
Chapter 12

It's a Secret

Clara pov

"Wow, it's beautiful"

"Won't argue with that"

She had placed the dress on the sofa, they were both admiring the dress. It was a green dress, in a mermaid style, light green lace at the top of the sweet heart neckline. In all it was a beautiful dress. 

"Do you think he remembers?" Alicia asked, eyes still on the dress. 

"I can't tell, I sure hope he has. It's stressful leaving with someone who can't remember you. I miss playing with Aaron, I miss cuddling with him"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ask"

Alicia said opening her arm for a hug. It was silent for a while before Clara phone rang. 

"Hello" she answered before looking at the caller ID. 

"Have you received it." She looked at the caller ID, to see Mr. K


"Good, will see you at 7:00 pm don't be late"

"It.. " he hunged up. 

"What did he say? "

"I should be ready by 7:00pm in the dress"

"That's good I bet you would look good." 

"I won't go"

"What? are you out of your mind, he asked you to be his date. Maybe he remembers or something."

"He should have gotten the courage to ask, I was with him all day. sometimes I think he is a different person" she cried out. 

"I can't say I know how you are feeling, but just give him a chance. It's 4:00 pm you don't have much time left. I will be leaving this evening, will you come"

"Yeah, I will have to tell K first, I need to deal with the competition. Am not saying I want to be the only one, but don't copy my every style. This is exhausting."

"Don't worry you are going to be fine" She nodded at the statement not sure if it would actually be fine. 

* * *

She was tempted to defy him, but at what cost. It won't harm anyone if she went, besides it was a dinner not a date right?. With that she had dressed in the gown, a pair of silver heels and a clutch. She found both in the box with the dress. The time read 6:50, she had ten minutes to meet Kelvin. In her heart she was hoping he did love her dress and maybe remember something about her. She descended the stairs in anticipation of his reaction, she heard his foot step coming close to her. 

"Great you are on time let get going" he said not even sparing her a glance, still on his phone he left her at the stairs to the car. She flinched back to reality when he honked the car.

"Great, that is what she got! if she went with James she bet he wouldn't tell her just great" she thought while stamping her feet to the car. 

The drive was silent, Clara was fuming and cursing Kelvin with every known word she knew in her mind. 

"It's dinner, why are you nervous about it" he asked eyes still on the road. 

"Who said I was nervous, I was only thinking of how it would have been better I went with James as his date" No sooner had those words left her mouth the car came to an abrupt Halt. 

"Watch it will you, do you want to kill us" she said massaging her temple

"You want to be James date, too bad you are stuck with me. Untill I release you of your duty, you will never accept another date or invitation except mine" He said clenching his jaw. 

She looked at him before laughing.

"Are you serious, I am single and ready to mingle."

"Really, you don't care about your son."

"Don't bring him into this, I love him with all my heart don't you ever say otherwise."

With that the drive was silent.


"We are here, this is no dinner, it's a fundraiser and I will be networking, do your best and be by my side to set up meeting that my raise up" He said stepping out of the car to the entrance.

"Lord help me with this job" she rolled her eyes at his comment. She was a boss too for his information. She got out from the car to his side.

Their ears was greeted with soft music playing at the background. The room was decorated for the occasion. The tables were covered with golden table cover, the chairs wwas covered in white. Clara looked at the attendees, one could tell they were all from the high class society. Maybe she could find a partner or two. Lost in thought and observation she didn't see someone approach her.

"Hello beautiful." She turned to the voice. He was a tall guy, with lean muscles, his blonde hair shaped his oval face, in all he was handsome. But not as handsome as Kelvin, who ditched her.

"Hello handsome" she replied smiling.

"Brad, my name is Brad"


"How come I have never seen you around?"

"This is my first time attending"

"That explains, where is you date?" He asked, she didn't miss the way his eyes roamed her body.

"He is here, and will be needing her for a minute" he said placing his hand on her waist.

"No problem, see you later Clara" he said with a wink.

"Less than an hour and you are moving with big names"




"Now, listen see that man over there, with the lady in purple gown, she is laughing currently"

Clara stretched her neck to see who Kelvin was pointing at.

"Have you seen him? "


"Are you that short?, look to your right" he whispered.

"Aha, Mohammed? "

"You know him, how?"

"I can't share all my secrets with you now can I"

"It depends, now remember Mr falze, I told about."


"He is the one, he wants to build a hotel, if I get the projects, it will be the beginning of many. Our competitor Alan corporations are also bidding for it. My sources tell me he might agree to give it to them. I need you to schedule a meeting with him, after I have a chat with him" Clara looked at Kelvin with a smirk.

"What do I get if I get you the contract"

"Please like you can get me the contract, he doesn't listen to anybody, no offense"

"We shall see, I want two weeks break of I succeed"


She left him, taking a flute of champagne, from one of the moving trays. Mohammed or rather Falze was a friend, to both of them but she was closer to him than Kelvin. She new he had a soft sport for her, she was going to use that. His wife was like an aunt to her.

"Mr falze" he turned to her, hugging her at once.

"Mr dear where have you been?" he questioned her while still hugging.

"Can't breathe"

"oh sorry"

"Come here dear" his wife Mariam, pulled her for a hug.

"It's good to see you, how are you coping after everything" She asked.

"Okay I think"

"Now dear, stop fishing for gossip. Clara The rumour, is it true"

"Am gossiping and your are" Miriam asked rolling her eyes, she left them when she saw a friend.

"Am afraid it's true, Kelvin doesn't remember anything from five years ago"

"That is aweful, what are you doing now"

"That's why I came to see you"

She paused to lick her lip, her eyes met with Kelvin a brief moment. He was chatting with a business partner she guessed.

"Say it, I would be glad to help."

"Am sure from the rummor you heard he had an assistant."

"Yeah, she is quite famous too but what do she have to do with you"

"Ermmm.. I am the assistant"

"What" Falze almost choked on his drink.

"It's complicated, he wants the project for the hotel in exchange I could take a break"

"I never, saw that coming. He doesn't remember you at all? "

"Sadly, yes"

"Wow, I will only accept it if you promise to come for dinner at my place. Miriam would love it."

"Really! "

"Yes, I told you once that you remind me of my late daughter, I would always support you when I can"

She hugged him this time, earning a laugh from him.

"However, I must see him to believe. Don't get me wrong I trust you but, am still finding a hard time to believe."

"I know, she should be somewhere" She turned hoping to catch his unique feature among the crowd.

"Oh, hear he comes. He got his eyes for you" he said just as Kelvin came close.

"Mr Falze, nice to see you, guess you have met my assistance Clara. "

Falze looked at the man who he used to share jokes with. For the first time after the accident.

"Yes I have, I recall you also submitted your bid for the project, yes"

"Yes I did"

"Good, I will have a meeting with you on Monday, to settle everything then" he hugged Clara, whispering

"He still loves you, hang on" before he left them.

"You were saying?"

"How did you do it? "

"Not telling my secret, do I get my two weeks"

"Fine, you can have it but don't spend more than it"

"Why, you will miss me?"

"Don't push your luck, I could just cahnge my mind"

"Loosen up it was a joke, lets have a dance.

She pulled him to the dance floor, where they danced to slow music.

"You still won't tell me he asked"

"Shh, you will ruin the moment, it a secret right it won't be if I tell.

With that they forgot their differences and danced in sync to the music.