Astrid was born in 1999. Her parents Roberto and kylie Jackson. Her father Robert died on october,17,1999 he died while her mom was 7 months pregnant. That's when her mom started doing bad. She started doing drugs. When Astrid was born on September 25th. she grew up with fond memmories. her mom still smoked and she had a boyfriend named Jeremy. One of Astrids fond memories is when she got her dog. She was going over to her moms friends house because her dog lady had puppies. The dog she picked out had white spots and named bruiser the dogs were pit bulls. Jermey took care of bruiser while Astrid played with him. When she started kindergarten she and her mom made a tradition where the first and last day her mom picked her up and they had lunch. But that day Astrid made three friends which were her best friends Brooklyn, Karina,Trevor. She had met Trevor when she entered the class room he had said "hi there I'm trevor. my mom calls me trev so I guess you can to!"
She giggled and said "hewo trev I am Astrid".