillfully used my hands to catch a few fish.

In less than thirty minutes, I relied solely on my vision and reflexes to catch a large fish, approximately 1 meter long. With my strength, it wasn't difficult, but it required patience.

While exploring the surroundings, I also spotted some wild plants, mainly berries. I grabbed a few berries, not caring whether they were toxic or not. I had confidence in my body.

With my harvest in hand, I returned to the clearing to prepare my meal. I lit a fire using dry branches and stones to produce sparks. Soon, the flames danced cheerfully, warming the cool morning air.

I prepared the fish by scaling and cleaning them carefully before cooking them on the embers. Their enticing smell wafted through the clearing, and I couldn't wait to savor this well-deserved meal.

While the fish grilled, I took the time to sort through the wild plants I had gathered. I added some leaves that I thought were edible and berries to my meal, adding an extra touch of flavor and nutrients.

Once the meal was ready, I savored every bite with gratitude. It was my first proper meal in months, and tears welled up in my eyes. The food was simple, but to me, it was the best thing. I devoured that large fish all by myself, surprisingly not feeling satisfied but no longer hungry.

I resumed my journey. Now that my immediate needs were met, I could once again focus on my long-term goals.

My first priority was to find a place where I could train and develop my skills. I decided to head blindly, going straight ahead. As long as I found resources and people who could help me in my quest for power, it would suffice.

Walking for hours through the forest, I finally reached the outskirts of the vegetation. Before me was a road that stretched into the distance. I knew I had to follow this road to reach civilization.

While walking along the road, I came across some travelers and merchants. I made sure to remain discreet, avoiding any contact that could bring trouble. My objective was clear: to find a place where I could train and grow as a fighter.

After walking for hours along the road, I finally caught sight of the first structures of the town in the distance. My heart filled with excitement at the thought of finding answers to my questions and discovering a place where I could train and become stronger.

Upon arriving in town, I blended in with the locals, carefully observing my surroundings. The streets were bustling with a multitude of people coming and going, while the market stalls offered a variety of products and goods.

I headed towards a central square where a crowd seemed to be forming. Intrigued, I approached to see what was happening. In the center of the crowd was a bulletin board covered with announcements and scrolls.

I approached the board, scrutinizing each notice in the hope of finding relevant information. That's when my eyes fell on a vibrant poster adorned with the symbol of a guild: Fairy Tail.

I don't know how I have the ability to read and understand the words; I don't even remember knowing this language. Perhaps it's instinct, I don't know.

Curious, I set out to find more information about this guild. I asked passersby and merchants if anyone knew about Fairy Tail and various details. Some told me it was one of the most powerful guilds in the region, while others mentioned rumors about their tumultuous reputation and eccentric members.

I also heard people talking about other guilds, but in the end, it changed my mind. I didn't want to join a guild for now; I wanted to stay alone. Having a guild restrict my freedom is bothersome...

But how can I increase my power and, more importantly, earn money ? I think I have an answer to that question. I simply need to take quests, whether here or elsewhere. Find missions, complete them, and earn money.

Plus, it might make me stronger. I think it's a good idea. Joining a guild would have been safer, but I'm lazy, and it doesn't seem interesting.

After deciding to continue my journey alone and not join a guild for now, I set out to find a mission that would allow me to acquire money and face challenges. I headed to the town's quest office, a bustling place where adventurers gathered to find work.

Once inside, I was greeted by a board filled with scrolls, each describing a different mission. I carefully studied the descriptions, looking for a quest that involved combat and matched my current abilities.

My gaze stopped on a scroll with a mission titled "Elimination of Forest Bandits." Rank: C+ Reward: 110,000 Jewels.

It seemed that a group of bandits had established their hideout in a nearby forest, causing problems for travelers and surrounding villages. The mission involved eliminating these bandits and restoring security to the region. As proof, I had to bring back their heads.

The mission seemed like a good challenge for me. Not only would it give me the opportunity to test my strength in combat, but it would also allow me to earn some money. I took the mission scroll and committed to completing it.

My body had recovered well, except for some small scars. The color of my skin had improved a bit, transitioning from a sickly caramel color to a somewhat healthier shade. My right horn had still not regrown, and there were dark circles under my blue eyes.

