
When The Fallout Comes

Ray McAllister having a recurring Nightmare where's the world end is near. Armed with that knowledge he will attempt to save his friends and family. (sorry for the bad grammar etc. its my first time writing and as per usual Fallout is the property of Bethesda Softworks) Here if you want to support me : p@reon.com/Dowaray or https://ko fi.com/dowaray

Dowaray · วิดีโอเกม
37 Chs

Chapter 18 (Updated)


Early in the morning, I'm in for a rude awakening. As uncle Victor blasting through my bedroom door shouting, "wake up maggot! It's time for training!" shocked, I scream while holding on to my blanket, "woah, how did you get in here?" Grinning, he's pointing at the embarrassed Nicole, "well, my daughter did. Anyway, up and get ready will you, our training start now." Sighing, I'm shooing them away from my room. And start getting ready, but before he's leaving. Uncle Victor says, "we'll wait for you in the front yard." Lethargic, I'm nodding, still sore from the training Nicole give me last night.

Last night, Nicole giving me a strict and brutal training. To control my sex drive, as a result. I can hold it back for a short while before I'm losing my mind. After changing my clothes, I'm walking to the front yard. Finding uncle Victor and Nicole doing a warm-up. But it's weird though, why uncle police car's parked here? Uncle Victor grinning seeing me finally appear, "good you are here. We can start our lesson then. But first you better warm up, you're needing it." Listless, I'm following his order and start warming up.

Soon after, uncle Victor telling us to stop our warm-up. Looking at us with satisfaction, he asks, "are you two ready. For the training ahead?" Filled with energy, Nicole replying with a grin, "I'm ready for action, dad." Happy, uncle patting her shoulder while laughing. With a gaze full of fondness, he says, gua-ha-ha-ha. That's my little girl, always on the ready." His eyes turn sharp as he shifts his attention to me. Grinning, he's asking me with a vicious tone, "how about you, Ray? Are you ready?" Nervous, I'm replying with a gulp, "y-y-yeah, I'm ready."

Uncle Victor nodding, with a serious expression, saying, "good-good. Please take a sprinting position on the sidewalk, when I count to three both of you will run." Clapping his hand, he's pointing at the sidewalk in front of his parked car, "come on. Get into position." Following his order, we get into our position with some hesitation from my part. Worried that he might hit me when we run. Grinning, he's getting inside the car. Making me, breaking out into a cold sweat. He's start counting while putting out his hand from the window, "1-2-3, go!"

I'm running with all my might when uncle Victor shouting go. Before long, I'm getting tired, so I'm slowing down a bit and control my breathing. Noticing that, Nicole slowing down beside me, "Ray, why are you doing slowing down? My father, going to check in any second now." Shocked, I'm shouting with trepidation, "what." Worried, I'm looking behind me, and find nothing out of ordinary. Breathing a sigh of relief, I'm trying to argue with her. But, the sound of a reeving engine heard from behind me. Chuckling, Nicole increasing her speed. While leaving a message, oh, he's here. You better hurry it up, Ray."

Panicking, I'm increasing my speed while looking at what behind me. With a manic grin, uncle victor drive his car while cocking a shotgun. He's grinning with sadistic glee. Noticing me checking him out in panic, "it looks like you still got more strength in you. Come on, then show me all you've got!" Without any delay, he's pressing the trigger, "bang." Thanks to my quick, reaction, I'm dodging to the side. As the shot hitting the ground where I last standing, "whoa, careful." Making me break into a cold sweat. So, I'm running with all I have. Attempting to flee from the deranged old man.

With a maniacal laugh, he's shouting, "let me hit you at least once, lad." he's cocking the shotgun, as he's saying that, "don't worry it will sting a bit!" Taking a careful aim, he pulls the trigger, "bang." Thanks, for my luck, I'm dodging the shot because I'm stumbling forward. As my foot stepping on a small pebble, "fricking hell. Watch it, old man." Grinning, he's reloading the shotgun, "come on lad. Let me hit you, once. After all, this is only a rock salt shell." Furious, I'm shouting back at him, "go to hell, old man."

