
Witcher at Hogwarts

In a magical collision of worlds, Ethan, a battle-hardened Witcher, transmigrates into the world of Harry Potter. The once solitary monster slayer now navigates the halls of Hogwarts, where spells replace his silver sword. As an enigmatic figure, Ethan brings the Witcher's code to a world of wands and wizardry. Caught between two disparate realms, he must unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts while facing the impending danger that threatens both worlds. This is a tale where the steel of a Witcher meets the magic of Hogwarts, forging an unparalleled adventure at the intersection of two extraordinary realms. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. Original Author - light ink fragrance

Dark_Symphony · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
203 Chs

Fudge's house

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"It would be my honor," Ethan replied. No matter what Fudge is selling, Ethan intends to try it first.

​​Ethan already had a deep understanding of Fudge. He knew Fudge was a Minister of Magic chosen by various forces' compromises after Voldemort's fall.

​​At that time, the British wizarding world was already in jeopardy and could no longer withstand storms.

​​So Fudge, who looks mediocre and easy to control, has become the best choice for all forces.

​​A weak and easily manipulated Minister of Magic is what prominent pure-blood families want most, so after the strong old Barty Crouch lost his candidacy for Minister of Magic because of his son.

​​Fudge, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic at the time, became the Minister because all of the more competitive opponents withdrew.

​​After taking power, Fudge, at first, often asked Dumbledore for advice and help. Still, after some time, Fudge gradually became obsessed with everything that the position of Minister of Magic brought him and began to see Dumbledore as a threat to him.

​​Fudge believes that the magical world has been improving under his "hard work" for many years, but the peaceful magical world did not result from his hard work.

​But after the fall of Voldemort, according to historical evolution, the wizarding world recovered prosperity from the darkness of war. It was just that the Minister of Magic was Fudge during this recovery period.

​​However, Fudge stubbornly regards Dumbledore as a threat, believing that Dumbledore is trying to usurp his position, so he begins to guard against Dumbledore everywhere and instead turns to cooperate with the pure blood family.

​​And pure-blood families have been using Fudge to achieve their various goals. Since pure-blood families can use Fudge, why didn't Ethan try it?

​​Knowing that Ethan had other things, Tonks was a little gloomy, and she hoped to spend more time with Ethan.

​​The time soon came to evening, and Fudge, who had finished his work and changed into a black coat, enthusiastically held Ethan.

​​"Mr. Ethan, we can go. I think my family must be looking forward to seeing you," Fudge said.

​​He took a beautifully carved pocket watch from his arms, "Ethan, we can leave with a portkey. The fireplace at the Ministry of Magic is filthy." Fudge frowned.

​​Ethan held the bracelet of Fudge's pocket watch. Ethan felt an invisible hook pulling hard, then flew straight up. He seemed to have turned into a gust of wind and dashed forward.

​​This momentum didn't take long to weaken gradually, and Ethan and Fudge slowly landed on the ground.

​​At this time, Ethan realized that he was no longer in the Ministry of Magic but in a beautiful street, and a villa in front of him caught Ethan's attention.

​​With its pale blue tiled roof and white walls covered with blooming clematis, it looks simple and elegant.

​​The garden around the villa is beautifully decorated with purple irises and lupins, making the surrounding environment full of floral and natural flavors.

​​Ethan looked at Fudge in amazement. He didn't expect Fudge to have such a taste.

​​Fudge noticed Ethan's eyes and proudly explained, "My daughter takes care of the garden, and she likes these flowers and plants."

​​"You're back!"

A gentle voice appeared before him, and Ethan looked forward only to find a woman with long black hair and pale green home clothes standing at the door, who looked like a very temperamental woman.

​​"Alyssa, we have a guest at our house. Let me introduce you. This is the Ethan I always told you." Fudge introduced Ethan to the woman in front of him with a smile.

​​"Hello Ethan, my husband often talks about you at home." The woman in front of her politely extended her hand and shook Ethan.

​​"Ethan, this is my wife, Alyssa Fudge." Fudge introduced Ethan to the woman in front of him.

​​"It's so cold outside, you two don't stand here, come in." Mrs. Fudge turned her body sideways and let him enter the house.

​​He took the coat handed over by Fudge, slapped the snow on it twice, and hung it up.

​​The villa has ebony floors, and the walls are covered with delicate patterns. There are many oil paintings on it; some are portraits and landscapes, but all use warm tones, which look very warm.

​​"Andrea, the guest is here, come down soon!" Fudge shouted.

​​"Coming! Coming!" A crisp voice came from upstairs.

​​Soon, there was the sound of going downstairs, and it didn't take long for a girl in a light blue dress to appear in front of Ethan.

​​The girl was about the same age as Ethan(in his late 20s). She has straight black hair that hangs down to her shoulders, her skin is fair and crystal clear, she has clear eyes like a fairy, and her lips are pale red, looking delicate.

​​Ethan looked at Fudge in surprise. He didn't think Fudge's genes could give birth to such a beautiful daughter. Could it be a genetic mutation?

​​"Dad, who is this?" Andrea looked curiously at Ethan in front of her.

​​"This is the Ethan you talk about daily," Fudge said.

​​Andrea gave a short scream and ran to Ethan, grabbed Ethan's hand, and shook it.

​​"Have you beaten so many dark wizards? Is it true that you beat Moody, too?"

Ethan felt the smoothness of Andrea's skin on his hands, and he couldn't stop for a while.

​​"Andrea! You're so rude! You don't want to read that naysayer's story; there's no real story!" Mrs. Fudge reprimanded her daughter.

​​Andrea stuck out her tongue mischievously and let go of Ethan's hand, "Mr. Ethan, wait for me; I have something that needs your signature." After that, she turned her head and ran into the house.

​​"Please forgive Andrea, Ethan; we usually pamper her a bit too much," Fudge told Ethan helplessly.

​​"It's okay, I don't mind," Ethan responded with a smile.

​​"It's time for dinner; you must be hungry." Mrs. Fudge reminded them, and then Fudge took Ethan to the table.

​​The hall was covered with a thick woolen carpet, and stepping on it is like a cloud. Ethan feels it is better than the carpet laid by the Ministry of Magic.

​​The dining table is made of precious wood, with a faint soothing aroma.

​​The silver candlesticks filled with candles on the table brightened the whole restaurant, and the table was already full of plates with delicate patterns.

​​"Hurry up and sit down; the dishes will be served soon." Mrs. Fudge said in a relaxed tone.

​​"Ethan, sit down quickly; you should taste Alyssa's craftsmanship." Fudge kindly helped Ethan pull the chair and invited him to sit down.

​​Ethan needed clarification about what Fudge wanted him to do with such enthusiasm. He even began to wonder if Fudge wanted him to assassinate Dumbledore.

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