
Chapter 78: Can You Help Me Take It Off?

At this moment, Liu Zheng found his arms being grasped by others.

And his clothes were being tugged on as well; forcefully held back by five or six people, he was not scared but rather furious.

"Let go, let me go... My treatment isn't finished yet!"

Amidst his loud shouting, Liu Zheng shook off the two arms holding him,

The force of it causing several people to stagger, almost thrown off by Liu Zheng.

Having shaken off everyone, Liu Zheng immediately rushed forward two steps, and once again came to the bedside, violently pressing his palm onto the back of old Mr. Tang.


Another crisp sound rang out, startling everyone present once again.

People were stunned, their eyes wide as they stared at Liu Zheng.

At the same time.

Old Master Tang, sitting there with a pale face, jerked, and suddenly opened his mouth, spurting out a mouthful of black blood.

By the time people reacted, Old Master Tang had finished vomiting blood.