
Will Change

Maxwell_Astro · LGBT+
2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Ahh.. fuck.. harder" I muttered at the man who was currently fucking me right now.

He just chuckled as his thrusts did really became harder. I was a moaning mess under him and I can feel that instead of feeling pleasure, he is now amused as to what is happening.

"Ahh.. I-I'm clos--ah f-fuck this f-feels too g-good!"I exclaimed as he fucked me harder and faster than before. I was now crying because of too much pleasure he was giving me.

Tears streamed down my face as he grabbed my cock(fuck I don't want to use cock but I can't think of anything elseT-T) and started pumping his hand on it.

"C-coming!" I exclaimed as a long high pitched moan came out of my mouth and filled his bedroom.

Slowly, dizziness and the lack of sleep was now engulfing me.

I turned my head to see him smiling so sweetly to me.

This is the first time I have saw him smiling this genuinely at me.

As I saw him smiling at me so sweetly, I felt my tears threatening to fall again but this time it was nit because of lust. It was because of happiness.

'Finally....I finally get to see you smile so sweetly like how you do to her..' I thought but before I could say anything, I felt a sudden sharp pain on my stomach.

I reached out to touch my aching stomach but all I felt was a metalic thing and some liquid on me.

I slowly closed my shaking hand to my face as to see clearly what is the liquid thing that was on my body.

When my vission became clear and saw what was on my hand, I quickly turned to look at him with a pained expression but he just shaked his head at me as his tears slowly started streaming down his handsome face while he still wearing that same sweet smile that he showed me earlier.

"Q-Qhyxo...H-how could you do this to m-me?" I asked. My consciousness is now slipping away from me. My voice is low and tears are now streaming through the side of my face due to me laying down.

"I-If I don't d-do this then they'll torture y-you...Cut of your head and display it to the public..." he muttered lowly as he softly layed his head in my shoulder while sobbing.

"I-I d-don't want that Phsen... I don't want you dying... E-even though I kinda hurted you and became a complete jerk to you, I love you Physen... So please let me end your suffering and mine" he said as his tears slid down his face and then disappearing on an instant as his face was burried into my shoulder.

I slowly reached his head and patted his damp hair due to our previous activity with my other hand which doesn't have any blood on it.

Tears was now also leaving my eyes as he softly muttered I love you's to the man.

"I-it's okay Qhyxo... I understand you.. I'm actually thankful that you are the one who will kill me other than those ugly guards by his majesty" he said as he lowly chuckled as tears are still rolling down the sides of his fave due to him still laying down.

"You have to take care of our child okay? I love you both so much" I said between seconds of pausing. There was now blood dripping down my chin alerting him.

"Physen... A-are you gonna leave me n-now?" He said as his eyes shredded more tears. I just nodded weakly and gave him a tired smile.

"I hope to meet you soon my dear. I love you" I said and then smiled at him again.

I looked at him for a few seconds more until my vision was becoming vignette and became nothing but darkness.


"Good news everyone! Prince Physen from the Phy country is now dead. Our crown prince killed him!" a butler informed the king as the crown prince just sat at a corner avoiding everyone as he was wearing an all white clothes. Clear that he is mourning.

"where is he? Summon him. I will give him whatever he wants as a reward." the king said making the prince let out a shaky breath.

He stood up from where he was sitting and approached his father. He gave a bow to him as a sign of respect and then held an eye contact with his father.

"tell me what you want son. I would surely grant it to you." his father said as he smiled at his son. Clearly happy making his blood boil from anger.

He killed his lover for his dad. The king. And now all his lover asked is to take good care of their son and that's what he's gonna do.

"please let me take my son inside the palace since his mother had passed away. I would gladly appreciate it if you grant my wish your majesty." he coldly said and then bowed his head making his dad shocked.

"Since when did you had a child?!"