
White Saint

His only wish is to become a doctor to help the people in need. However, God has a different plan. He needs him to go to the other world. Lucky for him, he can become what he wants, a doctor to help the people in need.

LuxVonDeux · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Second Step (2.3)

"Hey, Roy?"


"Why did you decide to become an adventurer?"

When I ask that question, he scratches his head and says,

"Well, at first, I become an adventurer in search of money. However, in these few days, I began to change my view. Now I want to become stronger and help the hero defeat the demon in the Central Continent. Sadly, because I'm not a hero who gets one Status Point every time he kills one monster, I need to work hard."

"I know, right?!? While I know they are heroes, gaining one SP for every monster they kill is not fair! We need to kill ten monsters to gain one SP."

I look at Gordon, who suddenly shouts to the ceiling.

"Yeah. Gordon is right. Let me tell you something, Michael. We normal people are not like heroes who can level up at high speed even when he decides to do solo work. We are lucky there is a party system. You only need to contribute to the party to get a Status Point. If there is no party system, our healer will be stuck in level one."

I can see the other party members nod their heads. Roy then continued speaking.

"Ignore the people that say a healer is a useless job. They did not know anything about the dungeon thinking that a potion is enough to heal their injury."

I nod my head and say.

"There is no one to tell me about that. Is there many people saying that to a healer?"

"If you go to the capital city, you will get that so many times that you will be annoyed."

"Why do they think a healer is a useless job?"

"Heh. They are nothing but arrogant green pants nobles who think that the only thing they need is Gold and Power. They never have a nearly-death experience in their life. They did not have an experience of knocking on Death's door. When they experience that, they begin to see a Healer as an essential job at a party. The party can still function without a healer, but they have a high chance of dying without one."

I nod my head as I know that a healer plays an important role in any battlefield. If there is no medic in the World War, the casualties will get bigger than before. A healer is also important lore in a video game—especially RPGs.

"That is why ignore every bastard that tries to belittle you."

"Of course."

"Good. Now, get ready. Other goblins are coming at us."

I nod my head and prepare my spell to attack and give support to my ally.

~A few hours later~

"Ah! Finally, a fresh air!"

I smile a little at Gordon's behavior. He has a serious face, but in reality, he is the comedian in the group. He is a great guy, but he needs to reduce his pun.

"Come on. It is time we sold the core we get."

We are inside the dungeon for who knows long, but we are staying there long enough for the sun to set.

Anyway, we go to the Adventurer Guild, where we hand one of the desk ladies the monster core we gather.

"Oh! You guys have a rather big haul!"

We smile at the lady. Roy smiles at the lady and says.

"We encountered a monster spike."

"Oh my! Are you guys okay?"

"Yes. It is thanks to Michael we survived the monster spike."

"My~ You are lucky for having the White Healer in your party."

"Yes. Yes, we are."

By the end of the day, we earned three gold coins that we shared evenly. Each one of us got fifty silver coins. It is not bad. Especially with that many monsters, we killed to increase our power.

After receiving my payment, I say goodbye and then walk to my house. When I arrive inside my house, I smile a little at the furniture I buy in the city. The barren house is filled with a basic chair and table. Inside the kitchen are magic fueled stove and magic refrigerator. A monster core fueled it. One goblin core can be used to power up the stove for one-week non-stop usage. In comparison, the refrigerator needs one goblin core every three days.

It cost me a gold coin for all the furniture inside my house. It is not the fanciest furniture, but it is enough for me.

Anyway, I take out some ingredients from the refrigerator and begin to cook for my dinner tonight.

While waiting for the soup to boil, I decided to open up my status.

|Title: World Walker, White Healer|

|Level: 1|

|STR: B (91/100)|

|VIT: C (15/100)|

|AGI: B (1/100)|

|INT: S (100/100)|

|WIS: S (70/100)|

|SP: 353|

Almost. I can use my SP to level up, but I want to see if I can level up without using my SP. I can train my STR to S-rank if I want to level up by the look of it. Hmm…. Yeah, I guess I can do that. Rank up my STR stats and then use my SP to increase the VIT and AGI stats.

VIT is a tough parameter to increase. Especially with my build. I'm a mage build, after all. Hell, not even a mage, a healer. So, I did not get hit very much in the dungeon. So, I don't have a big hope of increasing my VIT stats anytime now if I decide to train it instead of using SP.

I want to go solo, but the only one who can go solo in this dungeon is a level, two adventurers. The other reason why I want to go solo is that I want to go camping inside the dungeon and focus on increasing my stats.

The information I got from Roy about the SP gaining is different from Hero to a normal person makes me even excited to go and explore the dungeon. One SP per monster is huge compared to the ten monsters slain for one SP. Not only that, but this also works when I'm at a party.

While I can exploit this, I don't want to do that. It was rather….Dull. While yes, I can use all the spells I want, but if I do that, I will be seen as an arrogant person, and also I will stop the other contribution making them not get the SP they want.

Urgh. For now, I will join Roy and his party. When I reach level two, I will go solo first before joining another party for a higher floor raid.

Yeah, let's do that.