

I've never felt this lonely.

The whole world feels like it's against me,

Every part of my being wants to give up and be free. There's no point in running away, a young guy like me would've died instantly. I just want to end it. My mom is gone now, my dad was never there, my sisters are long gone, what do I really have left? There's no one, not a single soul left cares about me. If my dad was out there somewhere the person he cared the most about would be his own mother and she's already dead. If my mom makes it back the person she would want to thank at her death bed would be my dad. If my sisters aren't gone they'd just want to be with each other till the end, and I have no say in it. They all took me for granted. Where am I now? Alone, outside of my house, key in my hands, not able to go back to school or talk to any old friends.. why did this happen to me? Why, specifically me?