
When a chaos is all you know: One piece

Author_Creator · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Prologue 2: Cracks in the Sea, Eye in the Sky

(This is heavily inspired by PirateKing24's story "One Piece: Luffy is Exposed" and I don't know if I'm giving credit right, so go on and go check out their story)

The year is 1520 of the sea calendar

Location: East Blue Goa Kingdom, Foosha Village

It was a bright sunny day for the people who resided in Foosha Village.

In this moment, a crowd had gathered on the small dock in their village.

Today marked the day when our favorite one piece protagonist: Luffy would set sail, taking his first step towards becoming the pirate king.

Almost everyone from Windmill Village had gathered there, including the mountain bandit Dadan and her boys, the tavern owner Makino, Mayor Woodslap and practically all the residents of the village.

"Luffy, make sure to visit us again in the future!"

"Boy, stay safe out there and don't get into trouble!"

"I hope the next time we hear about you, you've made a name for yourself."

"Remember us, Luffy. We'll be watching over you from the village."

The crowd of people gathered by the dock each said their mix of tearful good-byes and heartfelt blessings. Luffy, on the other hand, sported his usual wide "D" grin. He hugged each person that would let him and then made his way towards the dock.

There, he boarded his dingy boat... it wasn't much but it was the start for his very own pirate ship!!!

Sitting on his dingy boat as it started to drift into the open sea, Luffy couldn't help but jitter slightly in his excitement and anticipation. Ever since he was child, his dream was nothing more then to be a pirate, to explore the vast and almost endless sea, to go on adventures no matter which island he landed on, to be free... and today, all of that would become a reality, not just his imagination.

"Sabo I'll carry on your dream..."

"Ace, you better watch out, I'm on my way"

As children, Luffy and his brothers by everything but blood had all promised to be free and create their own pirate crews. Unfortunatly Sabo had died (yeah, right) an early death, due to having his ship being shot by a cannon when the Celestial Dragons had been visiting the Goa Kingdom, so Luffy will become a pirate to also carry on his 'dead' brothers will. Not only that, with Ace becoming a pirate two years ago, he was also following in his big brother's footsteps. So, all in all, he was doing this for all of them, though it would've always had been his first dream.

Luffy waved back to everyone still by the port before having this strange feeling that just had him buzzing. Was it his excitement? Was it his anticipation? Was it a warning that something big was gonna happen? He didn't know but as soon as the feeling came Luffy had shot to stand up and shouted to the world:

"I'll become the King of the Pirates!"

At that moment, the world trembled.


Location: Marineford

Sengoku had just known something was gonna happen today, which was why he had called a meeting this early in the morning.

While Sengoku being the fleet admiral sat at the head of the table while all others had each taken they're respective seats around said table. These people were: The worlds strongest swordsmen Mihawk, The Pirate Empress Boa Hancock, The son of the sea Jimbe, The Tyrant Kuma, The Shadowy Gecko Moria, Doflimingo of Dressrosa and Crocodile of Alabasta. (I do not remember all their titles and I'm typing this at 1 in the morning, fight me) Sengoku had threatened their warlord status if they had not come because... this feeling... was just too... too... worrying...

Not only were the seven warlords here, but also the three admirals, Kuzan, Kizaru, and Akainu, were at this meeting. And then finally of course the Hero of the Nazy had to be there, unlike all the others though, he was sleeping and eating... rice crackers? Either way, Sengoku had called all of them here to this meeting for a reason, a reason he couldn't explain, but he knew it was something big.

Before anyone else could say anything though Sengoku had started

"There are many concerning thing happening at sea right now that I thought all of you should know and participate in due to your statuses"

Before Sengoku could continue Garp who had woken up in that second cut-in "Ah... I'm not supposed to be here then, I'm just some ordinary vice-admiral Sengoku, I told you to stop inviting me to these meetings for such things"

There was a breff pause "Though I guess since I'm here, I might as well catch up on my sleep" Garp then immideatly goes back to sleep in his chair, shutting his eyes and started snoring. At this point, everyone in this room was used to Garp's antics and at this point, everyone had just decided to ignore it for the most part as all eyes turned back to Sengoku.

