
Who Is He, Really?

A mighty empire that has only recently joined the world stage as a it rose to power through the power of the current emperor, with his innovative ideas and tactics as well as his strength that made his enemies quake in terror. The youngest prince who was destined to have a cozy position, who wouldn't have to deal with the burden of paving his own path as the youngest, as his older sibilings would have already paved before him. But that isn't the case as during his awakening of becoming a Elementalist, he awakened with a unprecedented level of talent. Along with that he gained the envy of his half sibilings, and now has to endure the expectations and or schemes of his peers, his parents, and the other powers who stike interest in such a rough gem. As he gets closer to achieving what the people around him expect of him, he starts questioning those around him as things get uncovered one by one. Kurao starts to wonder if the people around him are really who they claim to be?

UnambiguousColor · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs


Returning to his room Kurao wanted to thoroughly go through the recipes he translated, and though mostly all the words he was able to match were types of foods and ingredients, it gave him a good start to trying to decipher the book.

'Though it is great to be able to make a step into this book that has been such a pain for me to wrap my head around.'

Kurao glanced at the notebook with all the recipes translated and back at the black covered book,

'It would've been great if the recipes had some more key words instead of eggs, and flour.' 

But not getting dejected at the hurdle of trying to translate, Kurao decide to take a easier approach and start trying to translate all the other recipes.

After what seemed hours Kurao was broken out of his focus at the sound of birds and the glimpse of light coming through his window.

Stretching his arms up, he put them down as he closed the book.

'How time passes, I guess I have been so absorbed in the thought of the book, after getting a lead that I didn't keep track of time.'

Standing up Kurao felt so light headed after standing up so quickly and fatigued as well,

'I don't think I will be able to do my morning workout.'

Rubbing his eyes, Kurao grabbed the book and his notebook, and placed it a hidden compartment he installed after the incident with the intruder and stored it there along with his notebook.

Changing into comfortable sleepwear, he got onto his bed and blew out the almost fully melted candle that was located on the nightstand. Kurao lied in bed while his thoughts wondered.

'Yesterday was full of surprises, the fact that my mentor, Mr. Ester or whatever Slaine's last name is, the discovery of a lead on cracking this book's secrets, and the small encounter with Soliel.'

With a serene smile he slowly drifted away to sleep after thinking about it.




"Brat, stop trying to sleep and get your ass up!"

Kurao was stirred awake by the sound of a old man and the violent removal of his warm blanket.


Kurao was still pretty much asleep, but still slightly awakened upon the not so subtle wake up call. The old man, Slaine was still not satisfied with Kurao's slight response.

"You brat, since we didn't have a lesson yesterday we are gonna have to cram yesterday's lesson as well as today's in today."


"Grandpa, I'm too tired can we just put this off for later today or even tomorrow?"

Kurao yawned mid way through as he talked, with his eyes closed as he dug even deeper into his bed as he blindly searched with his arm for the warmth he lost.

Slaine on the other hand froze when he heard him. At this point Slaine just stood above Kurao for a while just staring at him who was still blindly waving his arm sluggishly, searching for the blanket.

Slaine bent down and grabbed the blanket he tore off Kurao when he entered the room. Looking at Kurao he decided to give him the blanket as he sighed, 

"Okay, I will come and fetch for you later kid."


Kurao yawned, while he looked at him. After a few moments Kurao fell fast asleep. He reached over and grabbed the edges of the blanket and tucked him in, he stepped back to see a smile grace Kurao's face while sleeping.

Slaine just looked over him with a complicated look,

'I guess he found out from Ella yesterday, I really shouldn't have tried to meet her..'

After giving one more look at the boy, he got up and left the room.




A Few Hours Later 

Kurao rubbed his eyes as he raised from his bed, 

'I was quite exhausted after staying up that late.'

Kurao looked out the window to see the sun was bright in the sky. Just as he pushed the blanket off of him, he suddenly remembered something.

'Didn't someone come and try to wake me earlier, I can't remember?'

Getting out of bed Kurao tidied himself up and dressed up in proper clothes. After getting ready for the day, he looked into the secret compartment located under his bed and grabbed his notebook and the black covered book.

'Today ill finish the recipes and make sure to double check them with the Nolaya or some of the kitchen staff.'

As Kurao was studying the book, he heard a knock at his door. Kurao quickly grabbed his notebook and the black book and placed them in the secret compartment. After hiding the books he heard the door creek open,

"Brat, are you awake now?" 

"Yeah, Are we having a lesson today Mr. Ester?"

Kurao quickly turned around as he sat on his bed while responding as while trying to act inconspicuous. Slaine on the other hand had a betrayed look for a split moment that Kurao didn't pick up, but it quickly reverted into his standard grumpy expression,

"Well since we didn't do yesterday's lesson we are going to have to cram yesterday's lesson into today's as well."



Apologies for the short chapter,

I am still trying to fill in the stuff inside the outline, to lead into other events as though I have all the big events mostly planned I have to still write the chapters leading into those without them coming out of nowhere and have them playout more naturally.

Thanks to the people reading, and extra thanks for those of you giving power stones!