Not to mention my tattered clothes...

After bidding farewell to the quest office, I made my way to the forest indicated on the parchment. The thick trees and dense vegetation created a mysterious and dark atmosphere, but I remained determined to complete my mission.

I cautiously progressed through the forest, staying alert for any signs of the bandits' presence. Finally, I arrived at a small camp hidden among the trees. It was time to take action.

Approaching stealthily, I observed the movements of the bandits from the thick bushes. They seemed to number five, armed with various rudimentary weapons. I had to be careful and plan my strategy before attacking.

My heart was beating fast. I was nervous about failing this mission. People wouldn't think a child like me could do such a thing. I simply use my small body to my advantage.

Choosing my target, I silently crept up behind one of the farthest bandits from the others. With trembling hands and legs, I felt a surge of power flow through my limbs. A faint blue aura emanated from my body, and my fists clenched as I rushed toward the bandit.

They didn't have time to react; they only saw a blurry image of a little child jumping onto one of them's head.

Ryota brutally stabbed the man in the heart with his fist as his energy dissipated. His right hand trembled, not out of fear, but because it was his first time killing. Taking a human life...

I hate this feeling. I pulled my blood-soaked hand back; my arm was also covered in blood. I didn't think I could pierce his skin. Am I really that strong? I understand why the scientists were interested in me...

My gaze shifted to the other bandits, who looked at me with anger. Without hesitation, I used all the strength in my legs to hide in the surrounding bushes.

They didn't hesitate to run in that direction, but one thing they didn't know was my speed. I started running toward the one who was at the very back, coming out from his left side.

My right hand once again aimed for the man's heart, although this time it landed in the middle of his chest. He fell to the ground, struggling to breathe.

"Damn kid, get him !" one of them declared. As if they could catch me, it seems there were no mages among them.

I slipped between the trees, using my small size and speed to evade the pursuing bandits. They yelled and grew frustrated, but I remained focused on my mission: eliminating these bandits.

I hid behind a large tree, quickly catching my breath. The three bandits were close, but I had an advantage with my mobility and ability to navigate through obstacles. I waited for the right moment to take action.

When the bandits dispersed, searching to locate me, I seized the opportunity to infiltrate their camp. I quickly spotted what appeared to be the leader, a sturdy man with a scar on his face, giving orders to his two remaining accomplices.

I planned my strategy. I had to eliminate their leader for now to sow confusion and weaken the team. I gathered my courage and launched my attack.

Emerging from my hiding spot, I leaped toward the bandit leader, attacking with surprising speed and strength for my youthful appearance. My fists crashed into his face, and I used my legs to push him off balance, sending him stumbling backward.

The leader of the bandits was thrown backward, falling heavily to the ground. Taking advantage of his confusion, I quickly ran towards him, but something I hadn't anticipated happened.

A bandit appeared to my left, and as my expression turned into a grimace, I saw his sword heading towards my chest. I didn't have time to dodge in mid-air, the bandit was fast...


That was the sound that came out. Looking at the bandit who tried to pierce me, I saw that my body was unharmed. He couldn't pierce me with just one hand ? Was my skin that resistant?

I felt proud as a mischievous smile formed on my childish face, giving me a truly frightening appearance.

I quickly grabbed his hand, leaping over his sword before delivering a powerful kick to his face, which seemed just right to me, followed by a cracking sound coming from the bandit.

Ah, that's good.

Three down, the leader was in a weakened position, without his weapon. My gaze turned towards the other one who was looking at me with sweat visibly dripping from his face. It disgusted me...

"Monster..." he stammered before starting to run for his life.

Seeing this unexpected action, Ryota quickly found a solution by grabbing the sword from the corpse he had just killed and throwing it with rather good accuracy at the guy.

*Slash!* Right in the leg! I would deal with him later; I had to take care of the leader. Oh, he had gotten back up.

"Kid, I have to admit you have superhuman strength. But it's useless," the man didn't finish his sentence, but instead, a magic incantation circle formed on his right palm. "Magic reigns supreme in this world."

That's what I feared... *Sigh.*