
When a Monster Becomes a Demon

Kirito and Asuna were not the only iconic duo locked within their virtual world of death, there was another. A pair far more deadly then even the worst Laughing Coffin had to offer. Come, and meet the Demon Siblings of Swords and Shields

Goreleech · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

When a Monster Becomes a Demon chapter 11

"Heads up!"

Tyler slashed through the skeleton as Kirito came up behind him for the shatter as Asuna and Sachi had a skeleton between them while Asuna shot arrows from afar. The five friends were deep in a dungeon on 65 hunting the boss the only way the Heavenly Demons can. The skeletons shattered and the group drank stamina potions. It was the day after the party and they were going strong, high on running with family. Tyler hugged Sachi as Asuna and Kirito looked at loot. Sakura on overwatch.

"Alright, let's move. I want this place cleaned out by noon!"

The word given the hunt was back on as the smiling party raced to the next kill, Tyler in the lead as always, Sachi behind him, Asuna to his right, Kirito his left and Sakura in the rear. The monsters ahead got hit by the freight train that was the Heavenly Demons as they came upon a set of double doors. Tyler smiled at the sight.


Asuna nodded.

"Let's see what we're dealing with then get the word out. This point, Gore? Not even WE can handle bosses alone anymore."

Tyler sighed.

"Sadly, Asuna. You're right. Goes against the grain a bit but let's get a look."

He booted the door in and sighed again.

"Another Minotaur. Great."

The party retreated to a small safezone down the passage and broke for lunch. Asuna having a small basket for Kirito and her as Sachi had a small cooler for Tyler and Sakura.

"Hey, Asuna. Any word on Laughing Coffin?"

She sighed.

"I heard the place was found and Heathcliff is building the attack."

He looked at her.

"The place?"

She shrugged.

"Somewhere on floor 5. All I was told."

Tyler pulled his map of floor 5 up.

"5 eh? Pff. I know where they are. Here."

She looked at a hidden dungeon.

"How are you so sure?"

"Because that place is listed as a guild hideout. Once cleared out you can buy it and it WON'T appear on any map except for those that were already there. It's that place with the weird floating steps."

Sakura groaned.

"I HATED that place!"

Asuna blinked.

"I remember now! That place freaked me out! Oh fighting them in there is going to be a nightmare."

He sighed as he closed the map.

"Just get a good boot and BAH-BYE!"

Sachi gulped.

"I don't think I can kill another player, Gore. Can I stay at the hut? Please?"

He hugged her warmly.

"Of course Sachi. This will be a job for those that ALREADY have bloody hands. Namely me and Sakura."

Asuna sighed sadly as Kirito ate his sandwich.

"from what I heard, Heathcliff is NOT looking to add you two to the raid as he just sees you two as bloodthirsty monsters."

Tyler patted his adorable little sister.

"After this boss, Asuna, we're hitting the hideout with scorched earth the play. If PoH is there and I am NOT no one will walk out alive."

She nodded as Kirito spoke up now.

"I'll go too. I kinda have to."

Tyler nodded.

"Agreed. We're the very best we have. Plus the ones that can LIVE with the blood. I mean I don't care, but ya know."

They laughed as a ripple appeared in the small barrier of the haven. Tyler was on his feet staffsword ready, Sachi spear and shield up, Sakura bow loaded in a split second as a group of men in armor led by a scruffy guy in red samurai armor came in followed by a familiar blonde also in samurai armor with a petite woman. Tyler smiled widely as he saw the blonde.

"Hey! Lorg! Put a bag on! No one wants to see that!"

The blonde jumped hard as she saw Tyler looking at her. The dude in the red armor saw Kirito and was in the same boat.

"Woah, hey Kirito!"

Tyler walked over and got a hug from Lorg and Svenity as Kirito was put in a head lock by the scruffy guy. Sakura squealed.

"Lorgy! Svenity Yay!"

The small girl got her spoiling for the day as Sachi came over.

"Is this Lorg?"

The blonde and her friend were stunned by Sachi's beauty…AND bust. Tyler smiled as he introduced her.

"Sachi. The blonde in the green bean tin is Lorg. I trained her kinda back when the doors shut. Her pedobait friend beside her Svenity. Ladies and that thing"

"Still a jackass."

