
First Time (2)

"Wow", He chuckled, "I've gotta say, you're impressive, He may have been laughing, but if he hadn't been as agile, having a knife almost kissing his throat, he would have been dead.

They stood weighing the risks, her blade to his neck, his gun to her stomach, She could've easily taken his life, but staying alive seemed more appealing.

"Hello Mr Li", She said dropping her hand and taking a step back, her eyes locked with his . Her voice was dull and gave no emotions away, but it was completely different to Li Hao,

"Say, what do you think, how about joining me", He casually leaned against his desk and avoided the small dagger she had just thrown in his direction,

"I'm afraid I'm not in the position to consider your offer Mr Li "

"Oh, and why is that?", He said dogging another dagger,

"I'm still in no position to disclose that to you ", Her voice was dry and she continuously threw small poison coated daggers at him,

He dogged each one asking questions at the same time , her answers were repetitive as she evaded them, but that allowed him to notice something,

There wasn't a single ounce of bloodlust in her eyes, no murderous aura and no malicious intent, her eyes looked more uninterested instead, like she would rather be doing anything else.

"you're being forced to do this , threatened right?", He took slow steps towards her, "with what though ?"

He lowered his voice as he whispered into her ears , she stared straight past him in mild shock for a while, until struggling out of his grip,

Straightening up he said,"The Crimson Lilly uh, your not exactly living up to your name," his tone now held a hint of mockery and he stared at down her provocatively, "but speaking of names, what's yours?"

Her hoodie and mask were pulled down instantly not giving her any time to react, she stood there, not an expression on her face, and staring him dead in the eyes,

"Xu Liling, huh, I must say, I'm surprised "

"You don't exactly look like it" She didn't bother denying anything, it wouldn't change anything any way,

In response, he let out a smile that didn't reach his eyes, one she was very familiar with on account of her boss. " Oh, I am, But it makes sense. They're threatening you with your brother. You owe them, I'm right now, aren't I"

His voice carried a confidence, and it didn't sound like a question at all,

Liling didn't reply, but the slight twitch of her index finger didn't escape his eyes, that was all the confirmation he needed.

"What if I say you could leave your organization, your brother's hospital fees will be completely taken care of, all you have to do,", he gave little pause,"is marry me"

Liling stared at him , confusion obviously her only emotion, she inwardly questioned her ears reliability, but after reassuring herself that her ears were working properly, she then proceeded to question her mental health, was she starting to hear things, she hadn't lost her mind right,

As if reading her mind he said, "Your not hearing things, and I'm not joking, I'll take care of everything you owe them and take care of the treatment for your brother, you just have to m.."

"No", she didn't let him finish and from the tone of her voice, you could tell she was dead serious. Her expression was back to normal and she had collected her thoughts, her mental health was clearly fine,it was him that had a problem, who on Earth would ask the person sent out to kill them to become their wife?, no one, that was who, well no one except this man, he was clearly not okay,

"Well, I can't say I was expecting a yes on the spot," ,he wasn't angry, no, his expression was far from that, he looked rather amused instead. 'Any other woman would have accepted it, but she, she's different', he could tell and it was actually refreshing for once, someone who didn't kiss up to him

"I'll wait for you think it over, you can get back to me later", he scribbled a series of numbers on her wrist, "I want a response in three days, in the meantime, I'll do my part and forget I was ever attacked , so goodbye"

He walked out of the study leaving Liling staring at the string of numbers on the inside of her wrist, even though he had been very fast, his handwriting was very readable and neat. She said nothing and didn't even look back back as she pulled her hood and mask back up and left the same way she came in.

For the first time, she hadn't completed her job, and for the first time, she felt somewhat free.
