
Wicked Creator

Wielding the ultimate power of Creation, Zen sheds mortality, and starts cultivating. A stroke of his brush will create a bloodbath, a flicker of his scroll will enslave gods. In heaven and earth, if he desires something, he will create it! If he hates something, he will erase it! This is the story of Wicked Creator.

True_Seeker · ตะวันออก
6 Chs

What is Dao?

"What is cultivation?"

Underneath the vast crown of the bodhi tree, Elder Jiang asked Zen.

"Is it shedding mortality by pursuing magical powers? Or is it just the means to seek Dao?"

Zen placed a hand over his chin and pondered.

According to ancient legends, once upon a time, there were many systems of cultivation. But only one system survived through eternity and remained prevalent.

It involved germinating the ethereal seed in every living being and turning it into a tree that could give fruits of neverending lifespan and boundless power.

This seed, which formed the foundation, was called Dao Seed.

The first stage - Body Refining – was building stability for it to germinate and spread out roots in the second stage – Energy Refinement.

The first two stages were the most basic and carried nine layers each. From the third stage, each cultivation stage consisted of three levels: early, mid, and peak.

If the rumors were to be believed, Elder Jiang was at the third stage's peak – Core Formation. According to the standards of the cultivation world, he should be addressed as Holy Lord.

This was because except for the Body Refining Stage, where cultivators were considered mortals, every stage corresponded to a title.

The stages and titles he knew were:

Body Refining – Mortal.

Energy Refining – Profound Master.

Core Formation – Holy Lord.

Divine Sea – Sacred Monarch.

Life Seveting – Divine King.

Death Manifestation – Spirit Saint.

Dao Seeking – World King.

Immortal Ascension – Empyrean.

The only common in each stage was the so-called Dao.

"To answer those questions, I need to know what is Dao," replied Zen. "And so far, I have no idea what it means. The only thing I know is that Dao is supposed to be the ultimate aim of cultivators."

Elder Jiang broke into a smile.

"Dao is the only infinite existence, with countless roots, giving rise to Dao's numerous variation. As for what exactly is Dao…" paused Elder Jiang for a moment. "It is everything! You, me, life, death, living, and non-living… anything you can name is Dao! It is what created the universe, and it is what will end it."

Zen was confused.

If everything and everyone was Dao, then why will people seek it?

"Because we only have lingering traces of Dao," answered Elder Jiang. "And not the true Dao that is omnipotent!"

"Then what is the true Dao?" inquired Zed.

"If I knew that, I would not be here," replied an amused Elder Jiang. "Seeking Dao means finding the answer to your question and understand the mysteries of the cosmos."

Zen's expression turned solemn, and he stared at Elder Jiang. The latter was surprised by the stare.

Why did this naive but ever-optimistic child turn serious all of a sudden?

"Elder… can I say something?" asked Zen.

"Sure," replied Elder Jiang, rather curiously.

"I understood nothing."

Elder Jiang: "..."

"To be honest, I'm more confused than I was an hour ago."


"I think I will be in a better state if you hadn't taught me anything today."


The corners of Elder Jiang's lips twitched. This child was really too naïve!

No other disciple would have dared to say such a thing to him.

Sure, he was honest, but honesty wasn't always appreciated. Certainly in not times like this!

"As you would know by now, the disciples in the sect are classified into three categories," Elder Jiang broke the awkward silence without taking offense. "Outer, Inner, and core disciples. You are an outer-court disciple, the lowest of all – with almost no access to precious resources or priceless knowledge."

"I know," responded Zen with confusion. "But what does it have to do with the boring lesson?"

"…I'm getting there," answered Elder Jiang. "Inner-court will be conducting a trial to recruit new disciples. Naturally, outer-court disciples are qualified to participate, obviously with a catch. Only those at the ninth layer of Body Tempering will be allowed to participate!"

"Oh!" Zen nodded in understanding.

The news of him skipping eight layers has spread like wildfire. When Elder Jiang came to know if it, he couldn't believe his ears.