"This is Sachi. My girlfriend of what? A year plus now?"

She smiled as she blushed.

"Closer to a yeah and a half, Gore."

He blinked.

"Cause time flies when I'm loving life."

Lorg and Svenity looked at each other then looked over to where Asuna was getting introduced by Kirito. The older ladies got it then.


"She found hers and he found his."

Tyler smiled as Kirito looked at him.

"Yo, Gore. Come meet my friends."

"If they as fucked up as you I'm good!"

They laughed as the Demon walked over. The guy in the red armor had a roguish light in his brown eyes and sandy hair with a red bandana in it. He was a little nervous at meeting the Demon himself.

"Hi. I'm Burke. I guess you're Kirito's friend?"

Tyler smirked as he patted his armor.

"More part time babysitter."

"Fuck you, you sonuvabitch."

Tyler sighed.


They laughed as Tyler jabbed a thumb at Lorg.

"So, Burke. You look like a smart guy. The hell you running with that dumpsterfire for?"

Lorg had a vein bulge as Tyler's jabs started. Burke saw this and gulped.

"She's my girlfriend."

"Jesus dude! Have some standards! I mean I know she's desperate and all, but COME ON!"

Lorg had a second vein bulge and Burke was shaking as he saw the impending doom.

"Look, she's nice. Really hot too."

Lorg was deflating from the flattery when,

"I guess for a broken fun house mirror. Well, at least SOMEONE can tolerate that putrid thing she calls a personality. Looks, eh? Busted is as busted does. Thank god for a light switch, am I right?"

Burke just back away from him at that point and Tyler was curious.

"hey, what's up? You look like you seen a walking sewage pipe and it asked for your number."

Now terrified, he pointed behind Tyler. Confused, Tyler looked behind him to see Lorg holding a metal mace. He blinked,

"Oh. It's Lorg. When you get here? Actually keep quiet, I like you better like that!"

Lorg just proceeded to BEAT the idiot nearly to death with the mace in a blind rage until it broke. Then she stood there panting as her rage subsided.

"Wow, Lorg. I'd say nice moves and all, but it's you. Can you stand up now? You're...making me nervous down there."

Lorg was once again RIGHT to black out rage as Burke trembled in fear as the blonde was on the verge of drawing her katana and KILLING the boy. Tyler smiled as he let her off the hook or risk a blown fuse.

"Hey, Lorg."

She growled at him.


he grinned.


Poor Lorg had to sit down as her head started pounding from Tyler. Sensing the danger had passed Burke came up to Tyler with a look of fear.

"Dude. You got a deathwish."

Tyler chuckled as he patted the guy.

"Nah. Just a fucked sense o humor."

"Yer telling me."

Then he became serious.

"Okay. About an hour's walk that way is the boss room. Lorg, Burke, don't. the fact we're HERE and not IN there is reason enough."

Lorg nodded as she drank some water.

"That bad?"

Tyler sat with Burke, Lorg, Asuna, Sachi, Kirito and Sakura as the rest of their parties rested. The Demon passed the map data around.

"That bad, Lorg. Right now the plan was to get the word out and set a proper strategy up. The bosses are just that level hardcore that not even I'm confident in my party's ability to kill it without casualties."

Burke crossed his arms.


Tyler smiled at Lorg.

"Wanna kick ass for ole times sake?"

She grinned widely now.

"Oh FUCK yeah! Burkle here loves hearing of the heavenly Demons!"

"Wait. Back up. YOUR nickname for HIM is Burkle?"

Lorg went white as she saw what she had just done. Burke too as Tyler grinned a sadistic grin.

"You tell the joke I'll beat ya to death."

"Yes Asuna."

She shivered hard at that.

"Jesus never do that again!"

"Yes Asuna."

"STOP! I feel really old now!"

"Like her?"

he jabbed a thumb at Lorg.

"Or him?"

He jabbed a thumb at Burke. Burke snorted.

"Piss off. I'm only 21."

Tyler looked at him and opened his mouth.

"I swear to god you say it I'll shove Svenity's spear so far up your ass we can carry you like a spitted deer"

"Yes Lorg."

Now LORG shuddered.

"Dear god that hurts! Svenity. The spear?"


