
Ch 1 The War Hero

"Long Live His Highness The Prince!"

"Long Live The White Knight!"

"Long Live The WItch Evan!"

Cheers full of praise and gratitude, as well as the scent of flowers scattered along the way to the palace. They passed through the area of the people who had been waiting for the return of the Prince's entourage who had completed the given task by The King directly.

Nine months ago, The Prince and his entourage had left the palace to carry out the duty from The King. The task was not hard, but they could not underestimate it because it required attention and accuracy. Their task this time was to resolve the drought on the northern border of the kingdom. An area directly adjacent to the sea.

In the very beginning their mission was very simple, that was to overcome the drought that hit the village, although they lived in a coastal area, it didn't mean the drought didn't hit them, the village actually was the area with the lowest rainfall so it drove them in difficulty for carrying out daily activities.

They couldn't drink seawater as the salt content in the seawater is too high. Not to mention that the water in the area got dry easily. The problem was, that was not that simple. They didn't just suffer from the drought that occurred almost every year, they also often became victims of robbery.

The Prince's entourage had been in difficulty because what was reported didn't match the fact. For more than three years they only managed to eradicate the pirates, they didn't manage to overcome the drought. The prince refused to return and asked for extra time to solve the problem for the next six months.

The problem that had occurred since the previous king, finally resolved by the crown prince and his entourage. Of course all the triumph of the prince couldn't be separated from the role of his companion, a witch who had been friends with him since childhood. Evan Evescent.

In many of the tasks and missions the king entrusted to the prince, the contribution from Evan Evescent couldn't be ignored and doubted. As the leader of the white knight, he fought at the forefront alongside his best friend, the prince. Disher Phosphen.

There was no battle they could not conquer, starting from defending the territory that was claimed by the neighboring kingdom, guarding the border from monsters or overcoming various problems inside and outside the territory.

All the triumph of the prince couldn't be separated from the role of Evan Evescent.

They are friends who protected each other, and all the people knew about it that made them reluctant to and respect Evan. In fact, many of them idolized the extraordinary figure of Evan.

"Look, the ladies throw roses at you," Evan whispered.

"Isn't that for you?"

"Obviously for us both."

"You're right."

The entourage returned to the Palace, they received gifts from the King personally as they managed to overcome the area that was hit by drought since the previous king. The king was proud, of course, because this success would be recorded in the history of his leadership

The feast was held for the prince and knights. All of this was to appreciate the services they had done, for their energy, time, and thoughts that they had devoted to their mission.

The whole kingdom rejoiced.

"I think I'm going to die!"

The prince complained while closing the door of the balcony so that no one would find him. "Hehehe... You're not going to die just because of dancing." someone replied to Disher, he was Evan who was leaning against the balcony railing with a glass of wine in his hand.

"It's unfair. You ran away earlier after dancing with my sister."

"I ran away with a cool style."

"You never leave me in the battlefield, but you disappear in the blink of an eye in the feast."

"It's a different matter."

Disher sneered as he approached his best friend, then filled an empty glass with wine. It seemed that the glass was served by Evan on purpose as he was sure that Disher would come.

"If it had been bad, you would have run away from the beginning. But you stayed there while enjoying the embrace of the ladies who danced with you."

Disher raised his glass, then muttered "That's a plus."

"You bastard."

"Yes, I am."

They both were silent for a while, they really enjoyed the wine in their glass as well as the night breeze that gently swept over their skin. A victory night was the best night of the year. Because they would get praise for their triumph.

Both were immersed in their respective thoughts, accompanied by the wine they swallowed slowly in order to enjoy the sweet and bitter sensation of the best wine that they gained from the Kingdom of Dersik.

Evan frowned as he realized that Disher had been paying attention to him since earlier, at first he ignored it, but the longer it bothered him. Until Evan finally broke the silence.

"What's going on?"

"What?" Disher averted his eyes as Evan asked in an annoyed tone.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, or I'll really make you to be stupid!"

"No... I just think about one thing."

"What's it?" Is that about me?" Evan turned to Disher, and he found his best friend nodded as an answer.

Evan was not too interested in listening to his best friend's heart, but Evan couldn't just ignore it when he knew that it was about him, especially Disher's tone sounded desperate. Does he want to find someone else as my substitute?

"What are you thinking about?" You don't like me as a lover, do you?"

"Of course not!" Disher denied Evan's guess.


"I'm curious about one thing."

"What's it?" Please don't piss me off."

Disher was silent for a while, then all of a sudden he drank all the wine in the glass. He's not really going to reveal his feelings to me, is he?

"I... I've always been curious about one thing... Why haven't you given me your oath all this time?" Why don't you swear an oath to me?"