How could a child he knew so well reach the ninth layer this soon? Did he took some magical pill or made a deal with the devil?

To confirm for himself, he summoned Zen here. And after scanning his body through divine perception, he was dumbstruck. Never has he seen a foundation as stable as Zen.

How was that even possible? Surely, skipping so many levels should come with some severe drawbacks! Otherwise, how will it be fair to countless cultivators who toil years to achieve progress?!

But the heavens refused to be fair!

Zen's foundation was not only stable but robust as well. His body was bursting with vitality, and Elder Jiang felt he was strong enough to smash through hundreds of bodhi trees.

If it was anyone else, Zen would have been in crisis. Because such a foundation would have invoked greed.

But since it was Elder Jiang, Zen remained safe.

"Zen, before I resume, do promise me something," urged Elder Jiang out of blue.

"?" Zen was confused, but he nodded.

"Don't ever tell anyone how you made such quick progress," warned Elder Jiang. "Let your source of progress remain a secret forever."

Zen blinked in confusion. Still, since he had made a promise, he nodded.


Elder Jiang knew that with Zen's naïve character, he would readily divulge secrets that can get him killed, or suffer a fate far worse.

After all, thanks to his limited worldview, he remained oblivious to the fact that the world was a brutal place. Mortals would murder for minor profit without much remorse.

It was even more tragic in the cultivation world where the law of the jungle reigned supreme.

But Elder Jiang wouldn't tell him about this.

Because they were things Zen has to find for himself…and mature on his own! Only then could he be ready to face Celestial Punishment!

"I want you to participate in the trial and become an Inner-court disciple!" announced Elder Jiang. "Only then would you be truly a part of the sect and learn about the cultivation world!"

Zen looked at Elder Jiang and smiled in acknowledgment.

"Great," responded Elder Jiang with a slight smile. "The 'boring' lesson I imparted to you was so that you could learn what it means to be a part of this magical world. It will help you in understanding what you really have to seek as you pursue unlimited power and eternal lifespan."

Zen shook his head.

"You don't want to pursue them?" asked the startled Elder.

"No!" answered Zen with a faint sigh.


Why was this kid letting out a sigh like some ancient expert tired of the mundane world?

Elder Jiang rubbed his forehead and said, "So, what is it you want to pursue?"

Zen's lips curved up in a bright smile as he answered from his heart.



Elder Jiang blinked.

"Yes!" Zen nodded. "Before my mom and dad died, they asked me to live a life full of happiness! That's all I want! Not some unlimited power or eternal lifespan, and certainly not Dao!"

Elder Jiang was surprised.

This kid. His desires were so pure, just like his character.

"He doesn't know there can be no happiness without power," thought Elder Jiang. "And gaining power requires time. That's why a long lifespan is required, to get power and enjoy the fruits of labors!"

With a smile, his figure disappeared into a series of phantoms and appeared beside Zen. He sat in the lotus position and said, "Happiness…. It is a nice goal."

"Thank you!" replied Zen.

He lifted his head and gazed at the evening sky. The sun was about to descend, and it splashed the sky with an orange hue.

This beautiful orange reflected in his sparkling violet eyes.

"What exactly happiness means for you?" asked Elder Jiang.

"I don't know!" answered Zen.


"Elder Jiang."


"But I do know happiness is just like The Dao cultivators seek!"


"The Dao is a mystery one has to pursue step by step. But it is ever-changing, making it impossible to understand, much less grasp," explained Zen. "The same goes for my happiness."


Elder Jiang was stunned.

Indeed. Happiness was ever-changing. What gives joy today might become a source of boredom or misery tomorrow.

"Happiness. It might be power, immortality, wealth, domination… or perhaps something that transcends everything!"

Elder Jiang thought as he glanced at Zen.

"Maybe, just maybe… he will find The Dao no one ever has!"

Action starts from next chapter! Please do vote so that we could win!

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