"Good boy."

"Wow, Burke looks like someone's got a tight leash."

Burke choked on his drink! Lorg had a twitching eyelid at Tyler's NEWEST jab. Everyone else had nearly laughed to death as Lorg recovered enough to speak. Albeit in a extremely strained voice.

"Are you saying I'm a dom?"

Tyler looked at her curiously.

"I didn't say anything about doms, I just said you have a tight leash. The hell you get DOM from?"

Lorg just grabbed Svenity's spear as her fists went white as she fought to NOT kill him. Tyler smiled at Burke.

"Lorg is SOOOO fun to fuck with. I bet YOU know better an me, right?"

Burke just looked away as Lorg broke a fresh mace over Tyler's head. Asuna looked at Svenity now.

"How many o those does she have?"

The petite lady laughed.

"We have a set tab for 'Gore beating implements' in our guild storage."

Tyler looked at her amazed.

"Wow. Nice to see I'm important to her."

Lorg was about to hit him for it,

"Oh. That wasn't a jab. Weird."

Tyler hugged Sachi smiling.

"I may love fucking with you Lorg, but I hope you know it's just in good fun. Well. Kinda."

She smiled at that.

"And I hope YOU know I do so enjoy breaking things on you."

Tyler looked at Burke concerned.

"Dude. You poor fucker!"

Burke busted up laughing that time! Lorg just gave up entirely as Tyler got serious again.

"The boss is a minotaur with a massive greatsword."

They nodded as a new ripple appeared behind the strategizing group. Tyler was up with his crew as usual as a group of heavily armored men came through wielding spears. Tyler watched as the man leading the company gave an order.

"Men! Halt."

The men dropped exhausted to the ground as their leader came forward.

"We are members of the People's Liberation army. What's the road like ahead?"

Tyler walked forward with Asuna and Kirito. The flashy red of Tyler's coat getting a gasp.


"It's the Demon."

"The Demon is here."

Tyler addressed the man.

"We found the boss room and are planning the raid."

The man nodded.

"Understood citizen. The map data."

Tyler looked at his half-dead men.

"Yeah. Something tells me that's NOT a good idea."

He became angry.

"The army ALWAYS shares it's data WITHOUT question!"

Tyler glared at him.

"Are you planning to attack that thing?"

"Of course! The Army NEVER halts on the march!"

Tyler smacked him with a backhand.

"idiot. LOOK at me. If I'M HERE and NOT in there, the HELL kinda boss you think we're dealing with? I give you that data you'll get THOSE MEN killed. So. I won't"

Lorg looked at Sachi in shock.

"When I first met Gore, Sachi, he'd have just given the data, and walked away. Or just attacked it anyway."

Sachi just smiled proudly.

"And he's MY boyfriend!"

Lorg and Svenity saw the look on her face and smiled.

"Oh she's got it bad."

"What about him though?"

"Let's see."

The slapped man looked at Tyler with an intense anger now.

"How dare you stand between the people and freedom? I should expect nothing less from the Demon itself."

Tyler grinned now.

"Okay tough guy. You want to get those men behind you killed so fucking badly? Fine. Hey. Enjoy your last moments."

Kirito made the transfer and the men groaned as the order was given. Tyler looked at the others.

"Gear up."

They nodded, waited 2 minutes and ran off after the group of men. Tyler and Kirito in the lead with Asuna to Kirito's right, Sachi Tyler's right and Sakura behind them. They heard the clash of metal and the sounds of dying men as the reinforcements tore onto the scene. The leader of the knights was holding a fellow knight up as the rest were scattered all over the place. Tyler and Kirito dove into a combo attack.

"Asuna, Sachi, Sakura, Lorg and Burke with us! Rest of you get them out!"

Tyler spun his staffsword and slammed into the beast, seeing a small chunk drop from first half of the first health bar of 8. Tyler groaned.

"This is going to SUCK."

Kirito came in and a similar chunk dropped with Asuna and Sachi pooling shots for a nasty flurry of spear shots and rapier stabs. The same amount dropped as Sakura dropped her own impressive amount. The wounded knights were dragged from the room by Svenity and the others as the party tore into the thing. The minotaur spun and slammed into Tyler with a nasty tail shot that launched the demon into a wall stunning him for a second and dropped his health by a good chunk. Sachi took a hit, followed by Lorg, Burke and Asuna. Sakura was far enough back to avoid most attacks, but even she took a shot and got launched. Kirito was also on the ground and seemed to be fighting with a choice. Tyler sighed.