"Well then-" Sengoku started before everyone felt the earth under their feet tremble... and then, the screaming. At first the screaming would be seen as natural, and practical as it had seemed that the whole world had been struck by a small earthquake, there was definitally some damages that needed to be paid after that, no, it was what people were screaming that was truly concerning.





The sea around Marineford had started to jitter, before parts of it seemed to have cracked open letting out huge gushes of water.



Sengoku knew he had have to worry about today, what he didn't expect though was how much was actually going to be going on.

Around the world the same things began happening, people yelling about an eye in the sky blinking, the sea level getting higher and it seemingly looking like... glass? And people getting to higher ground. 

Pirates around the world were finding it difficult to get their ships steady in the pooling, rising, horrifying waters that was the ocean as a terrible storm had started to run its course, with black clouds and black and gold lightning, it had been a struggle with survival x100.

In Fishmen Island though things onl got much worse, the sea currents had begun to move more violent and rapid and all different Sea Kings were becoming more wild and more aggresive by the second. Not only that but... there were cracks... giant cracks... forming at the bottom of the ocean... leaking out some black goo that just couldn't be good... what was happening...


Soon enough the ringing reached below the Sky islands and everyone had to cover their ears to stop them from bleeding, those who did or could not had almost been driven crazy in a few seconds. 

And at that moment... the sky turned white with a little gold and red dot at its center... the ringing had died down just a bit... and then, it blinked, the sky had blinked and everyone was sent into even more of a panic, but before anyone could even breath a single breath...

The earth shattered.

The land beneath them- shattered, the buildings they were in- shattered, the sea- shattered... like it was glass all along... and now... they can only scream and cry and beg and pray as they start to fall towards an endless black void-

"HOLD ON" A young female voice seemed to shout through the darkness as stars... white stars attached to red string seemed to hold everyone in place...

"Keep your own hold on BRAT" Someone had yelled back, and then the clicking of high-heels could be heard throughout the whole void though only those near could see her, a tall women, 9 feet at least, with short brown hair that faded white to her bangs and faded purple in the back. Her skin as a light tan that seemed to fit finely with the darkness around them, she wore a tight red skirt, a purple and gray v-neck with long sleeves and black heels.

The most interesting part though was her face... which was as white as a blank sheet of paper, if it weren't for the lack outline of her eye, nose and mouth which wore a bored expression right now. 

The women walked around, seemingly looking for something, no one dared to say anything, no one even dared to make any noise or breath... that was until...

"HEY-, Blank Face-" Luffy screamed at the woman who was looking over Dadan and the rest. "What do you think your doing, are you the one causing this, grr, how dare you stop my adventure like this!!!"

Everyone around Luffy looked at him in horror as others that couldn't see him but could still hear his voice somehow looked in the direction he was in.

Said 'Blank Face' slowly turned to look at Luffy before slowly walking to him with her head down, once she finally got in front of Luffy her aura was a dark and sharp one, making everyone near it try and back away... everyone except Luffy who looked like he was about to challenge her.

Everyone held heir breath as they prayed for Luffy's sake, then the women started to bring up her hand, everyone else froze wondering what she might do as she put her hand in front of luffy and...

and she flicked his nose...


wait- wha-

"Agh, hey, that hurt, how did that hurt I'm rubber?" Luffy yelled as he struggled in his bindings and the women just chuckled.

"Good to know your an annoying brat in this dimension at least" The women said with a smirk and a look of amusement.

She then lifted Luffy's head up by pulling up his chin, her cold black eyes staring into his as she speaks "Never call me 'Blank-Face' again, the names Creator, and actually, I'm trying to help get everything back to normal"

... wha-