
Will Make Her Carving for Me

Elna, at such a young age, she got to be one of the top ten best software developer in her country. She was appointed as the Manager of technology department in SNW company. Later she got to handpick James, a top student in SD University, as her junior. Later one day morning she found herself with her favorite junior naked by her side. What happen? Who is responsible? Who played this wicked game? Will she accept him? Read it completely till you find the interesting. Stay tuned for more…

blue_berry_3 · สมจริง
3 Chs

Senior, Can you call me Master?

It was a weekend morning, she slowly opened her eyes to find it was already noon. She was not able to lift her body, not even her hands, to reach her phone. When she turned her head slowly to her right, she found her handsome junior lying next to her, sleeping so comfortably. She slowly took her hand to reach out his messy hair. Suddenly her hand was blocked by a strong force, "Ah!" she yelled in a seductive voice, which then moved slowly to her soft face then to her waist, and pulled her closer "Senior, are you trying to seduce me?" whispered in her ears slowly. She was so addicted to him, as if, she wanted to tell him 'yes' but she asked him "Did I woke you up?"

'Senior's eyes are bright jewels twinkling in the light, and her skin is so soft and glowing from the sunlight, as I held her in my arms ... I lost all my control and turned into a Jackal who was waiting for his prey peacefully.

When I first met you (four years ago) senior, you were not like this, your voice was cold as ice when you first stare at me, and my heart almost skipped one beat.

I know it wasn't a fair game for you senior, but it was all your fault. Because of your kind and cold-hearted behavior when you found out about my...not mine, our family, about our family. After giving hope, you should not have rejected me because of that. It was all your fault. We could have been just like other couples, but you made it all like this.'

After thinking about the past, he slowly pulled her 'half-naked soft warm body lying next to him under the blanket' closer to him. She can feel his hot breath on her neck. Then he slowly whispered," Senior, can you call me Master ".


A rushy office filled with employees running here and there. A well-dressed, handsome young man slowly walks through the rushy office towards the manager's office. He was looking so tense. Suddenly someone called out loudly "James Adam". He ran over there in a hurry and reported, "Yes" "Ma'am is waiting for you inside" "Okay".

"Good Morning, Ma'am, I was so surprised when I received the mail. Senior, I still remember you back from our University. You were the hot topic of that time, many students followed your steps, and we ever made a fan group for discussing your inventions and finding in Technology. Most of your papers and those websites were so useful for students for a better understanding of our academic theories." After entering the room, he keeps on praising her until she asked him, "Are you here for a job or for praising me?"

He feels a cold-freezing effect on his body for a second, her voice was so sharp and bold, and her stare was enough to make our hearts skip one beat. After gathering all his confidence, he slowly smiled and "Senior... Sorry, Ma'am, I apologize for my rudeness. It was because of my over-excitement when I saw yo..." Before he could even finish his explanation the cold voice again spoke "Your academics look so great, with this CV and your referrals, you could even get a job with a higher salary package, then why did you choose to work as an intern in my department?"

At first, he felt a chill in his stomach, but without losing his confident face, he replied "Ma'am, as I told you earlier I was so fond of you from my university years, and I wanted to work with you on a project but unfortunately, because of my bad health during my third year, I lost my opportunity to do that. So, since this was the best opportunity for me to fulfill my dream, I just took it." He was so fond of her from his university, so he tried his best to be the first and be able to follow her. Finally, his hard work paid off, and he was finally able to stand in front of her.

After hearing James reply, she was so surprised. It was the first time she heard of someone being so fond of her and wanting to work with her so desperately. After letting him wait for her decision, she called her assistant 'Aresy' and asked for his background.

Aresy was her latest invention of modern technology, an AI robot that can think and work just like humans do.

After doing some research, Aresy told her about his activities and his social media background. He was a hot chick whom girls admired and wanted to lay in bed with. His profile was pretty impressive, he was an activist plus one of the best programmers. He wins last year's techno fest conducted by their SNW company. Impressed by his background and his humor sense and his ability to control situations, she approved his internship.

But she didn't know that it was the most regretful decision she had ever taken in her life.