"Okay. That's IT. SAKURA! PLAN B! Ten seconds!"

They all got it and Tyler was in his UI with Kirito. Tyler hit a few skill buttons before his staffsword vanished and a pair of broadswords appeared on his back. The weapons were another staffsword with the unique ability to shrink to the same size as his old one. Only FAR stronger. He drew them as Kirito pulled another sword as well. His being a truly beautiful blue shade Tyler loved. Tyler smiled as he hefted his black and red blades.

"What's black, blue, and red all over?"

The two warriors charged as Tyler finished the line.


"Starburst Stream!'

Tyler and Kirito slammed home a truly devastating set of attacks wielding their dual weapons in a beautiful flurry of sync'd up shots that left the watchers gaping at the dance of red, black, and blue as Tyler and Kirito shattered the boss together. Tyler dropped with his 5 foot swords stabbed in the ground as he panted, he seeing he only had TWO HP left. Sakura came running with a potion he has to have poured down his throat as he was too exhausted to do it himself. His health refilled and he sheathed the dual blades on his back as he pulled his other staffsword out and sheathed THEM on his for a scene of two hilts per shoulder. He then looked around.

"everyone okay?"

Asuna was giving a potion to Kirito as Lorg came over.

"The knights lost five players to that thing."

Asuna had a sad look in her red eyes.

"we haven't lost a player in a boss fight since floor sixty."

Burke was beside himself.

"That wasn't a boss fight that was suicide!"

Tyler walked over to the man that had led the men and smacked him.

"I hope your happy. YOU got those men killed. Enjoy the hollow victory. Fucknut."

The man just hung his head in shame as Tyler walked over to a recovered Kirito.

"Sooo, WHEN were you going to tell us about that trick?"

The boy in black looked away.

"I didn't want it known I can do that."

Burke blinked.

"How'd you do that?"

Kirito sighed and pulled his UI up.

"I was looking through my skills a while back and saw I picked it up. See? Dual wielding."

Burke was impressed.

"Dude that's sick! What's the perquisites?"

Tyler sighed as he answered.

"That one's a random drop from a monster. Only way to get it is to kill that particular monster and hope you get lucky. And it ONLY comes from that one. So, needle in a hay field."

Burke sighed.

"That sucks. But wait a minute, YOU dual wielded too."

Tyler shook his head.

"A staffsword is considered ONE weapon when Two. So loophole. They're hard to find though. I made the broadsword one as since I got this one here I got the design. I got it off that t-rex with the blade on it's back."

Burke shuddered.

"That thing SUCKED!"

"I designed it. So thanks."

HE blinked.

"Wait hold up. YOU made a boss?"

Tyler smiled widely.

"Time to brag. I designed quite a few things in this game. The resort on 6, the anti milking system, the hunting system, my staffsword, our hideout on 45, that minotaur with the golden axe and one shot, a few challenges, a coat I am LOOKING FOR, that idiots blood entrance, his hooded figure, annnd I think that's it?"

Lorg tilted her head.

"Yeah that sounds right. Nice one on that rex."

"Was my favorite for a freakin reason."

Burke had a different reaction.

"You were a dev?"

Tyler smiled.

"Nah. Top beta tester with a talent for scaring the ever living fuck outta people."

Kirito just patted his bearded friend.

"I'd say you get used to it, Burke. But you don't get used to Goreleech."

Tyler smiled.

"Let's trip the portal."

They did and Tyler set the toll of 95 which made Burke groan.

"YOU were the doing that? Asshole."

Tyler smiled.

"Makes a point don't it?"

That got a laugh as they went to the tavern to unwind after a VERY harsh fight. Tyler pulled the map of the cave on 5 as his party got their breath back. Asuna was beside him to aid in planning the raid as Sakura got hugs from all with a pulse, Sachi was on Tyler's other side looking at the map as well while securely under his arm. Kirito was also chipping in. Tyler pointed at one spot.

"if you get kicked from here it's an instakill."

