
Crime I: The Scene

The next morning all students were called into their classrooms.

„Hello everyone! I know some of you may have a free day today, but I have an important announcement for all of you! Some of the more wealthier families residing in the capital had caught wind of some promising talents this year, so Duke Yaznov has invited all first years to a small festival in his mansion. It is located inside the capital and it will take place next weeks Friday. It is mandatory that all students either wear their complete uniform or, if you can afford something more expensive, a suit or dress with hints at your studentship here. You have to be recognisable as a student of this academy. More information will come soon. You are dismissed.", Tristan was a bit down because he had to wake up because of this short announcement, but at the same time an idea came to mind.

This mansion would surely be the perfect place to get rid of Tasaki and his friend Elaine. A lot of people and a lot of suspects, this really was a chance given by god.

Though this god he once met probably wouldn't give him a chance like this.

Making his way back to the dorm he was deep in thought.

He could play safe and be surprised by the building, layout and plans for the ball. He could go and visit the place right now, but that would have the chance of him getting caught and so he would loose the chance of returning at the actual ball next week.

The safest, but also hardest bet, would be getting ahold of blueprints or at least the architects of the building. This was nearly impossible though, since he had no clues or anything for that matter.

So he decided on scouting out the place himself.

„Hey, Tristan!", he heard a voice from behind.

It was Kalu, who was approaching him.

„Wow, to be invited to the dukes mansion is really something, you know.", he said.

„Yeah.", Tristan replied.

„And Duke Yaznov out of all. I heard his mansion was constructed by the best architect in the capital.", Kalu eagerly continued talking.

„Oh? And who is that?", Tristan asked.

„You don't know? It's the architects office just down the main road. A few hundred feet maybe and you're there. It has a big sign on the front as well.", Kalu explained.

„Thanks, that helps a lot.", Tristan said and teleported out of the school.

‚He should stop this teleporting already!', Kalu, who was left behind, thought.

Tristan followed the directions given to him and soon found the shop. It wasn't very big and just a wooden building next to many similar buildings. It was a two story house.

He entered through a heavy wooden door.

The room he entered was not very big, two chairs in front of a counter and a door to a backroom. A bell rang as soon as the door closed.

„We're closed!", yelled Someone from the back.

„Yup, sorry I will leave.", Tristan said. He didn't of course.

He looked around, drawings of big houses and mansions were framed on the wall, all of them were oil paintings.

‚They value their work, the chance is high that the blueprints might still be here somewhere', Tristan thought.

„What do you want?", suddenly a large man emerged from the back door, „I thought I told you to leave.", he said, but the moment he saw Tristan he stopped in his movement. The man looked to be in his late 50s, a big brown beard and messy hair. His movement also wasn't the fastest anymore.

„Oh, so you're the new holder. Come inside.", the man said, after seeing the sword on Tristan's back.

„A holder? What do you mean?", Tristan asked confused.

The man just pointed behind his back, Tristan understood.

„Oh, my sword. How could you tell?", he asked.

The man didn't say anything again and just gestured him to follow him to the backroom.

There was a table, a staircase and a ton of books and paper laying around everywhere.

The man sat down at the table and pointed towards another chair.

„Your Sword. How did you get it?", the man asked.

„It was given to me.", Tristan replied, „Can you tell me your name?", he asked.

„Just Call me architect. Anyway, you met Cameron?", architect asked.

„I did.", Tristan confirmed.

„Did he tell you the story of the swords?", architect asked.

„Not really.", Tristan answered, confused why he was questioned about this.

„That's unlike him. You didn't steal it, did you?", Architect said.

„Nope.", Tristan shook his head.

„But he did train you?", Architect asked.

Tristan nodded again.

„How was he? Was he doing well?", Architect questioned him further, to soon regret doing so.

He noticed the sadness swell up in Tristan's eyes.

„What happened boy? Is Cameron okay?", he asked, now concerned.

Tristan slowly shocked his head.

„He... he didn't make it.", he slowly said, having to think back at the terrible scene of Cameron's lifeless body falling on the floor. He remembered the arrogant and angered look on the gods face when he shoved Cameron aside.

This would be his face when he avenged Cameron's death and killed that god once and for all. The next time, they would meet, it wouldn't be Tristan who needed help from other gods. And even that won't save Inferno.

Tristan formed a fist with his hands and a single tear slid down his cheek.

„Didn't make what? Tell me!", architects face saddened as well, he was a close friend to Cameron before he had to go to the village in the mountains.

„He died during the fires of Durakles.", Tristan managed to say and clenched his fists even further.

„I see. To see such a good soul pass in such a manner is horrible.", architect said.

„If he had chosen you as his student he must have seen the resolve for whatever your goal is inside you. I shall help you in memories and honour of Cameron. If you need anything, tell me.", architect said after a few minutes of silence.

„There is one thing I need for my plan to ultimately avenge Cameron's death.", Tristan said after thinking carefully.

He didn't want to abuse the grieving old friend of Cameron like that, but it did help him fight the gods if you think about it.

„I need the blueprints to Duke Yaznov's mansion. If I can get them I will be able to avenge Cameron in the future.", Tristan said.

„I don't understand", Architect said.

„There are some people... that are keeping me from getting what I need to find Cameron's murderer.", Tristan said, choosing his words carefully.

„I see. You're a collector then. Whoever caused these fires of Durakles, if you need that kind of power, then I will help you.", architect said after thinking about it.

„I thank you very much.", Tristan said with an honest grateful look on his face.

„But remember this, boy. If you go the path you are currently going, nothing but death is going to await.", architect said before going upstairs to find blueprints and documents of the dukes mansion.

Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.

RyZoonHDcreators' thoughts