Without any warning, he's letting out another shot, "bang." Panicking, I'm dodging to the side, "gah, fricking hell." Desperate, I try to run faster with all my strength, breaking my limit. Seeing that, Uncle Victor laughing with glee, "Gwaha-ha-ha. That's it, show me what you've got." Stressed by the situation. I'm shouting With all my strength, "get the hell away from me, you crazy old man!" Victor laughing like a maniac, seeing me so desperate. As he's driving around the block after me. While shooting at me in occasion. Until I'm fainting in exhaustion.

As I'm regaining my consciousness. I can feel that my head is resting on top of something very soft. Opening my eye, I'm looking at a leather backrest of a car. Looking up, I'm greeted by a warm smile from Nicole, "wakey-wakey, sleepy head." oh it looks like I'm sleeping on her tight huh. Without much thinking, I'm stretching my hand and pull her into a kiss, "ahem!" The sound of a fake cough from the front seat. Interrupting our romantic moment. Embarrassed, I'm siting down as Nicole face turn beet red in shame.

Gah, my whole body feels sore, what happen? Did I fall unconscious in the middle of the road? Looking around, I'm finding a unique double barreled shotgun. Leaning On the passenger seat. With some shells scattered beside it. The shotgun is pretty intricate with engraving of a flame around the barrel. With am unknown sentence in Russian on the wooden stock. Feeling confused after waking up. I'm looking at Nicole and ask, "what happen?" Smiling, she answers, "well, you have fallen unconscious in the middle of our run. But you've made quite a distance before that happen. So, now my dad driving us home."

Nodding, I say, "ohh, thanks for the info, Nicole." Smiling, she's nodding back, "You're welcome, Ray." Looking outside the window, I'm finding out that we are in the Concord. Man, I'm running pretty far, huh. Before long, we stop in front of my house. Getting down, I'm waving to them goodbye and get inside to take a shower. After taking a shower, I'm sitting around the sofa. Waiting for Nicole to send my breakfast. Bored while waiting, I'm checking out my stats with the Pip-Boy. My eye goes wide in surprise, noticing that I have level up. And my endurance increasing by one. As a notification, appear in the status page. Excited, I'm pressing the button to open the level up page.


Strength : 4

Perception : 5

Endurance : 7

Charisma : 6

Intelligence : 6

Agility : 5

Luck : 10


Free point 13 ---> 0

Barter 45

Energy Weapons 20

Explosives 20

Guns 20 ---> 30

Lockpick 25

Medicine 30

Melee Weapon 20

Repair 45

Science 55

Sneak 20

Speech 30 ----> 33

Survival 25

Unarmed 22

I'm dumping a lot of skill point into guns. As I'm needing a way to defend myself. But, I'm wondering if I'm earning it. Because of the accumulation of my training. Or Because of the cruel training given by uncle Victor. Hmm, I'd better start doing some lifting to train my strength too. After spending all my skill point. Another panel appear letting me choose a perk. Excited, I'm looking at the perk available to me for now. Hmm, should I choose swift learner. Or this daddy's boy perk, huh? The former can remove Skilled trait penalty. While the latter can increase my repair skill and science by 5.

While I'm thinking, I'm turning on the TV to watch some news. On the TV, a local news broadcast is playing, "great news. From our Boston police department. As our city chief of police holding a press conference. Our correspondent, Tom Hawkins, will give you the complete story. Straight from the police headquarter." Curious, I'm paying full attention to the news. The scene change from the beautiful news anchor. Into a male reporter standing in front of the crowded police station.

Smiling with excitement, the reporter says, "thanks, Lily. Now I'm standing in front of the police headquarter. After receiving a press conference straight from the chief of police. Yesterday evening, the notorious Milewater brother gang boss. Have taken into custody by the police. And it's thanks to the effort of our dedicated officer that it can happen." He keeps rambling on, Before, he's giving the viewer the photo of the suspect and the officer that arrest him. I'm noticing uncle Victor among them. Ooh, so that's why I haven't seen him for the last couple of days. It looks like he's busy with work, huh.

While I'm engrossed watching TV, someone knocks on the door. Hmm, it looks like Nicole already here. Oh right I better choose my perk right now. Without further a due, I'm selecting the Swift learner perk. Opening the door as usual, Nicole here with breakfast. Starving, I'm devouring the breakfast and go to school with her.