Asuna was nodding when she got a message.

"Looks like they're ready to hit it."

Tyler nodded.

"Load up! We're going on a killing raid!"

The party nodded as Asuna looked at him.

"Kirito and I will go to the HQ. meet you in the cave."

The hunters nodded and were off. Tyler, Sakura and Sachi jumped to 6 where he locked her in the Hut with a FULL 5 mirrors to keep tabs on them as he and Sakura jumped to 5. Sachi wasted no time and setting the contact up. The screen rippled and she found the room sleeping.

"HEY! Old man!"

The room exploded into life as Sachi laughed.

"Wow. Worked like a charm."

Kakashi took the seat and saw Sachi ALONE.

"What happened miss?"

She sat back on the couch.

"They found Laughing Coffin. Tyler and Sakura are heading there now. I can't kill. So I'm waiting here."

Kakashi had another screen readied with the feed from Tyler's eyes playing where she could see.

"Thank you sir. He'll be fine."

Tyler and Sakura landed at the nearest town before running off to the cave in question. Tyler had a grim look as Sakura looked at him.

"Can you win?"

He smiled widely.

"Oh hell yeah."

She smiled at that.

"You always win."

The siblings neared the cave set into a hidden crack as Asuna and Kirito came up with Lorg, Burke and their crews, with knights from the Bloodoath. Tyler looked around.

"Throw the capture orders out the window people. These are killers we're hunting. If you want to walk out alive, you better be ready to kill too. Make a choice."

The players gathered looked at each other murmuring.

"Nice to see YOU'RE heartless as ever!"

Tyler grinned as a girl in a chain mail shirt, shorts, carrying a buckler and sword came forward. Her long purple hair flopped as she walked and her blue eyes were shining. She came and stood before the group as Tyler laughed.

"Oh now this just got fun! What up Yuka?"

She laughed.

"I see you're out for blood."

He nodded with a dark light starting to form.

"I'm going in there to kill, Yuka. Any issues leave now."

She drew her sword.

"Those bastards killed a friend of mine. I'll see them ALL shatter."

Tyler smiled at that. Then made a declaration.

"The leader is MINE. If you see a guy with a giant cleaver scream as loud as you are able."

Tyler's eyes lit up with the dark light from the fight.

"he. Is. MINE."

Yuka shuddered as Tyler reached up and pulled his new broadswords. Yuka looked at Asuna.

"What the hell? He kill someone?"

Asuna just shuddered.

"Tyler and PoH are the same, Yuka. They fought once already. It was a draw. The Demon was fought to a DRAW."

The entire force shuddered then as Tyler reopened his eyes with a bloodlust in them.


Tyler dove into the cave with the wicked grin as he led the charge. The cave went from stone to floating steps over a bottomless chasm that killed anything that fell into it. Tyler tore out onto the first step, each one being 30 feet by 30 feet. The rest of the party followed at a much more cautious pace as the hunting Demon took point.

"Come out, come out Prince of Hell! THE DEMON'S COME CALLING!"

Yuka gulped at the clear bloodlust in Tyler's voice.

"Oh he's wants that guy BAD."

Tyler was two steps above when the shadows came to life. Laughing Coffin was roughly 50 strong, and now Tyler was surrounded by 15. His wide grin got just that much more sadistic.

"Where's PoH? Rest of you are just fodder."

A man with a pair of sickles laughed.

"Tough talk from one against 15."

Tyler just lifted his swords.

"Bring it shadow fuck."

They jumped on him en mass, only for Tyler to dive forward into a massive radial helicopter attack that shattered four outright.


That cry was all that he said as he shattered every person that crossed his path in a ragged cloak.


The step was clear and the sounds of battle were heard from below. Tyler still looking for blood leapt from the step to shatter a man behind Sakura before leaping at another trying to get Yuka with a dagger. He shattered as well before Tyler smashed his large weapons onto the head of one more for another shatter.


Tyler's rage and bloodlust was scaring even Sakura as every member of the guild he came across he shattered without mercy. Kirito was in tough straits as he had to fight off two at once. Asuna took a hit and gave a startled yell. Something snapped inside the boy and off on his own rage he went, shattering the two before him as Tyler met him in the middle of the now silent step. They looked around for new prey, only to see a number had outright surrendered before the fury of the Demon and the Black Swordsmen. Tyler's grip on his swords went white with rage as he went to the nearest Coffin member.


