
When She Cries

Hanatsu Kanae is a 17 Year old Japanese high schooler. She's your typical, peaceful, and beautiful yet quiet student. However, one day, her mother and father finds a job in Korea, so they move there. When Kanae adjusts to her new life in school, Kang Seojun step into her life. When Kanae studied, she sometimes catches Seojun glaring at her. This has been bothering Kanae for a few months, but they never made any contact. As usual, Kanae comes across bullies, and gets brutally beaten up. She falls unconscious, and wakes up in the nurses room. "How are you feeling Kanae? Are you okay?" Kanae nods. "That's good!" The nurse exclaims. "I'll give you a tardy pass for the teachers, so don't worry."