The man spit at him,

"Boss left. No clue where."

Tyler shattered him without further questioning before moving to the next.


Same answer. Same shatter. He was at his third when Asuna placed a hand on his shoulder in a terrified manner. He looked at her with fury in his eyes at the interruption of his hunt, only to see her fear. Asuna was shaking badly and her red eyes were filled with fear. She gulped.

"He's not here, Gore. He escaped."

Tyler's eyes went white with a frustrated rage and he looked at the survivors of the guild. He was about to pounce in a frustrated rampage when Sakura walked over and hugged him terrified.

"Big brother I'm SCARED!"

Tyler blinked and the white rage fell from his eyes like a visible mist as he swayed a moment before dropping to a knee panting. In the real world Kakashi sighed.

"It seems Tyler has a mortal enemy."

Sachi was shaking like a leaf in the hut as she watched on the comms mirror.

"What was that sir? That was even worse then when he fought PoH."

Kakashi sighed again.

"That was the Demon inside him, Sachi. Tyler has TWO faces. One is the one we all love and fear. The other is the one we pray he never sets loose in our direction. It's him at his most cruel, sadistic, determined, and focused. When in this mindset, all he wants is to kill whatever set the anger loose."

Sachi gulped.

"I'll be careful."

They looked back at the panting boy as he recovered from his rage.

Tyler drank a potion and got his breath back before getting to his feet with a slight wobble. He looked at Asuna.

"Sorry about that. I REALLY want to kill that guy."

Sakura just hugged him with shining blue eyes.

"That was intense big brother!"

He looked at Kirito, and saw him looking at his hands. Tyler sighed as he sat beside him as the other cleaned up the mess.

"You okay?"

The boy in black had a look of regret on his face.

"I killed two people in that, Gore. I'm a killer now. Just like them."

Tyler sighed and patted his back.

"No, Kirito. NOT like them. You're a killer with a soul."

He looked at him.

"How do you bear it, Gore? You've killed close to 90 people. Yet I have never seen it bother you."

Tyler sighed.

"I can bear it Kirito, because I did it to protect THEM."

He nodded at Asuna with Sakura and their friends. He looked at Kirito now.

"I bear it so THEY don't have to. I've killed more people in this game then any besides PoH. And it doesn't bother me in the slightest. They tried to hurt the ones I love. And paid the price."

Kirito looked at the girls now himself.

"You did it to protect them."

Tyler smiled now.

"Let me ask you this."


"To protect the ones you love,"

He looked into Kirito's black eyes.

"What are you NOT willing to do?"

The boy sat back to consider the question deeply as Asuna led the knights and captives out to give the boys space. Kakashi nodded sagely.

"And that my boy is called strength."

Arthur smiled.

"He gave me that same line when we had that fight."

Kirito looked at Tyler now.

"I don't want to kill people, Goreleech. That said."

He stood up and held out his hand.

"I WILL to protect the people I love. As long as they're safe, it doesn't matter."

Tyler clasped arms with the kindred spirit.

"Not the way I'd put it. If anyone tried to hurt the ones we love, THEY HAVE TO GET THROUGH US!"

They high fived at that before heading out. Tyler looked up at the higher steps and thought he saw a ragged cloaked man looking at him with a cleaver. Tyler clenched his fist as the seemingly imaginary specter vanished.

"One day. One day you bastard. One day you will NOT have anywhere to run."

Kirito looked at the boy now glaring at the higher steps.

"See anything?"

Tyler just flapped his coat as he walked.

"Just making a point. That bastard escaped again Kirito. There will NOT be a third time."

The boys walked out as a faint laugh was heard.

"I'll be waiting DEMON."

In the hospital room Kakashi looked at Arthur.

"Tyler's got a blood enemy, Arthur. We'll have to VERY careful. He sees him in the street the fight to the death's back on."

The red haired man gulped as he saw the searing hatred and will in Tyler's eyes.

"That boy looks like he's ready to hunt that man into the dirt of hell. They get out, Kakashi, there's a chance a war will break out. The War between the Demon and the Prince of Hell."